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So, anyone playing League of Legends?



Jun 18, 2010
Man, that's not even half the fun of beta Twisted Fate.

not only did he have a 60-40s CD teleport on E, the pick a card gold card was an AoE stun and his ultimate a global reveal+SLOW

Dark Matter

Jun 17, 2007
I don't see the point in hotfixes that changes the damage by like 5 on each level. I mean, now ganks that previously failed when the victim had 10 HP left, will succeed. Yay?
The Lee Sin buff isn't an actual buff. They're simply undoing an unintentional ninja nerf from the earlier patch.


Nov 1, 2011
Farm, wait farm hide in bushes loose one guy tower hug wait hide in bushes 3 second battle now 45 min game ends. Maybe its for people who enjoy rpgs for the feeling of power through leveling but not for me.
Dec 31, 2009
I gotta try to go ad sion at some point - late game he becomes a melee hard carry

It works in dominions anyways :M


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Farm, wait farm hide in bushes loose one guy tower hug wait hide in bushes 3 second battle now 45 min game ends. Maybe its for people who enjoy rpgs for the feeling of power through leveling but not for me.
Nice that you like it. ;)
Game is more about outsmarting and countering the other guys and cooperating with your team. You'll need to play a bit more to get a bigger picture to see whats all the fuss about.

Oh, Im done with ranked for this week. Fuck it, getting drowned in shit and started playing like a retard too. So many bad plays. Tunnel vision.
Now Im gonna go troll normals with champs i never played.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Marksman, save yourself: Get into 5v5 Arranged. In it lies all redemption.

To cover the bases, make sure you get a crew you enjoy playing with, that can "be serious about it" (i.e. can take criticism and handle disputes in an adult fashion) and elect a team captain (whenever he says a decision is final in a game, everyone shuts the fuck up and follows that shit, for better or for worse - discussion is for when the game's over and you watch the replay).

It's the only way to play.


Dec 4, 2010
I managed to finally get over 900 ELO (yeah yeah stfu) and now its even worse then 800+.
I think im getting all the retards that just started ranked and are on their way down (They dont have any idea of team comp etc)

I guess i cant really say much since thats how i ended up so low.. Now that i 'get' the game it is absolutely SHIT getting back up. When i duo queue with a friend who is just as good (bad) as me we win more often then not though.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
I managed to finally get over 900 ELO (yeah yeah stfu) and now its even worse then 800+.
I think im getting all the retards that just started ranked and are on their way down (They dont have any idea of team comp etc)

I guess i cant really say much since thats how i ended up so low.. Now that i 'get' the game it is absolutely SHIT getting back up. When i duo queue with a friend who is just as good (bad) as me we win more often then not though.
Try to get a solo lane or jungle. And be good at it. Dont rely on someone to carry you, by taking the lead in kills and levels team will listen to you.
So find a pubstomper, like Panth, Ahri, Talon, Shaco, Kassadin, Irelia.

Grunker: Its hard to find anything like that cause of my work hours, I play with some guys from work, but its mostly duo/trio que. And with my codex bros, duo most of the time.
Not alot of people are online when i am.
Dec 31, 2009

"Apparently some dataminers have found the numbers for Fiora from the champion files! Her E move "Burst of Speed" looks super OP to me from first glance. Definitely looking forward to buying and playing this champion on release.

Duelist [Fiora's Passive]
Fiora regenerates ??? Health over 6 seconds each time she deals physical damage. Striking champions will cause this effect to stack up to 4 times.

Lunge [Fiora's Q]
60 Mana
16/14/12/10/8 sec Cooldown [4.8 at maxCDR]
600 Range
Fiora dashes forward to strike her target, dealing 40/65/90/115/140 (+???) physical damage. Fiora can perform the dash a second time within 4 seconds at no mana cost.

Riposte [Fiora's W]
40 Mana
10/9/8/7/6 sec Cooldown [3.6 at maxCDR]
20 Range
Passive: Fiora's Attack Damage is increased by 15/20/25/30/35.
Active: Fiora parries the next basic attack from a champion or monster within 1.5 seconds and reflects 40/80/120/160/200 (+1AP) magic damage back to the attacker. Blocks 50% of turret damage.

Burst of Speed [Fiora's E]
55 Mana
15 sec Cooldown [9 at maxCDR]
Fiora gains 60/80/100/120/140% additional Attack Speed for 3 seconds. Each basic attack or Lunge she lands during this time increases her Movement Speed by 7/9/11/13/15% for 3 seconds, stacking up to 3 times.

Blade Waltz [Fiora's R]
100 Mana
150/130/110 sec Cooldown [01:06 at maxCDR]
400 Range
Fiora dashes around the battlefield striking random champions 5 times for 140/290/440 (+???) physical damage. Successive strikes against the same target deal 35% damage. The first and last attack will be against the same target.
Each strike applies on-hit effects.

