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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory.”

- Sun Tzu :obviously:

That and I do have other things to do today than play lost games. Also dodging does not affect MMR, only losing does :M

BTW I am now officially better than Darth Roxor, true story.



Jun 5, 2011
Fuck dodgers, at least it's not the S2 days where they only got a 30 min wait and even then whined all day how THEY WERE THE SELFLESS HERO DODGING TO SAVE US ALL.
Dec 19, 2007
I don't have the patience to dodge but I can say that would save me a great many lost games, sometimes you have beyond awful comps against the best comps in all the land.

If Lux was to be nerfed I'd move some of her power to her ratios so you also would need to farm for that deathcap like your lane opponent to deal much more damage than he does all game instead of just roaming everywhere. Personally I'm fine with her though, normally I'd pick Gragas and just rape her.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
You know what I have to agree with what was said about Zac. He's got ridiculous reach but it means jack shit when his only CC is a slow.

Played with a really bad one who would flash and leap along through entire midlane to right under their tower, the entire team was waaay behind him and he got raped alone. The guy was overall an retard (leona+him against amumu+cait+nid under our tower, who does he focus? Amumu with belt+chainvest, not the support nid which I almost killed alone as leona and stunned or cait who was squishy) who thought he was supposed to initiate teamfights with his 0 hard CC, especially 3v5 when we're split. The only high point of that was that he was our first pick which means that clearly I really should be ranked far higher than him. Especially since I know that unless I pick before the other team I should ban fucking amumu (I never play him myself anyway).

Well that and you can't win when you have vlad mid on your team who gives FB to jayce at that. Also they had wukong who is very fucking annoying when he ults after amumu (or before him). This reminded me that I should always dodge vlad, a rule which I broke and paid the price.


Jun 11, 2007
Festung Breslau
Grab the Codex by the pussy
I would be careful when saying that Fizz counters champions like Lux.
Sure, he's mobile and can troll-pole, but good luck going into midgame with ~40 cs total. Because against decent Lux he's gonna eat Singularity whenever he'll go to last hit and he don't have a sustain to keep farming like that.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Quality of CC>Quantity.

it's 0,5 seconds of a knockback (the worst form of hard CC) on a regular skill and 1 second knock up on his ult. Sorry but that's good when you want to chase somebody down or interrupt a spell, does jack shit if you want to initiate especially when your team can't go into the fight before the CC is over. Hardly noticeable, but yes I take my words back he has hard CC, it's just shit for initiating.

trais: or he could make her life hell by being very agressive, lux has no sustain and fares poorly at point blank range. Fizz has a dash and troll pole lets you dodge snare or singularity. If you want to turn it into a farm lane then you're doing it wrong, this is a straight up kill-lane counter pick IMO as you should easily win trades. From my experience this is a matchup that is heavily against lux unless there is a large skillgap between the two players. She could win it if the jungler babysits mid, assuming it's one that has good enough ganks. Fizz after all is a bitch to gank.
Dec 19, 2007
It's no Malphite initiation but it's not god awful either, depending entirely on the follow-up of course. Maybe my perception is skewed, like I said people have been picking secondary initiators to go with me which might not always be the case in soloQ.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
It's better than olaf's I'll give you that :troll:

The problem is you have little time to follow up. He makes for a poor initiator unless your team is practically within range to catch somebody themselves. I'm not saying he's shit, he isn't. Simply put people need to learn how to use him. Hecarim is similar, he works best when he comes out of nowhere while your team is close to the target. If you flash and leap across the entire damn lane you can't expect the team to be there when you're under their tower with enemy jayce, amumu and wukong putting their rape faces on. He should play a bit more like an assassin where he lets others initiate for him while seemingly not being anywhere nearby but using his ridiculous gapcloser to get in and go after easy high value targets like carries securing kills. That is to say like Vi he is more of a diver than an initiator.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Jizz is a bad pick against lux. You'll have to waste both your gap closers before you even get to her, after which you are easy pickings and all you can do is poke her with a stick for a while.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Well she can't farm minions with E all day now can she? If she does you'll be able to farm freely as she won't be able to poke you. She'll have to last hit with AAs eventually. And the dash or troll-pole should hit her anyway. By that time she'll probably blow all her shit as well. Plus that stick of his hurts. If she's dumb she'll try to AA you after she casts shield which should go in your favor for obvious reasons, if she's smart she'll try to run away and you take no damage. You just disengage before any of her skills goes off CD and the trade is won.

