Nah, Bioware isn't in the same league of shite-ness as Bethesda, and DA isn't in the same league of shite as FO3.
Don't get me wrong, I understand how many folk take issue with that view. They're the same folk that say 'both the major political parties are exactly the same', because they sit either to the left or to the right of both parties. The problem, in both game judgment and political judgment, is the inability to understand the idea of lesser and greater evil. Or, putting it a different way, the difference between saying 'both of these developers are really shit, but one is even shittier than the other' and saying 'they're just the same, both shite'.
And the standard response of 'LOL you're comparing cat shit to dog shit!' is pretty lame. If there are noticeable differences between cat shit and dog shit that make one smell/taste slightly better than the other (though still awful) then it makes sense to note that.
Thing is, to say 'they're all the same', whether talking about political parties or games, is to say that the things we criticise them for don't matter. That is, to say that DA is every bit as bad as FO3 is to say that '[int] so you fight the good fight' doesn't matter. It's to say that franchise rape doesn't matter. It's to say that theme park design doesn't matter.
Saying that they're the same is like saying that you'd be too stupid to even notice, let alone be pissed off, if you encountered Bethesda style '[int] So you fight the good fight[ in the middle of DA.
DA is much much better than FO3. That doesn't mean it isn't significantly flawed in parts (mainly too much filler combat). But choosing which of them is the better game is fucking easy. Bioware's worst game is better than Bethesda's best game (well, I didn't like Dagerfall, but I can understand if you disasgree with me on that one).