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Skyrim VR is pretty incredible.

  • Thread starter Deleted Member 16721
  • Start date


Nov 23, 2015
I am sorry, but does the codex have any moderators? 'Cuz these stupid threads are appearing more and more. Can't you guys deal with these retards?


Dec 29, 2011
Knackers Yard
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture
The main reason you dont see many of those posts is because VR is still a niche market and most people dont want to pay 400 dollars for a new technology still making babysteps, but the market is picking up and i am pretty sure it is not just a fad that will go away.
Didn't Perkel flood the forums with excited messages when he got his new VR set? I haven't heard anything in a while though.

Dexter is the real VR aficionado on the forums, although quite a few of us have got headsets. Unfortunately for fluent , once the 'wow' factor of VR wears off, what you're left with is Skyrim. Which is still shit.

Although I sure as shit didn't post about it, I got Fallout 4 VR when I got my headset and followed the same pattern. Install it, spend a few days getting mods and graphics set up, play it for a bit and get blown away by the VR, then a week later realise it's still a shit game and never play it again. Plus Fallout 4 VR is much worse optimised than Skyrim VR and it made my PC sound like it was going to explode and/or take off, which was a bit distracting tbh.


Jun 15, 2009
No, go on, fluent, I honestly do want to hear your hot take on a seven year old game from the Codex's favorite franchise decliners.

Thank you, I will. Although I'll wait for questions if anyone has any. Before hand, yes spiders are creepy, yes dragons are huuuge and yes it's very immersive. If you have any specific questions I can answer. With a few mods to improve the RPG-ness it seems like it will be well worth playing (note I only tested it a bit so far, got out of Helgen and went to Bleak Falls Barrow).

The details in the environment are very easy to spot. You can easily loot things and notice right away what's worth it and what isn't. You'll also see details from the game you may have missed on your computer monitor. I've already been surprised several times at seeing new things. Magic is fun and so is archery, although you definitely have to learn to aim properly. All in all it's pretty mindblowing, it's actually good and VR in general is actually good, too. Hot takes? I dunno, but it's true. I suggest you guys check it out yourselves and draw your own conclusions.
Does it work with porn mods?
Oh good idea.. Time to incline the thread.
Apparently it does https://www.reddit.com/r/adultvrgames/comments/89si2k/skyrim_vr_adult_modding_thread/
Not working so great most mods require SKSE .


Mar 19, 2017
No, go on, fluent, I honestly do want to hear your hot take on a seven year old game from the Codex's favorite franchise decliners.

Thank you, I will. Although I'll wait for questions if anyone has any. Before hand, yes spiders are creepy, yes dragons are huuuge and yes it's very immersive. If you have any specific questions I can answer. With a few mods to improve the RPG-ness it seems like it will be well worth playing (note I only tested it a bit so far, got out of Helgen and went to Bleak Falls Barrow).

The details in the environment are very easy to spot. You can easily loot things and notice right away what's worth it and what isn't. You'll also see details from the game you may have missed on your computer monitor. I've already been surprised several times at seeing new things. Magic is fun and so is archery, although you definitely have to learn to aim properly. All in all it's pretty mindblowing, it's actually good and VR in general is actually good, too. Hot takes? I dunno, but it's true. I suggest you guys check it out yourselves and draw your own conclusions.
Does it work with porn mods?
Oh good idea.. Time to incline the thread.
Apparently it does https://www.reddit.com/r/adultvrgames/comments/89si2k/skyrim_vr_adult_modding_thread/
Not working so great most mods require SKSE .
Nice, so there's potential.

Deleted Member 16721

Kodex Konsensus: Should I, Bumvelcrow, feel bad? Fluent is making me want to play it again.

Well Sir Bumvelcrow, that decision is up to you. But I'm going to do a VR Let's Play of the game, roleplaying as a real Khajiit Agent. Should be fun. But the game is a blast. Whether it's still Skyrim or not, I haven't played much since 2011 so it's somewhat fresh again to me, and the VR does up the stakes a bit. I don't see myself being worn out by the VR aspect, I enjoy it a lot but maybe it does wear off slightly or something. To me, it's the best thing since computer porn. It's fun.

Morkar Left

Although I'll wait for questions if anyone has any.

Yeah, I have one. Why don't you fuck off? Retard. Pack up your NVIDIA® SHIELD™, Beamdog remasters, Skyrim and whatever other shit you've shilled for and go back to that cuckshed you call RPG Watch, you effeminate little bitch. You'll feel a lot better when you're among your beloved trannies, cuckolds and other pod people like yourself.

You don't talk badly about trannies on the codex. Fuck off, retard!

Deleted Member 16721

Fuck off, retard.

And stop getting triggered like a little bitch fluent, your posts are like menstruating in a pool filled with hungry sharks.

Listen buddy, I'm getting a little tired of your attitudes around here. If you don't stop talking like that you're going to really get under my skin. If you were here in front of me, well, well, I don't know what i'd do, but believe you me it would not be very nice and polite, that's for sure!

Doktor Best

Feb 2, 2015
Fuck off, retard.

And stop getting triggered like a little bitch fluent, your posts are like menstruating in a pool filled with hungry sharks.

Listen buddy, I'm getting a little tired of your attitudes around here. If you don't stop talking like that you're going to really get under my skin. If you were here in front of me, well, well, I don't know what i'd do, but believe you me it would not be very nice and polite, that's for sure!


Listen buddy, i was merely giving you friendly advice. If you react to shitposts like that you will draw more attention to it and make it worse. If you want continue having discussions about your VAST experience with rpgs here on the codex, you need to grow a thicker skin.

And by the way, i know how you look like in real life. You are not able to scare me. Sorry buddy.


Aug 23, 2005
I'm proud to report I have never played a single second of Skyrim. It has never touched my hard-drive. Also never played a single minute of FO3 or FO4 either. I tried out Oblivion when it came out because, hello, Oblivion single-handedly gave the Codex purpose anew and awoke it from its deep slumber, you HAD to try it just to shit on it here; but that was enough for me. Never again Bethesda!

In fact I view Bethesda as literally evil. Not in a cartoonish way, I truly think the people who work there are bad people who shouldn't be allowed to do what they do to the gaming industry. No hyperbole, just facts.



Oct 19, 2018
I have played a lot more modded Skyrim than I care to admit. It's a relaxing game where you can sit down and listen to a podcast or something.

Fallout 4 is a different matter. I knew I wouldn't like it, didn't really want to play it, and so my experience with it is about three hours worth of gameplay over at a friend's house.


I like you Fluent, you're cool.

Don't come to the Bethesda offices tomorrow.

Deleted Member 16721

How much did it cost you, or did you manage to get a good used one off ebay?

$1500 I think. Bought off Amazon. After tax it was somewhere around there. I also got a VR Rudder footpedal but Skyrim is better standing up so I sent that back.


It is very important that Todd Howard stay in this building.

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