Yeah, well Arcanum was all hex based too, remember.
Right now you need to hexedit, so yeah. Basically those files are just a binary-encoded serialization of the JSON(-esque) description of guns, spells, etc.Crap, it's all hex based?
That is some amazing work, really well done.TL;DR Lighting is a clusterfuck, point lights cant be used to create sort-of directed lighting but with lots of tweaking.
Doesn't bode well for future content.Well I wouldn't get your hopes up, the editor is abysmal to work with. Only SR diehards are going to work with this in the longterm.
You can paint maps easily but in the end you have dumb restrictions all over the place, all of which make the editor a nightmare to work with.
A map can only be a few screenwidths in size before the tile renderer falls apart, these guys don't seem to understand basics of culling and streaming textures. Tile engines from a decade ago can do a much better job.
The game can only save very select variables. When you move between areas, it actually doesn't remember anything AT ALL. No NPCs, no items on the ground, no combat states, nothing. The game is physically incapable of storing active data between scenes.
Every time you want to create a connected area, you have to go out of your way to save each and every change via a manual variable with this fucking elementary script system which is so lovingly put into comboboxes instead of an actual script you can write within seconds.
My only hope for this shit is that someone can create an external script editor to reduce some of the tedium, but it won't alleviate the fact the scripting language is missing dozens of key features.
The editor is fine if you want to travel in a straight line, but god forbid you walk off the beaten path... which I tried, and found out wasn't worth the effort. I'm not putting much stock in things changing in the future given they're moving right onto DLC/Mobiles after absorbing 1.5 million.. and still can't figure out how to save their own gamestate.
Reddit on another forum:
Reddit on another forum:
Doesn't bode well for future content.
That's... Sad to read. Can we have any hope for a better editor when they release Berlin campaign? Or the chances are that this is really all that we got?
Its possible they will upgrade save state and variable storing since they promise Berlin to be more open-world and these are the culprits (unless all they plan to do is give you more static bitmaps they call areas with NPC thrown in every here and there.)
Yep. The usual way to do it is to delete the prop and move in another prop from offscreen.I haven't looked at the editor yet, but is it possible to change props based on triggers? As a simple example, say have an alarm light start flashing if the runners are seen?
The editor is very good if you want to make more stuff like the main game with a few twists. If you want to turn the thing into a different kind of game then it sucks, at least for now. We knew all this already, it didnt take a reddit post to make it clear.