And here we go.
Pretty normal semi-random bullet pattern. Only somewhat dangerous because my ship is very fast, which makes precise micrododging difficult.
This attack has two stages. First it fires a laser downwards, and then three multilayered fans of bullets aimed at your location. The enemy ship also chases you if you go above a certain height.
So you need to misdirect it a bit, and swing around it carefully, so that the fans don't cover the whole screen, as you will need the space for the next wave (there are three in total). Not that difficult once you get the hang of it.
This one, on the other hand, is pure evil.
Seriously, I can't read this shit. I get two screen clears and still die at the end.
The enemy sweeps across the screen, firing lasers, and also shoots some aimed bullets. We just sit above it all.
Victory. Or is it?
There's a phase 2 if we haven't used a continue.
This one is very fast, but not very dense, and static as well.
The boss actively chases you and shoots that orange spray in your face, while shitting up the screen with those little pink bullets. Moving around a lot makes this much harder than it really is.
Waves of homing bullets, easily dodged by staying away and on the move.
Once we deplete its health enough, it moves into this attack, which is very intimidating, but not that hard to read once you know where to look. The bullets slow down around the middle of the screen, and then speed up again while heading down. The important thing is to look for gaps while they're in the middle. It's probably possible to just dodge them by pure reflexes, but I'm too old for that shit.
Still, I'm out of practice, and get rekt horribly here.
Bitter victory after continuing.