Looks cool, I'll give it a try.
Thanks for the link Konjad.
Do so, but be warned.
It's a walking simulator. Basically, all you do in the game is holding "W" key and moving mouse around. It doesn't have a gameplay at all.
However, it has great audio and visuals (as in, the art direction) and interesting way of telling the story (you are supposed to look around, read marks, make conclusions from everything).
It's kind of like looking at animated painting listening to it and trying to make sense out of it.
I did feel like the game lacks some gameplay, I would love some puzzles or riddles for advancing, unfortunately there was none of it.
I enjoyed it, but Codex in general dislikes it. For one dorra, it's a good deal, especially since if you dislike it you still get more games in the bundle which might interest you (Codex loves Awesomenauts, although it's boring arcade game for me...)
So, if the games bores you within 5 minutes, don't play anymore, nothing will change. If you will like it's atmosphere, you will probably enjoy it until the end (especially since it's only 1hr long)