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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth

It's Silver I. If you manage to get there you can probably get into Gold easily. The skill level of tin foil elo is mostly equally shit as you get either complete newbies or total morons in most games. Really, I essentially got myself this far by simply not letting them counterpick me and getting picks which help initiate and/or peel. My last hitting is still subpar, I'm a horrible jungler and I take too many risks which blows up in my face too often (especially when playing blitz). If you can lane half decently and not let them counterpick you then you are already better than most people in Silver. You only need to watch out for similar people who don't belong in silver. Well that and dodge obviously lost games where you know you can't win if the game lasts past 30 minutes.
Dec 19, 2007
Not sure what to think about Zac. His initiation range is nuts, but that's all he really has going for him. Unless his lanes can supply additional CC and tons of damage, most people just walk away after you land on them and blow your combo. He also feels like he takes too long to get tanky for a main initiator. Slower than Vi even.

Not giving the enemies a chance to react to the gank is huge, and anyway he has just enough damage and CC to make the gank work if the laners picked anything reasonable, of course you aren't going to gank Jax when your team has Teemo or something there, but fuck him he can suffer from his retarded pick all alone. And isn't surprise what makes Hecarim ganks work because it sure isn't the massive CC or damage the pony has? Or say Rammus.

Dunno about the too long to get tanky part, not sure what you mean, with typical jungle gold you get typical jungle items, with successful ganks and drakes you get a bit more, you have no tankiness steroids but not every jungler does. It's probably all about the composition, I find that Akali, Xin, Jizz, J4, Leona all have been very nice with Zac for the follow-up.

It's Silver I. If you manage to get there you can probably get into Gold easily. The skill level of tin foil elo is mostly equally shit as you get either complete newbies or total morons in most games. Really, I essentially got myself this far by simply not letting them counterpick me and getting picks which help initiate and/or peel. My last hitting is still subpar, I'm a horrible jungler and I take too many risks which blows up in my face too often (especially when playing blitz). If you can lane half decently and not let them counterpick you then you are already better than most people in Silver. You only need to watch out for similar people who don't belong in silver. Well that and dodge obviously lost games where you know you can't win if the game lasts past 30 minutes.

Well, unless that's the elo that kinda represents your skill level, then you're probably 50/50 against other high silvers/low golds and getting that winning streak might not happen before you learn whatever it is you should learn. And I don't think people who take red pot openings, ward buffs and such are complete newbies or morons, probably just haven't learned to make good trades or some other thing that an average player might never learn.

Well it's sort of weird how you get people who play more or less like they should and then people who do everything wrong, but I'm often thinking the latter should just be lower (and probably will) than the sorta decent people being in platinum or something.

Anyway I figure it's like in SC2, everybody thinks they should be higher but ignore completely that they probably have something to learn.


Jun 5, 2011
God I'm tired of Riot's bullshit. They rework Udyr and buff him heavily, even though Diamond played him in tournaments a little before and he was seeing a rise in popularity. I just watched a game with Saint Vicious on Udyr and he looks OP now. Nautilus was ok, they buff him, the fucker was too squishy apprently. And now Sejuani is getting a massive rework and buff, not like she was quite good before thanks to S3 changes, nope! She gets max health% damage, always a favourite of Riot these days. Janna had a high win rate already so what do they do? 3 straight buffs, she now sits at 2nd highest win rate in the game. Nunu was wiped out from regular play.... so they buff his ult. Spirit of the Lizard Elder, 3 straight nerfs. And Olaf, yeah I would feel pretty comfortable in saying he will be ignored for over 6 months.

It's like the balance team at Riot are a bunch of manic depressive addicts that just can't keep themselves from over buffing or over nerfing everything. They're so heavyhanded with their changes, it's obvious they just want to push certain playstyles or champions into FOTM, they aren't happy for people to just experiment and have fun. Changing the game is what keeps people playing but this is ridiculous. Let the meta change on its own, pro tournaments are a great source of that anyway. It took Diamond not Riot to make Udyr popular again.
Dec 19, 2007
They also nerf Lux apparently so that people would play Xerath. Also they nerfed Garen and Darius because melee champions without gap closers, man we don't want to see them dominating every tournament like they do since... when was that again? Pfft. Uh and Trundle's getting ruined I see, that's kinda sad and pointless.

I find it so odd people say Zac is shit on forums like the RoG ones when I think he's the most amazing jungler released since Nautilus.

But he doesn't point and click man that's too hard let's play Maokai or something


Jun 5, 2011
Got me thinking, If I played mid I would play Viktor and Malzahar. Anyone play Malzy? He's like a mid carry, sooooo underated.



Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
I don't know, his ult locks you in place. That's really dangerous with how mobile everyone is these days.


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
Seriously though, Trundle's VU sucks... His lore and looks were fine really, he just needed some tuning on his stuff and not much of that either since I thought he was p. good this season. Having his ult scale with max% HP (how original...) makes him stronger I guess. Not sure if I like the changes to his contaminate at all, the cc reduction on that is godly right now.

Next champ will be Lissandra the Ice Bitch I guess. Whatever, just put the Howling Abyss on live already, ARAM is the mode I am most likely to be able to cram in once a day.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Anyone play Malzy? He's like a mid carry, sooooo underated.

