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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


Jan 10, 2010
Oh. We saw those changes and realized he'd be an insane solo-top tank that split pushes nonstop and then teleports to his team for the fights... Kind of strategy that rapes solo queue hard. I've played about 8 ranked games since the changes and he's been banned every time.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Eh, maybe that's the case for ranked. Not playing those, I don't have the will to endure the random tards. Played only one ranked and he didn't get banned there.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Shen can make or brake the game, sad that he almost always brakes it. I hardly see anyone that really knows timing and enough of map awareness to land a good ult. Hes still mostly played as a punching bag, just run around the place with people trying to ignore him. People mostly build him as a pure tank, hed be much more nastier just rushing boots-phage-wits end. But noo, hp stacking is much more fun. Warmogs #1.

Is it just me or does Nautilus have the most slowest animations in a game, its like watching a regular champ in a slow motion.


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
Yeah, he's attack speed is so low... He's fun to play and has good ganks and good utility in teamfights, but I currently see little reason to play him instead of my usual jungle picks beyond hte fact that I like his kit and his appearance (also, I bought him day one, with a skin, need to justify jewgold spent :M). Guess that's the risk you take with buying champs blind.

Malphite is so damn good in the jungle. If I'm last pick and has convinced the other tards in solo queue too let me jungle, I always pick him if there are two or more AD champs on their team. Frozen Heart + Randuin's + E = Y u no attack?


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Aaaah, bad day, was 1375 this morning now again 1304. Some good games but mostly losses and theres always someone to blame. :)
But still loss is a loss. Was warming up with Panth few games, still effective like hell but cant finish it alone if it goes late game. Still, such a joy ripping their carries to nothing.
Fear the MANtheon. I even got that sparta homo skin. Trololo. And he's more effective the more I sink in depths of Elo Hell.

I play jungle Malph core with Wriggles and Trinity, might get a Glacial Shroud before completing Trinity but not that often, i find him much more fearful that way instead running around after your combo waiting for abilities to refresh. Early game red buff with W steroid does some nasty damage by simply auto attacking.


Jun 18, 2010
And when I say LoL is casual, it's just a statement. I just laugh everytime this moron Pendragon or whats he's called says LoL will become competetive in 18 months :wink:

Who's laughing now Padre? How's the competitive HoN scene these days?


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Anyone who puts the new Shen anywhere else but top is bloody insane and should play 500 additional games of punishment-LoL before ever opening their mouth again.

I haven't called anything overpowered since Yorick's first buff (remember that? :lol:), but new Shen is insane without a doubt. He will be fixed, but until then play the fuck out of him top.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Think I'm gonna buy ezrael and make him mah new ad carry. Vayne's just not any fun after the nerf :/

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
what u mean nigga

there's only so many times you can go shen top without it getting boring as shit, and since I've been doing that a lot pre-buff, I want to check all the other new options, too.

Not to mention, new Shen is not as fucking overpowered as people make him, ffs, they get raped early-mid game by dagger spam and then whine about riot breaking him, without realising that it was the same situation before. Early gamu was always Shen's forte, it was falling off later that made him not that optimal. His damage hasn't even been boosted that much to warrant all the current whining - Q damage buff is not even worth mentioning, E damage is of no consequence, 2% added damage to ki strike is neat, but also not that much unless he rushes a warmog or whatever.

Sure, he can use the ki strikes more often now because it scales with AS (and W), and can sustain better with Q last hits, but try a rumble or yorick (or anything that can mitigate harass well or outharass) against him top and watch him cry.

