She has such a punchable face, it makes me want to beat the pixelated shit out of her !
Now you can order your followers to attack a specific target during combat . To enable this feature, you have to edit the "sfall-mods.ini" file and set "CombatControl" mode to 3 .
"T'is But a Scratch . . ."
Omg, it can be used on Melchior to finish the NCR side quest and also defeat the mini boss in the military base ! Perhaps it wasn't intended to work in this situation, since you'll get a
"That does nothing." message on your Pipboy combat log / descriptions screen, despite it clearly working and doing something with this super mutant .
How dare you touch a hair, from this chad ? You'll pay for this . . .
I accidentally pissed off one of the San Fran citizens, and mayhem ensued !
Sabotaged the submarine, and began my journey to the oil rig .
New map from the Restoration mod.
Time to return to the main land .
Skynet, Sulik, Cassidy, Miria, Vic and Dogmeat survived the final boss and his turrets .
F for Mr. Granite and his team .
Hmmmm . . .
For this playthrough, I'm using a "trainer" as a work around, because I'll miss ton of quests (and their rewards) due to the fact I don't understand the language of this mod . When the ENG translation comes out, I plan to do a normal playthrough.
I found this pistol in an special encounter . I love how it keeps emanating a red light in your inventory / item slots . It's an animated item, like the Hy-Mag in Fallout II .
Usually the empathy perk is something I give a pass, but in this mod I took it, it helps me avoid pissing NPCs off during conversations . Holy moly, you are an ugly mother#ucker .
It's zombie season !
I can hear Geiger counter sounds while looking at this .
I don't know what was the reasoning to include a predator melee weapon in the mod, but no complaints from me !
Old timer got some BFGs for self-defense.
Nope, I'm outta here !!
(New critter, I like it !)
I like this easter egg !
If you try to interact with these people, they'll turn into goo.