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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Icebird is amazing; it's really hard to lose with her, and if you do, it was probably your own fault. Even if you go 0/10 (but you won't!), she would in theory still be able to win fights just through her CC. I think she takes some getting used to, though. And you never really get used to her abysmal movespeed.

And Nami is real good, but she kind of needs a good setup. If you play her with someone like Galio, J4 or Malphite she really shines. Ult after them, Q 3-4 enemies; they're done.

Do you guys have any tips for laning vs Diana? Universal tips, I mean. I find her impossible to kill yet she does brutal damage and is quite mobile. I hate playing against a Diana as anyone. Akali I can handle, even before the stealth nerf, but Diana...


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
If you use E for farming what prevents him from walking up to the minions and last hitting them again? He can zone lux and farm, but lux can't prevent him from last hitting and farm at the same time. All he needs to zone her is be close to her and last hit at the same time, he doesn't need to use even a single skill until he wants to go for the kill thus conserving mana and cooldows, lux does not have that luxury.

She can't deal with his all-in. Pre-6 she can pray a pointblank snare will hit and that's it. From 6 onwards she can only hope the shark misses. The lazor is useless at point blank range. All she can do is blow flash. God forbid she thinks you are going for the kill and tries to snare you and misses before you use anything. Yes you can't deny him all creeps but he can't kill you every time you are within dash range. What is worse, being at risk of dying or being at risk of not being able to last hit minions? You only need 20+ more to make up for a kill you feed!

Fizz ult bot vs lux snare/(shitty)shield bot, which is better and why? Can the snare stop fizz from (helping in) murdering someone in a fight? Can it help catch fizz? Can fizz's ult win a teamfight? You be the judge here. Lux is a more versatile pick benefiting more varied teamcompositions. Fizz's ult has ridiculous synergy with other ults like amumu's or wukong's even if he is underfarmed.

My answer? Pick kennen or fucking morgana. Gragas does work wonders in lane against her, however he's kind of meh past mid-game even if fed as fuck. Although his ult can initiate a bad for her (and good for him) teamfight.

Either way all things considered the matchup of lux against fizz is risky for either side.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
When in doubt = Gragas. Fatty will whoop almost anything in a lane. Squishy ass Lux cant live through a lv6 Gragas combo with ignite.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
The issue I have with him and the reason I don't play him anymore is that strong laning and poke aside he's hard to carry with like I mentioned earlier. You can dominate lane and midgame but his ult being the crapshoot that it is can fuck up fights as often as it can win them. That and he has literary zero utility apart from his ult. I had many games where I went 10/1 or some other ridiculous score and where we stomped, but then late game comes around and it turns out I'm the only one with kills but it means jack when the enemy bruiser rape train comes knocking. You can't kill them or peel them and because you snowball you probably ks people who could carry at that point.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
I carried lots of games with fatty. Problem arrives if other lanes feed alot. If their support is fed, youre fucked.


Jun 11, 2007
Festung Breslau
Grab the Codex by the pussy
If you use E for farming what prevents him from walking up to the minions and last hitting them again?
Nothing. But in best case scenario he eats E for free, in worst you can deny him a creep or two.

He can zone lux and farm, but lux can't prevent him from last hitting and farm at the same time. All he needs to zone her is be close to her and last hit at the same time, he doesn't need to use even a single skill until he wants to go for the kill thus conserving mana and cooldows, lux does not have that luxury.

She can't deal with his all-in. Pre-6 she can pray a pointblank snare will hit and that's it. From 6 onwards she can only hope the shark misses. The lazor is useless at point blank range. All she can do is blow flash. God forbid she thinks you are going for the kill and tries to snare you and misses before you use anything. Yes you can't deny him all creeps but he can't kill you every time you are within dash range. What is worse, being at risk of dying or being at risk of not being able to last hit minions? You only need 20+ more to make up for a kill you feed!

Fizz can't zone Lux and farm at the same time. If Lux stays at max AA range Fizz needs to blow both of his gap closers to get to her. And after he does that, landing point-blank Q is not a problem. Then Lux runs away, throwing a couple of AA behind her. So at best Fizz can trade evenly. Unless he uses both flash and ult, you risk dying only when you overextend and get ganked, blow your Q too early or fell asleep and let Fizz walk all the way to you.

