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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
Hmm... Surge might actually be a good spell on him, even though I think it's p. shitty all in all. Have to try that sometime.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth

Outside of morons complaining that I'm not building tank (apparently giant's belt+chainmail+wriggles+ionic spark is not tanky especially according to vayne with boots of swiftness, 2 dorans a pd and nothing else) the shen buffs are MAJESTIC. Did shen totally counter morde top in the past or is this a new development? Because I consistently outfarm and force mordes out of lane today. Got even fed of one.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Raped the shit out of one Mordekaiser top today too, but that was probably mostly thanks to two kills on jungler ganks. Dunno how it was before 'cause I don't think I've faced a Morde top as Shen previously.
Dec 31, 2009

You don't really need all that many mids to be able to counterpick, and in any case it is always better to see what the other guy picks before you pick. In soloq picking mid first might be defensible, but that doesn't mean one can really blame someone for going for the strategically smart choice, which is to pick support first.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Raped the shit out of one Mordekaiser top today too, but that was probably mostly thanks to two kills on jungler ganks. Dunno how it was before 'cause I don't think I've faced a Morde top as Shen previously.

Out of my experience it looks like this, I start doran's shield vs morde (ad quints+arm.pen reds+flat armor yellows+scaling mres blue with 7/21/0). Vorpal first, dash second. Dash when his shield is low or gone, throw a knife and auto-attack him. Watch as he loses 50% hp while you have 70%+ and he starts running, after that he tries to keep his distance because he's scared shitless of battle shen which he should unless he is dumb. Stand between him and the minions so he can't shield himself. He can't do shit about it and if he gets close you just dash+dagger and slice him which ends with a kill for you unless he gets away because he shield es not up because you zone him. Once you get W it gets even better.

You just bully him all day and laugh since even if somebody comes to gank you you just dash away and morde has no CC to stop you. As long as he can't shield using minions or a horde of his minions isn't attacking you you will win every exchange. First time I faced morde I had a 45+ cs lead over him, even got 2 kills thanks to ganks (even though I pushed more than him because I zoned him so much). But even without ganks it seems like you win by default. The match where I got fed of one morde was with 0 ganks from my jungler. I even killed him when his jungler came to help (idiot was at 15% hp and stayed around, dash+dagger and I walked away from xin without him doing jack to me).
Apr 18, 2009
Add Qaulthir if you feel like having a game with me sometime. Truth be told, I'm quite hooked on this bloody game and playing with randoms is getting boring.

I'm in EUW.

Prisoner of Ice.
Dec 31, 2009
Elo hell is so very, fucking, incredibly, real. One of the many latest proofs of that:


I would like to point out that until about 25 minutes in I didn't have a single death, and all 7 kills. But then, you know, can't really fight a team that has been fed 20 times by bot lane. Only the Shyvana on that team was good. Ziggs was quite unique among ad carries in that he DID NOT ACCEPT BLUE BUFF! I was like, hey ziggs, blue, come here ziggs you can have blue, and he just didnt respond. Then the enemy came and took it, and from there on I simply took it myself.
Dec 31, 2009
That was partially because ziggs was so incredibly busy dying. I mean, he would be under the tower at 75%, I would leave for jungling, then 10 seconds later he is being dived by sion and I have to go like OH SHI- and run in the lee care train, and then I go jungling and guess what happens next....

Dec 31, 2009
Oh, and tristana lies; she makes her build look less derp than it is. The real build included philo stone and avarice blade.


Jan 28, 2006
Twilight Zone
Herostratus, this is why I gave up. I'd play stellar games and lose game after game. Win 1 lose 5. Granted, there were some games I didn't play extremely well, but usually I was just trolling because I was so pissed off. I'd play Eve or something similar because if I couldn't win, I could at least piss off the people who were causing me to lose. (Had a few games where I'd get 15-20 kills and 2 or 3 towers with Eve and we'd still fucking lose! Then the team would blame me and say I was KSing or we lost because of my champ select, etc. All the while ignoring that they played like a retard in a comma.)

ELO hell is very real. There's an element of pure random chance involved in the ranked system. Once you realize this, the game no longer seems very competitive. Not to mention, you don't see the same people on top for very long. They make it up there, then fall back down to obscurity and stop playing. The system does not rate skill, it rates luck.


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
Thanks for the heads up, watching the game. TSM so far seems to have a great advantage at managing objectives, but CLG performs better in teamfights.