She would need to conserve her skills for the time when you try to trade. If she blows even one of them she gets a face full of fish. Which means she can't poke you with anything but AAs. So either you get to farm or you get to murder her.


Jun 11, 2007
Festung Breslau
Grab the Codex by the pussy
I'm saying because I have plenty Lux vs Fizz (and AP Kog vs Fizz, who is similar long-range poke, no escapes champ) matches and I don't remember ever losing that lane. Because all you need to do is be patient.
Don't try to hit Fizz with your spells - just wait for a creep to go low and throw Singularity over him. Since he doesn't have any ranged attack he'll have to either take free damage or leave that creep to die.
So Fizz has two options here: a) he can either suck up the damage, but he will not be able to kill you 'cause he will always have less health than you or b) he will stop farming altogether and focus on killing you.
If he chooses a) then his only chance to kill you is on level 6-7, so you need to be extra cerful and dodge his ult at all cost. Other than that, with his perma low hp you should be able to burst him down before he can burst you.
If he chooses b) then you play super passive knowing that starved Lux is better than starved Fizz.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Problem with b) is that if you play super passive he will farm. You have the choice between farming with E (which is super passive farming for lux) or denying him creeps by throwing it over your low hp creeps. You can't do both unless the creep wave clashes in a favorable pattern, also that would make you push your lane more than his (because melee minions are always next to his). Lux is fucked if she gets ganked while in the middle of the lane.

Worst case scenario he's not a clear counter in lane but a skill-based matchup. However remember why I said fizz should work, he can initiate fights for your team by CCing a large part of the enemy team. Lux's strength is that she's got an annoying poke, you want the teamfight to start before she lobs singularity at your carries 3-5 times and lazors them. Fizz helps you in doing that. With a good ult and follow up lux become useless as she either runs away or gets to meet you or the bruiser face to face being the easy kill that she is (if she doesn't snare you, but she can't snare more than one person unless you are braindead or she gets really lucky). If she runs away you mop up the rest, get as much gold as you can. She can pick off somebody with the laser after the rest of her team is dead but so what? You'll be overall more fed and will do better in the next fight and the one after that.


Jun 11, 2007
Festung Breslau
Grab the Codex by the pussy
Problem with b) is that if you play super passive he will farm. You have the choice between farming with E (which is super passive farming for lux) or denying him creeps by throwing it over your low hp creeps. You can't do both unless the creep wave clashes in a favorable pattern, also that would make you push your lane more than his (because melee minions are always next to his). Lux is fucked if she gets ganked while in the middle of the lane.
No, if he goes for last you just E him and it's really back to option a). Such hardcore zoning that Fizz could farm himself and still keep Lux outside E range is impossible - mid lane is just too short. And true, some pushing is inevitable, so you need to ward at least one side of lane.

Edit: As for the second part of your post I read it 10 times and still don't understand what you're trying to say there. It seems like you're saying that Fizz's ult makes Lux useless (how?) and that she can be killed by bruisers (like 95% of champs, I don't see why single out Lux here) and that Fizz can always easly kill everyone in enemy team after his fish lands (not true). And then you talk about gold for some reason. I'm sorry, but having a bad day, so you need to be a little more clear as my brain is slow today.


Jun 18, 2010
Well, I just had a game with Mystary where the enemy went Lux mid. I picked Diana. Jungle stopped by at lv3, so I flash->EWQ'ed her and picked up first blood with ignite. She zoned me a bit with singularity which cost me farm. I couldn't harass as much as I'd have liked with Q since our 7min blu got stolen. Once I hit lv6, I'd jump her the second I had her poked down to ~66% hp, which utterly shredded her. Ended the game 4/0/7 with a 20min surr from them.

For most of Lux'es counters, you just have to accept that you're not going to beat her in CS lv 1-6 and then facerape her when you get the chance. Even so, I still managed to push to turret because lux was using her E to zone instead of farm. A dedicated pusher like Morg can keep lux at her turret all day.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
How can you deny him farm when you are using E which has a 10 second cooldown to farm as well? Either you are playing super passively and thus farming with E or you are denying him by placing E over your creeps. If you place E over your minions at best you get 2 enemy melee minions. You can't kill caster minions as that would mean fizz could walk around your singularity to last hit your minions safely. If you want to deny him any last hitting you are denying farm yourself as well unless you go into AA range to last hit with them. Which you can't if he's playing aggressively in the first place.

