Which boss you mean? There are multiple endings with different final bosses AFAIK.
Which boss you mean? There are multiple endings with different final bosses AFAIK.
So I've done everything except the final boss and I'm still missing 4 prayer beads to get 20 VIT.
I assume that's only for NG+? Because there's no way I could find another 4 mini-bosses.
I found from a forum, steam or Reddit, I didn't know either.Somebody confirm divine confetti works on the Demon.
You can beat the shield guys with classic Dark Souls tactic: remove lock on and run behind them. They don't have tracking to keep up. About the spear guys in Senpo Temple, there's a skill that lets you do instant Deathblows on mid-air enemies that is extremely useful for them. See video:I completed the game just a few minutes ago. Pretty good game overall, I enjoyed it a lot. If I must chosse between the things I didn't like I would pick that there's some enemies designed with hardcounters in mind. For example, you need the axe arm to kill efficiently the soldiers with shield (Otherwise they are a pain in the ass). A little of the same goes with the guys with a spear and a hat from Senpo temple, they must be countered with shurikens in mid air.
I spent about 6 hours on that boss, and man when I beat him it was a nail biting fight. I ended up using most of my many runs ya'll needed for the final boss?
I've been at him for about an hour. I can kill 1st stage 7/10 times. I haven't killed 2nd yet.
It's like half-hour of a fierce QTE game. Move A, press block. Move B press jump. Move C press dodge-pause-dodge. Move D press dodge back-jump. The full list would require 2 pages of text.
Autism turned to 11.
I've powered through Owl and Ape and Demon but this can actually be beyond my skillz. A lifetime of never using the controller caught up to me. The buttons aren't automatized enough and playing with MK is just bad.
I had the same bad feeling about Gael and Friede and I've never beaten them either. But in DS3 I could summon sunbros and finish the game regardless. Here...
About the spear guys in Senpo Temple, there's a skill that lets you do instant Deathblows on mid-air enemies that is extremely useful for them. See video:
1) Sprint away from him, wait for him to do the gap closer, keep sprinting while he's recovering from the animation and healfuck this game
fuck the final boss.. I've literally beaten every boss except him (and the 2 in Hirata Estate 2 since I didn't do all the prerequisite convoluted bullshit to make it appear) and this fucking faggot is a piece of shit.. I can generally get through the first two phases without getting hit but as soon as the 3rd/4th phase appear just ONE fuck up and I am dead because there is no way to fucking heal because even if they are in a stun animation they will immediately break out of it and jump halfway across the map and hit me.. or I attempt to do a mikiri counter and my dude just decides this time he's going to roll, even if I do it at the same time, sometimes he will just decide to roll into it and get hit..
piece of shit game
1) Sprint away from him, wait for him to do the gap closer, keep sprinting while he's recovering from the animation and heal
2) When you want to do a mikiri counter, simply press Circle/B without touching the left stick. This game by default dodges forward, instead of backwards like Dark Souls.
3) Seriously, avoid spamming buttons. I can't count the amount of times I got fucked by spamming a button on that boss. The dodge especially can get queued if you spam it.
1. I can assure you there's a way to heal safely. I repeated that fight so many fucking times. If you sprint away from him he'll generally either 1) walk slowly towards you: not a good idea to heal here, because he'll most likely gap close soon, 2) do some combo where the final blow looks like he's done, but it actually has one additional gap close move, 3) do the sword ki blasts thing. I always healed while he recovered from the final gap close in 2)1) Sprint away from him, wait for him to do the gap closer, keep sprinting while he's recovering from the animation and heal
2) When you want to do a mikiri counter, simply press Circle/B without touching the left stick. This game by default dodges forward, instead of backwards like Dark Souls.
3) Seriously, avoid spamming buttons. I can't count the amount of times I got fucked by spamming a button on that boss. The dodge especially can get queued if you spam it.
1.Sprint away from him, wait for him to do the gap closer, keep sprinting while he's recovering, heal, then he magically recovers, jumps at me and hits me..
2. I am not touching the left stick, if I am in a position where I am deflecting I hover my thumb over the stick. I. AM. NOT. TOUCHING. THE. STICK. Press B/Circle when standing still, you will lunge forward. It has nothing to do w/ pressing the stick. Sometimes the mikiri counter just doesn't land, even when done at the same moment one instance to another.
3. I am not spamming buttons, I am not spamming dodge, I rarely use dodge because I'm not a soulsfag. The only times I dodge are when he does his charge up combat art, though usually I am just running away and then towards for a free hit.
Maybe it has to do with the spacing. Do you run up to him after he fires his pistol? I just stayed in place and legit 90% of the time he'd just thrust.
Maybe it has to do with the spacing. Do you run up to him after he fires his pistol? I just stayed in place and legit 90% of the time he'd just thrust.
arent their attacks entirely random? Thats one of the problems the game has, you can memorize certain combos but not full patterns which leads to people getting stuck in an animation and then fucked when an unblockable move starts but they cant react.
Absolutely not. It works just like past From games, where the enemy AI will decide on attacks mainly depending on the space between you and it. And combos aren't randomly strung together either. At most they have a variation on the finisher, but the moves during the combo are always the same, just like past games.Maybe it has to do with the spacing. Do you run up to him after he fires his pistol? I just stayed in place and legit 90% of the time he'd just thrust.
arent their attacks entirely random? Thats one of the problems the game has, you can memorize certain combos but not full patterns which leads to people getting stuck in an animation and then fucked when an unblockable move starts but they cant react.