More Like EU West
ass Scandinavian Exodus and EU Soviet. Pretty much every scandinavian on my friends list agree: Potatolanders make poor teammates. We'd rather take our chances with frenchies than risk getting a russian or an estonian on our team.
Hehe begin potatolander myself I'm looking forward to nordic exodus, less waiting in queue for me. Tbh never had much problem with russians (though I guess they simply stuck out more when there is problem with them, you know funny letters and such), actually french 4 man premades are biggest offender for me (and I'm serious about it, I got stuck in one way too often) so split is double good from my perspective.
Anyway in other news it seems I finally climbed back to elo where people start to use wards (even had support with oracles on my team), problem is with Jax'es that repeatedly go on a pointless stroll around map alone when its obvious whole place is warded and enemy team is missing
. Also its sad that tank gets most kills and creep farm (playing Singed but I had most creeps even before I finished roa and started farming creeps with poison and I was on double lane), honestly and I'm not even that good at last hitting (though I was, 6 months of not playing makes you really rusty but I'm getting back there now I just need to practice last hitting at tower a bit currently its eating away most creeps while I could last hit every single one of them, damn I could solo lane Rammus like boss (yes I know its not best idea) ).
On topic on Amumu sucking. Amumu is good, sadly most of the time he is on my team he fails badly (or rather player) and double badly when he also jungles (I know, lane mumu actually better than jungle mumu, that's weird ...), however in my last game I think there was mumu on other team that went 14/2 or something, fully stacked soulstealer
, I really don't know how my team managed to feed him that much, his damage wasn't that impressive I could simply ignore him while I was farming creeps in lane and pushing down tower (only tower we got, but then I couldn't push more since my team couldn't hold mid towers with 4 people against 3, yes 4 plus tower against 3).
On topic of Leona, I'm interested how much damage you can squeeze out of her. She possibly could make for nice carry burster when built right. Not holding my breath though.