I used to play Malz a lot in season 2, but very much completely dropped him nowadays. The power creep has got to him so badly he's almost become a joke pick, and it saddens me to say that there's absolutely no reason whatsoever to play him now because he's simply... *ba-dam* unviable.

Malz is, btw, another excellent point concerning Riot's policy. I remember reading one time before Malz's qol buffs that they are thinking of making QSS less of a hard counter against him. So what do they do? Fuck all in this regard, instead making QSS upgrade into the merc scimitar.



Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
So what is getting nerfed on lux? Ult CD/ratios? Or are they totally crapping on her cooldowns/mana costs in lane because people cannot into dodging skillshots or picking one of the many counters to Lux?

EDIT: Sion is supposed to be getting a rework? Please tell me he gets a movespeed steroid on W, that's pretty much the only thing he needs apart from lower mana costs to be viable. In fact if riot was smart they would just give him that eons ago and no rework would be needed.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Kennen > Lux

See her launching a singularity? Activate cocaine ball and rush into her face, unleashing ALL FUREH upon her while taking no damage. Profit!


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
You're not talking about laning but you say she's the yorick of midlane therefore implying you are talking about laning. I guess it's late in Brazil so I can understand the confusion bro, better get sleep :troll:

What is she going to do underfed? Snare you occasionally if you expose yourself but otherwise she becomes ignorable if you engage her. If you let lux just throw shit at you you are doing what she wants. You have to go in and murder her and her team, someone with AoE CC who can stun rape initiate works. Kennen like Roxor said is great, Annie is also good (lol bear+flash her in lane, lol bear+flash her team later). Zyra is another decent pick, morgana could work if you manage to farm up a zhonya's which you should (assuming their or your team doesn't murder one of the mid towers before that), lux is a terrible pusher as she runs oom fast if she tries to keep up with someone like morgana, kennen or malz who can push all day. Hell fizz could work, he's mobile, can dodge her shit with troll-pole and his ult can initiate teamfights.

Lux's main flaw is the same as that of other poke mages that if you get into point blank range she starts getting decreasingly less threatening, she misses skillshots, she's very squishy and she has no escape.


Jun 18, 2010
"Morgana, what is best in life?"

"To BLACK SHIELD light bindings, MELT FACES inside CC immunity and HEAR the lamentation of Lux!"

"That is good... That is good!"

Failing that, anything that can get into melee range screws lux over. Kat, Fizz, Akali, Talon, Diana, Zed, Kass.
Heck, even AP Yi can mess up Lux.


Oct 12, 2006
idk. i mean, his lore and looks and VA, obviously. but comparing his new skills to the old one, he doesn't seem very different apart from the CC reduction which riot now hates anyway and is removing from everyone that isn't irelia

also his Q is no longer bugged on enemy champs

has anyone tried ulting meditating yi with trundle? what happens?

Looks like they are removing the damage buff/debuff from Q, which was a huge part of his kit and dueling power.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
lux is a terrible pusher as she runs oom fast.


also my problem with lux is her disengage+burst capacity. although she's sitill annoying in lane
but hey im only silver 5 :(

Bro I played her more than any other mid. If I say she can get outpushed easily as she goes oom than she is. She got better after athene's got introduced and her cooldowns and mana costs got reduced but she'll still lose to a proper pusher like the ones I mentioned. She simply has no cheap farming spell, even with chalice this is a problem. If she gets blue she's ok but you should also have blue at the same time (or just playing kennen) so you still outpush her.


Jun 18, 2010
Morde has no gapcloser. That's the dealbreaker. Akali/diana/Fizz/Kass/Kat/Talon/Zed all have ways of dodging past her bindings and getting up in her face.

Morde is anti-melee.


Nov 23, 2002
MCA Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Codex USB, 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
I don't like the Trundle changes :( He needed an ult rework, it was pretty silly how the changing meta and powercreep made an already lackluster ult even worse, and his Q needed a dash like NUdyr, but I wish they kept everything else the same :(

Add me on NA you BR bastards, I need someone to pin my losses on :troll:
(Non BR bastards too, my buddy list got bugged and dropped everyone)

edit: summoner name is hanoverf


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Morde has no gapcloser. That's the dealbreaker. Akali/diana/Fizz/Kass/Kat/Talon/Zed all have ways of dodging past her bindings and getting up in her face.

Morde is anti-melee.

Pretty much, he's a bitch as lux can't really do shit to him due to his shield and manaless kit. But he doesn't help you when she's spamming shit from behind her team. He can't initiate after all.

Also which is better and why in such a situation, dodging or playing?

Your team is first pick panth top, no amumu ban. So enemy firstpicks amumu. They also pick olaf for top.

We also get blitz (me), some mid, vi jungle and probably an adc (but I dodged before that). Why I dodged, they picked trist (good luck grabbing her) and ali (well fuck) plus some mid which I don't remember.

My arguments is that the game was lost because our two divers vi+panth would do shit with ali+amumu around. But couldn;t be won because the enemy picks are hard or a bad idea to grab so we wouldn't snowball, at best it would be a farm lane which benefits trist anyway. At the same time olaf would probably waltz between our carries and murder them. Also trist would probably manage to get away from vi+panth not to mention dodge my grabs. So I decided that's better to lose LP now than after 30+minutes as the end result is the same.

Mystary! says I was in error, that I should play to learn something new and try to win because there is always the chance the enemy is absolutely retarded and roams solo. Who is right? DISCUSS!

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