F-Zero was just a more light futuristic hover craft racer with a rather bland style in comparison
F-Zero style is reminiscent of American comic book:
And like you said, f-Zero is a Futuristic setting (which I think it suits better this type of game).
I always found Wipeout games harder to master, with the crafts having actual physics to them and the race tracks being more creative in their layout (in terms of curves and bends). F-Zero tracks just seemed on average more straight forward and not as difficult to maneuver (which often leads to a greater sense of speed).
Now this is where I strongly disagree. F-Zero is infamous for being very difficult.
WipEout tracks are more narrow and posses more curves, while in GX the tracks have much less much and more sharp turns.
Sure GX has wider tracks but that's because you're running against 29 other cars and because you go much much faster - if you play really well at Wipeout you barely reach supersonic speed, while in GX if you play really well you can reach Mach 3. And imagine making sharp turns whithout any rails at 1500km/h while other cars bump into you, pushing you, damaging your shield and momentarily making you lose control of your car. You have much more precise and careful as single mistake can take you from the top to the bottom in an instant, or taking you off course which will immediately retire you, or even destroying your car.
Further comparison:
I think it's obvious in terms of Skill Cap, GX is the winner.
Also even the dude that recorded the comparison video in my earlier post, stated in the video description that GX is much harder to play.
I don't really see how F-Zero is 'better' by looking at this video.
Then play it. It's just 1.2Gb (download it at Portal Roms). And Dolphin is very light and well optimized.
Also while you're at it you could look into some other Nintendo classics.