Angelo85 What game is this?
It's called "Heroes of Steel" and is a shitty Mobile port that popped up on Steam a couple days ago
I'd say it is not worth it for it's current price, but I was kinda desperate for a new game like this (party turnbased, 2D glory). Graphics are nice as you can see and the setting is - from what I understand so far, I'm only like 2 hours in with most of that spent in combat - similar to Avernum as in everybody lives in underground caves (yet somehow, even low life creatures like Ratkins have wooden huts, wooden barricades, wooden barrels and wooden chests when you would think wood might be kinda rare / expensive in this setting).
Combat is simplistic / casual. For example you can shoot into melee and over other units (friendly and enemy), there's a handful of abilities but so far I wasn't forced to change up my game and could beat everything using the same selection of 2 or 3 abilities.
Maps usually have camp fires where you can heal up and regenerate mana for free an unlimited number of times, so you can backtrack and come back in 100% condition. So far I have only died once because I didn't know it was game over as soon as one of your four party members dies.
Every char has 2 weapon slots (1 handed + shield, 2 handed or dual 1 hand) and 4 equipment slots, equipment is also very class specific, for example a padded leather jerkin can only be worn by your rogue character but not your warrior for some reason.
There's no choices to be made in dialogue, all I encountered so far was exposition to the world and what I assume to be the main villain... oh also apparently one of my party members has a "dark secret" and is all edgy about it. So yeah while the writing for the most part isn't too cringe worthy it's nothing to write home about either.
On the plus side, the maps - while being constrained because of caves and all - are generally quite big and have some nice exploration opportunities with optional "hard" fights via side tunnels.
I haven't come across a real town yet, or even a merchant for that matter but I have acquired plenty of gold to spent on one eventually. And the story would have me believe it's not just combat map after combat map but we'll see.