Fizz ult bot vs lux snare/(shitty)shield bot, which is better and why? Can the snare stop fizz from (helping in) murdering someone in a fight? Can it help catch fizz? Can fizz's ult win a teamfight? You be the judge here. Lux is a more versatile pick benefiting more varied teamcompositions. Fizz's ult has ridiculous synergy with other ults like amumu's or wukong's even if he is underfarmed.
You let me be the judge, so here it goes: I'd rather have Lux's binding than Fizz' ult. 2 second root on 7 sec cooldown (w/40% cdr) and 1175 range? Yes please.

Either way all things considered the matchup of lux against fizz is risky for either side.
Matchup against any assassin in risky, period. But as risks go, Lux is a relatively safe pick against Fizz.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Also, most of the BROs I play with can probably confirm here that I play a pretty good Jizz, yet I've never (never) had any success against Lux with him. Take that as you may.


Jun 18, 2010
Lissandra skillset posted on the french LoL site. It was taken down again, but some clever people went and copied it:

Lissandra est un mage flexible pas trop gourmand en mana. Elle privilégie le contrôle de foule, le kiting et la mobilité aux dégâts.


Sublimée (passive) : après un court délai, la prochaine compétence de Lissandra ne lui coûte pas de mana. Si vous frappez un ennemi avec des compétences réduisant les déplacements, cela réduit la récupération de Sublimée.
Éclat de glace : Lissandra projette une lance de glace qui se brise au contact du premier ennemi touché, lui infligeant des dégâts et ralentissant ses déplacements pendant une courte durée. Les ennemis derrière la cible touchée subissent aussi des dégâts.
Cercle de givre : Lissandra congèle la zone autour d'elle, infligeant des dégâts aux ennemis proches et les immobilisant pendant une courte durée.
Chemin glacial : Lissandra lance une griffe de glace à longue portée. La griffe se déplace lentement sur une ligne, infligeant des dégâts à tous les ennemis sur son trajet. Si vous réactivez Chemin glacial, Lissandra est transportée à l'endroit où se situe sa griffe.
Tombeau polaire (ultime) :
Sur l'ennemi : Lissandra congèle un champion ennemi, lui infligeant des dégâts et l'étourdissant un court instant. De la glace obscure émane de la cible, infligeant des dégâts et ralentissant les ennemis proches.
Sur soi : Lissandra s'immobilise dans la glace pendant un court instant, ce qui la rend impossible à cibler et insensible aux dégâts. De la glace obscure émane de Lissandra, infligeant des dégâts et ralentissant les ennemis proches.

Voie du milieu : Les capacités de mobilité et de contrôle de foule dont dispose Lissandra en font un champion de choix pour jouer de manière agressive sur la voie centrale tout en faisant du roaming. En poussant sur sa voie avec ses compétences à effet de zone, la Sorcière de glace peut faire suffisamment de place pour se permettre d'aller faire un tour en haut ou en bas. Grâce à la téléportation à longue distance proposée par Chemin glacial, elle peut surgir sur les ennemis depuis des angles inattendus, en passant par-dessus les murs ou en évitant l'emplacement habituel des balises. Une fois l'embuscade réussie, Lissandra peut profiter de ses ralentissements, étourdissements et immobilisations pour clouer un ennemi sur place et l'achever.
Voie du haut : Par rapport aux autres AP, Lissandra a moins besoin du buff bleu grâce à son passif. Cela en fait un choix idéal pour s'en sortir sans difficulté sur la voie du haut. Elle n'est pas très résistante de base, mais sa téléportation à longue distance avec Chemin glacial lui permet de fuir de manière plutôt osée. Si elle est surprise par un gank, Lissandra peut congeler ses assaillants avec Cercle de givre puis disparaître par-dessus un mur en lançant Chemin glacial au bon endroit.

Les dégâts de zone d'Éclat de glace lui permettent également de protéger sa tourelle même quand elle subit la pression adverse, ou de pousser sur sa voie pour essayer de forcer les junglers ennemis à lancer un contre-gank. Si un ennemi mord à l'hameçon, Lissandra peut lancer Tombeau polaire sur elle-même, ce qui lui permet de résister aux dégâts le temps d'assurer la mort de son adversaire en lançant ses autres compétences.
Combats d'équipes : Lissandra n'est pas le genre de mage qui pulvérise les cibles prioritaires en un coup, mais elle est tout de même capable d'infliger de lourds dégâts et de lancer des sorts de contrôle de foule sur des ennemis groupés. Éclat de glace permet de coincer les ennemis grâce à ses dégâts de zone répétés et ses ralentissements, tout en attendant le moment idéal pour lancer sa combo en entier. Au moment opportun, Lissandra peut lancer Chemin glacial pour s'approcher rapidement et bloquer une cible prioritaire grâce à Tombeau polaire. Si l'équipe adverse commence à se concentrer sur elle, Lissandra peut plutôt lancer Tombeau polaire sur elle-même afin d'éviter le burst initial. Elle peut ensuite s'échapper grâce à Cercle de givre.

