Yesterday I went on Czech adventures:
I have no idea how to pronounce that.
I'm playing with the """"english translation"""", which is literally just the in-game text thrown into Google Translator. Not a big deal, the only real issue is that the item description aren't translated... so a lot of trial-and-error figuring out what potion and spell does what.
The enemy sprites are really nice, and although it looks like another Dungeon Master clone, Skeldal is TURN-BASED!
And has another cool feature. This asshole here can only be hit with spells... and my mage would usually die as soon as I got close...
So I divided my party, having the two warriors hold the skeleton while the mage went pew-pew. It's still a gimmick, but seems more useful than in Wasteland or Arkania...
The first dungeon was great. Full of secrets and nice stuff to find.
Went back to town, got a nice armor set.
I also got this pan flute from a bard... have no idea what to do with it.
And here's another shot, just because the artwork is really cool.