Oh? Looks like shitty as fuck textures to me.
Random ASS SHOT!!
I thought Skyrimson had shit color palettes, but man this game! Games industry, employing blind people since 2000!
I have looked all over the place. Well no not really. But I've done some looking. And I can't find sexy time outfits NPC's wear for me. Shameful.
Well atleast the combat is.. Really nice?
Skills are perdy nice too. Just need to be more of them.
Dodge this!
Passive affect effects are really bad.
Oh I'm sorry, I meant to stare at your fine game ass, but the textures in their awfulness distracted me.
People on boards say you shouldn't complain about graphics in KoA because hey, it's supposed to be cartoony. YEAH I GET THAT FUCKHEAD. But I don't think the colors are supposed to look like a mix of dull and oversaturated neon. Also fuck, textures, what the fuck? This ain't no console grampa. Also what the fuck do you call this? It sure as fuck isn't an inventory management system.
But. Combat is really nice. Hello Skyrim, Todd, take some notes. And MUSIC is well, probably some of the finest music time I've heard in a game in a long time. And it's pretty much all good.
Oh yeah. Some little bitch complained about the VO. No, VO is for the most part pretty good. And I'm amazed with the amount of NPC's in the game, lifeless fucks and dull gameworld aside, that sound different from each other, and it's not even that big a VO cast. Todd, take some more fucking notes. Jesus Skyrim.