Unkillable Cat said:
That reminds me of that moment in the original Tomb Raider when you're just walking through some grass in some S-American ruins and suddenly T-REX OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE.

Good times.
Speaking of T-Rexes, I still remember the sections against one in 2008-ish Turok.
The game itself was mostly a railroaded borefest, but fighting the T-Rex just stomped my delusions of badassery into the dirt the first time I encountered it. Not because it had a lot of HP or had an unblockable stomp attack or spit lava or some other acradey shit like that, but because the devs realized that
it's already a fucking T-Rex and went for realism (well, mostly). Only times I felt like prey in any game and it was awesome, even if the rest of the game was shit.