In fact, the biggest proof I can think of that nobody had and still has any fucking idea how to play Shen effectively is this guide: http://solomid.net/guides.php?g=18008

You know what this guide shows? Exactly the same Shen as pre-buff. A Shen that goes full tank and is subsequently completely ignored by the enemy team. Not to mention the total tardation of highly recommending sunfire cape (has to be one of the worst items in-game) and saying that wit's end is just 'not a bad choice', when I find it absolute core on every facet of Shen nowadays. I won't even comment on the Leviathan recommendation and the constant 'LOLOLOLO ANY AP ON SHEN = TOTAL RETARD!!1111 ^_______________^ '


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
His shield makes him all but immune to harass and ki-strike provides with extremely good exchanges. Q-spam is as annoying as always. If you know anything about top you must realize that this makes him "the perfect triad" i.e. he's good at everything a top needs to be good at. He counters harassers with shield, exhangers with Ki-Strike and shield, and can harass with Q. On top of this his sustain is on the level of the best and it gets worse BECAUSE of his shield. The cherry on top is a force-exchange that functions as a getaway the same time.

His kit has always been nice, but they are now tied with values that makes him good at everything and bad at nothing. His weakness is his late-game, but this is much, much less a factor now.

With laning being the number one factor in the current meta, tell me again how he is not a problem?

Am I saying he is OMG-SHIT-OUT-OF-THE-WORLD-BROKEN? Hmm, no, first-buff Yorick was probably a slightly bigger problem. But definetely outclasses every single top-laner right now in my mind, especially in solo-queue.

That's my opinion at least.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
You get sunfire cape so you can actually split push. Derp.

Not necessary in the least.

His shield makes him all but immune to harass and ki-strike provides with extremely good exchanges. Q-spam is as annoying as always. If you know anything about top you must realize that this makes him "the perfect triad" i.e. he's good at everything a top needs to be good at. He counters harassers with shield, exhangers with Ki-Strike and shield, and can harass with Q. On top of this his sustain is on the level of the best and it gets worse BECAUSE of his shield. The cherry on top is a force-exchange that functions as a getaway the same time.

The exact same things can be said about Udyr. Do I see the whole lol world crying day and night about nerfing udyr to the ground because he has everything a top needs? No.

Also, his shield is far from making him 'immune to harass'. The shielding itself is still pretty useless mid-late, and if you are getting harassed early, you'll need to put points into it. And you know what happens then? You don't level Q. You don't level Q and can't harass. Consider someone who can harass all day long, like Teemo. You'll be poisoned 24/7 'cause his autoattacks have higher range than your Q. You'll NEED to level W first to counter his poison in some way (and you still won't succeed 'cause W lasts 3 seconds and cds 9-5), and with that you'll have to forget about levelling Q, which means you won't be able to duel/harass (which would be impossible anyway 'cause he'd just stay beyond your range and heal with wriggle's).

Shen can now be a proper (maybe hard) counter to some, but he can still get (hard) countered himself. Just like a very high amount of many other champions, isn't that right?


Jan 10, 2010
Shen beats Teemo if you take a MR runepage. Very very simple tactic that Dyrus started using a long time ago vs Teemo. Who actually hard counters Shen?

Also how are you going to quickly decimate creep waves unless you take an item like Sunfire Cape or Ionic Spark? (The former of which is actually useful on Shen since you get Health and Armor)


Oct 12, 2006
Alot of champions dont have a "hard counter" Shen isn't unique here, but there are some that can handle him, like Cho, Warwick, Vladimir, Yorick.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
I eat Shen's on regular basis with Trundle, in lane is even easier. He pokes I whoop 2 minions and get my health back.
Panth is also a good counter with his shield and poke attack combo. He cant sustain that long vs Panth with Ignite. Or even Gragas. Both of them have a beasty early game.
Thats from my experience.

Or you could try playing Ranked for a change to see what happens when you're against peoples best champs.

Oh, and Azael, Frozen Mallet is good but I finish it last, after Trinity I get Giants belt and build Atmas, when thats finished I complete FM.


Jan 10, 2010
Yeah, I only play ranked when I'm alone and play normal draft whenever I'm with friends. Since I live in US, Shen has been banned every single game. (I've played about 16 games since his buff)

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