Checking out the new exploration (campaign) mode in KSP2, since they added research and contracts to get more science.
Of course I landed and tipped over on a slope in the only and very small at that munar crater in the area. Next time I need to point the camera below and check the landing site and try to avoid such things. Also barely had enough delta-v on this probe to land, it was very close.
I'm lazy and lack too much of the tech for easy crewed mission launches/designs, so I'm just sending probes to the "main quest" contracts. Also Minmus isn't green/minthy, decline!
Duna dart-shaped rocket plane, because I didn't have rover wheels unlocked, and I couldn't fit wider wings inside the fairing and launching a plane was otherwise impossible (rocket kept going out of control eventually).
It worked surprisingly well as far as gliding/crossrange went, but it took 1 crash and 3 or 4 landing attempts (aborted, turned around, tried again) before I manage to land it safely near the target. Still had to use the rocket engine to drive closer to the target, since the landing gear is unpowered.
I got a nice secondary contract for visiting Eve, giving a ton of science points, so took a detour there with a lander+orbiter mission, as otherwise I would need to grind science for the parts I really wanted to have before going to the next main quest objective.
It had to do 6 or 8 aerobraking passes, should have dipped the periapsis to 60km instead 70-ish. I think I fucked something up and wasted a ton of delta-v getting to Eve vs what the trip-planner/delta-v map said.
Stupidly jettisoned the aeroshell before doing the aerobraking, but luckily it didn't matter.