[114] Fiora, The Peerless Duelist
Movement Speed:[320]
Attack Range:[125]
Attack Speed:[0.672~1.015]
HP:[510~1955 (+85)]
MP:[260~940 (+40)]
AD:[55.7~110.1 (+3.2)]
Armor:[18.5~78 (+3.5)]
MR:[31.25~52.5 (+1.25)]
HP/5:[6.3~19.9 (+0.8)]
MP/5:[7.25~15.75 (+0.5)]
RATINGS: Attack[9] Health[4] Spells[3] Difficulty[5]"

To me it looks like riot wants there to be a melee ad carry, something which this game doesn't really have outside of Trodnomir. I very much approve.

Also, I'm wondering whether "lunge" is a skillshot or a targeted. If it is a skillshot it is a dash with long range that can also be used as an escape mechanism, if it isn't then, well, she has no escape mechanism.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Hey, I don't play ranked 5v5 all the time. We arrange it. Like "this saturday at these hours we play arranged" and stuff like that.

We even have a facebook-group so we can be cool with the cool kids!

Which reminds me, Darth Roxor and co.: You have a ranked team now, right? Would you be interested in scrimming? We could really use someone to train against :)

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Which reminds me, Darth Roxor and co.: You have a ranked team now, right? Would you be interested in scrimming? We could really use someone to train against

This is not fair because you know what champs we are good with from this thread and we don't know your buttbudies, I CRY FOUL :x

yeah, sure, even though we are on the brink of disbanding the team and getting a new one because kickstarting with 2 wins and 4 really derpy losses (actually 3 + 6, but 3 games we did last week didn't count) ain't the best start


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Hey , fuck that shit. For training we can use premade bans and picks (i.e. all get to play our "best" champs) and stuff like that, or talk about what champs we normally ban and such.

The important thing is to get something out of it :)


Oct 12, 2006
Sounds fun, and the jokes on you, we will learn more from losing than you will by roflstompig us ;)
How about this weekend?
Jun 27, 2010
I think I'm getting all the retards that just started ranked and are on their way down (They don't have any idea of team comp etc)

I don't get how or why people do this. I was worried about starting Ranked without all my runes being T3, much less without having a grasp on the game as simple as knowing team comp and things of that sort. I mean if you're at level 30, I'd like to think you would have some kind of general knowledge on how the game should be played and how you should work in your team in whatever role you're set in. I know there's just trolls and retards like that in there too, but people que'ing for Ranked and it turns out they only know how to play Tryndamere/other noob favorite make my head hurt.


Dec 4, 2010
I managed to finally get over 900 ELO (yeah yeah stfu) and now its even worse then 800+.
I think im getting all the retards that just started ranked and are on their way down (They dont have any idea of team comp etc)

I guess i cant really say much since thats how i ended up so low.. Now that i 'get' the game it is absolutely SHIT getting back up. When i duo queue with a friend who is just as good (bad) as me we win more often then not though.
Try to get a solo lane or jungle. And be good at it. Dont rely on someone to carry you, by taking the lead in kills and levels team will listen to you.
So find a pubstomper, like Panth, Ahri, Talon, Shaco, Kassadin, Irelia.

Grunker: Its hard to find anything like that cause of my work hours, I play with some guys from work, but its mostly duo/trio que. And with my codex bros, duo most of the time.
Not alot of people are online when i am.

I play good in either mid or top. Mid being my best (especially with kennen whom i have a positive win/loss ratio with)
I can wreck as irelia but the problem is that she is WORTHLESS early game.. if you have a fail team the game can literally be lost before you even get your TF. And more often then not people will quit at 25 mins just because you are 5 kills and 2 turrets down (yes it sucks but by no means irreversible)

Playing good mid and wrecking with irelia obviously when against other low elo players that is.

Anyways it seems to me that the game (at least at this elo) is decided by the jungler (barring an afk or some retard 0/11 feeder... not even i never get that unless we are a man down)
Thats the one position i never even tried to learn. now im starting and its def harder but it is much much more fun and rewarding. When i get the hang ill start ranking jungle (that is if the lowest pick doesnt have a tantrum because he thinks "calling" something in ranked means jack and trolls the game.. this happens about 1 in 4 games)
Dec 31, 2009
Dakasha, jungle isn't the golden key that carries you out of elo hell either... I have just as many "went 14-3 and lost" stories with junglers as with other roles. More arguably, since I play it a lot. The reason is that junglers get less farm than other lanes, and you are still dependent upon the rest of the lanes when ganking... They must position themselves correctly, meaning close enough to help you, and also ward, and also they must also look at the minimap and realize that you are ganking their lane... Even when pinged, they might not.

Still, jungle is where the master race resides. It is cool to know how to do it.


Dec 4, 2010
i didnt mean its a golden key. just that i feel it influences the game the most


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
If youre gonna jungle, start with Xin, Warwick or Malphite. Very easy learning curve, just remember timers on your buffs so the other jungler doesnt take em.
Xin is extremely effective against unorganised teams.

Speaking of jungling, trolled 2 games with Fiddle and Rammus jungling for the first time. Both games won, normals cant ward and see fiddle going CAWCAWCAWCAWCAW in their face. Not one wasted ult. Rammus game was a drawn out game with little turtle saving the day and flash-taunting their carry to victory. With no tenacity on people 3 seconds seems like hours lol. Almost unfair.

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