EDIT: First game over, seriously, I don't know what's happened with TSM here but they've performed terrible in all the tf's, they've focused the tanks in all the fights meanwhile Anivia and Caitlyn were just raping everyone.
Aug 5, 2009
They certainly did no better the second, either. Newsflash, sustain doesn't mean anything if you're too weak to contribute to the actual fights.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Watched the final game CLG vs Dig, 50 minute farmfest with 3 or 4 barons. CLG has the most boring playstyle ever played, Corky had like 450cs, had a full build and surely several k gold he couldnt spend and still was farming like a retard and had 0 impact on the game whatsoever. 40 minutes in he was 1-0-1 with 350 or so cs.40 fucking minutes and 1 kill. Its like whole CLG team got autism and tunnel vision.
And hotshot could learn a few more champs, all i see is Cho or Nid. And how Shyvanna stole Baron from Cho and Nocturne is beyond me. So much fail play in this game. Just farm farm farm.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
And how Shyvanna stole Baron from Cho and Nocturne is beyond me. So much fail play in this game.

If this was solo queue we were talking about I could see that happening. But a "competitive" match between "professional" teams, where they can just tell each other "smite at 1,8k hp I'll nom at the same time"? Seriously?

Also they kind of missed the point of farming when corki was involved in 2 fucking kills during 40 minutes. Were there no teamfights or something? Granted I didn't see the match but last I heard you farmed like hell on the carry so that he would deal major damage during teamfights and allow you to take towers easily.

Jim Cojones

Nov 2, 2008
Przenajswietsza Rzeczpospolita
Not to mention, you don't see the same people on top for very long. They make it up there, then fall back down to obscurity and stop playing.
Bullshit. There are players with multiple accounts in top of the ladder (Dyrus on NA - 12 and 32; Peke on EUW - 4, 23 and 44) . Scarra has been a no. 1 on NA server for at least couple weeks if I remember correctly and he was 4th at the end of season 1. Yellowpete, 1st on EUW in season 1, is currently 3rd. You can't seriously suggest that they achieved that by a coincidence.

Of course, the ELO is an approximation, it doesn't strictly reflect your skills in game, especially when a single win/lose moves you around 10 places up/down in the ladder if you're in top 100 or thousand places if you're an average player. But, if f.e. someone has got a couple hundred ranked games and for the most of time oscillated around 1700 - 1900 level, you can safely assume he's a very good player but not on a "pro" level. If someone plays a lot and can't get above certain level, it means he's not good enough to do so.

I'd play stellar games and lose game after game. Win 1 lose 5. Granted, there were some games I didn't play extremely well
Assuming you're on about the ELO you deserve to be to, your chance of winning should be 50%. Most people think that it should mean you generally win one game and lose one, with occasional streaks of 2 - 3 games won/lost. In fact, longer streaks of 6 - 8 are to be expected in such situation. The fact that the game is played in teams of five means that even if you're much better than the other players, your chance of winning will probably raise to no more than 55 - 65%. Even for such chance, it's not uncommon to have a couple straight loses and only after many games you will get to ELO that is more or less reflecting your skills.

Furthermore, even if you're playing solidly for most of the times and only have a bad game every once in a while, you shouldn't expect too much. If you have a bad game every 5 games, then by being paired with people on your level, there should be one feeder in your team per game on average. This leads you to believing that you're getting much more bad players in your team than you deserve to, while in fact, what you get is what you deserve.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
One cool thing I noticed when Im first pick and instalock Trundle I carry like a pro. Strange but true. Happened like 3-4 times now.
Ive been circling around 1250-1350 elo this season and season1 i was around 900-1200. I hit the peak at 1340 elo at the end of S1.
Im 1352 right now and I believe with some duoq with bros and some luck I'll be atleast 100 elo higher at the end of S2.
I dont think Im very good but I think I can do better.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Been trying Shen a lot in all possible positions (except ad carry/mid, obv) since the buff, and here's a couple of my thoughts:

1. Completely beastly top. Incredibly hard to chase away and a good duelist.
2. So-so in the jungle, nothing's changed here much, really. His ganks are still good and you can pull off some good level 2 ones, but he's still slow as shit in the jungle. The buffs gave him more openings, tho, and he doesn't need to start with blue now.

and finally, something I didn't quite expect

3. Support. Yup, Shen is now a really good support for a killy lane. The carry can get some minor heals with Q, you can keep shit away/try to get kills with shadow dash, save people all around the map with ult. But most importantly, what surprised me, he scales REALLY well into late game from the support position. As a jungler/top, you are pretty much expected to actually be damaging and useful and shit, but when going support, who are used to just standing around doing nothing, you can fully embrace your destiny of being nothing but an ult bot - team fight starts? Shadow dash -> ult whoever is under most fire, activating heal and solari locket at the same time. steal kills pick off stragglers with vorpal blade. Really good performance, and one I totally did not expect.

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