Of course he can't zone her outside her E range, is there a champion that can really? Xerath? The issue is her E is the only thing keeping her in lane at all. Assuming your minions stay in place you have 5 seconds out of every 9 or so with CDR from masteries in which you can zone him away from minions. But at the same time you won't be farming even half-decently. The best you can do is turn it into a lane where both laners end up underfarmed.

Fizz only needs a gank to get kill in such a scenario, lux will never get a kill unless the fizz is braindead, not if her E is on cooldown nearly all the time. Hell she can be dived easily, especially by fizz with the help of any popular jungle pick. The pressure is on her really.

Also how are you supposed to spam E during the entirety of laning? Early game you are fucked, once you get chalice or blue it gets better but you can't really keep spamming E without both at the same time. This means you run into more downtime than the CD when fizz can farm.

I'm really not convinced that this kind of outcome where you either feed him or you both end up with little farm is in Lux's favor.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
True, unlike Fizz, Diana is quite good against Lux :P

Diana - assassin, melee autoattack, gapcloser which requires you to land a skillshot first and is only available since level 6, somehow good against lux because apparently she can't E over minions when facing diana.
Fizz - assassin, melee autoattack, 2 very reliable gapclosers as basic skills, somehow bad against lux because she can E over minions.

Farming with crescent totally is a humongous advantage!



Fuck this, I'm going back to my spreadsheets.

Dec 19, 2007
Using Jizz's trollpole for any aggression in lane is asking to get the jungler's dick in your ass and since he's melee he is going to be closer to unsafe land even when just last shotting. Any aggression Jizz wants to do vs. Lux early on is going to be pretty all in while Lux has ranged autoattacks.

Also that Lux is basically more useful for the team means Jizz needs to win the lane somehow, making him a risky pick. About the only champion I have had any fun with against Lux is the fatman, if Lux messes up you just rape her, post-6 you probably will anyway.


Jun 11, 2007
Festung Breslau
Grab the Codex by the pussy
- if he's trying to zone you, you farm with E. Lux gets shitty farm, Fizz gets none - Lux wins.
- if he's trying to farm, you harass him with E. He can't go agressive because he's constanly at lower heath than you. Eventually, you push him out of the lane - Lux wins.
Lux can die only if she gets ganked (real possibility, wards help but shit happens) or when she does something stupid like firing and missing her Q when Fizz has both his gap-closers off CD.
Of course, Lux won't be able to deny him every single creep just as Fizz won't be able to kill her every time she enters the range of his dash. But the problem here is that Fizz has no range attack and can't really touch Lux unless he goes all-in. Sure, his all-in is scary, but Lux has tools to deal with that.

And going for underfarmed lane is ok, because without items Fizz is pretty much useless, while Lux still has some utility.


Jun 11, 2007
Festung Breslau
Grab the Codex by the pussy
True, unlike Fizz, Diana is quite good against Lux :P

Diana - assassin, melee autoattack, gapcloser which requires you to land a skillshot first and is only available since level 6, somehow good against lux because apparently she can't E over minions when facing diana.
Fizz - assassin, melee autoattack, 2 very reliable gapclosers as basic skills, somehow bad against lux because she can E over minions.

Farming with crescent totally is a humongous advantage!



Fuck this, I'm going back to my spreadsheets.

Come on, you're smarter than this.
Diana: can harass/farm from distance, has pull and slow, shield which helps to mitigate Lux's harass, ult on way lower CD (only reliable way to kill Lux).
Fizz: fish looks cool, his stick hurts.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
fizz vs lux is a very annoying matchup for any fizz if the lux is good!
Also I just got to Silver II. Yeah, yeah, tinfoil elo... Started in V. Long way to go. ._.
Funny story, I won my first promo game, then get a Riot-employee for the second one on my team. I thought: yay, free promotion! - but he was pretty bad and just a plain ol' Silver like me, so we lost.

However, you've never seen a team be as polite as they are when they know Riot is watching.


I did it only playing Nami (and sometimes, once in a blue moon, Anivia). Nobody likes Nami, even though I swear she's a miracle worker.

edit: I think Rioters get free runepages, who else has 20 of them?
Dec 19, 2007
Gratz. Well I like Nami, she can make plays and even her Q is crazy when people buch up too much, though really I don't play much anything except Nunu support anymore in protest of having to play support, also I can choose which teammate I like enough to give Blood Boil to. He can eat Elise's spiderlings too by the way, something that was very useful when the spider bitch was once again fed up the ass like she always fucking is.

Iwinia, now there's a champion I really should learn to play.

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