Si vous cherchez un mage qui est plus axé sur le contrôle de foule, la mobilité et le kiting que sur les dégâts, Lissandra devrait être tout à fait à votre convenance.

La magie de Lissandra est capable de manipuler la pure puissance de la glace en quelque chose d'à la fois obscur et terrible. Avec la force de sa glace noire, elle fait bien plus que glacer... elle empale et écrase ceux qui osent s'opposer à elle. Pour les habitants du Nord, terrifiés, elle est connue sous le nom de « la Sorcière de glace ». La vérité est bien plus sombre : Lissandra complote pour corrompre la Nature et ramener le monde à l'âge de glace.
Des siècles plus tôt, Lissandra trahit sa propre tribu pour s'allier avec des créatures démoniaques, les Veilleurs de glace, et obtenir leur pouvoir. Ce fut la dernière fois que du sang chaud coula dans ses veines. À la tête d'une nouvelle tribu constituée de corrompus et dotée de la force des Veilleurs, elle balaya les terres telle une terrible tempête. Tandis que son empire s'étendait, le monde se refroidissait et la glace s'abattait sur les terres. Lorsque les Veilleurs furent défaits par d'anciens héros, Lissandra ne perdit pas confiance pour autant et jura de préparer le monde à leur retour.
Lissandra s'acharna à effacer toute trace des Veilleurs de la face du monde. Usant de magie, elle se fit passer pour bon nombre d'oracles et de sages. Au fil des générations, elle a ainsi pu réécrire l'histoire de Freljord et, par la même occasion, celle de son propre peuple. Aujourd'hui, les fragments d'histoires que l'on peut entendre sur les Veilleurs sont considérés comme de simples contes pour enfants. Mais tout ceci était loin d'être suffisant ; Lissandra allait désormais avoir besoin d'une armée.
Elle jeta son dévolu sur la noble tribu des Gardiens du givre. Lissandra savait que corrompre les Gardiens du givre prendrait des siècles, et pour cette raison elle opta pour une méthode plus radicale. Elle assassina et vola l'identité du chef des Gardiens du givre. Puis elle commença, petit à petit, à corrompre les fières valeurs et traditions de la tribu. Lorsque sa forme humaine devint trop vieille et faible, elle simula sa propre mort, puis assassina son successeur et en vola l'identité. Génération après génération, les Gardiens du givre devinrent plus reclus, cruels et corrompus. De nos jours, le monde les voit toujours comme de nobles et pacifiques gardiens qui le protègent contre des créatures démoniaques, telle que la Sorcière de glace. La réalité est toute autre : ils servent désormais la sorcière elle-même et attendent le retour des Veilleurs.
Lissandra sait que lorsque ce jour viendra... les nations s'écrouleront et le monde retournera à son ère glaciaire.
« Fermez les yeux et laissez le froid vous emporter. » - Lissandra

For the barbarians who don't speak a civilized language:

Lissandra is a mage with low mana costs, focusing on kiting, crowd control and mobile damage

Passive - After a delay, the next skill Lissandra uses costs no mana. If you hit a champion with a crowd control effect, the passive cooldown is reduced.
Q - Ice Shard - Lissandra fires a projectile that shatters on contact with an enemy, damaging and slowing them. Enemies behind the target also take damage.
W - Circle of Frost - Lissandra freezes the area around her, damaging and immobilizing enemies for a short time.
E - Icy Path - Lissandra fires a claw with a long range. The claw travels slowly in a line, damaging enemies in its path. If you activate the ability again, Lissandra teleports to the location of the claw.
R - Arctic Tomb
(On enemy) Lissandra freezes and enemy champion, dealing damage and stunning them for a short time. Ice emenates from the target, dealing damage and slowing nearby enemies.
(On self) Lissandra encases herself in ice, becoming untargetable and immune to damage for a short time. Ice emenates from her tomb, dealing damage to and slowing nearby enemies.


Jun 18, 2010
Nevermind. Now the rest of the sites followed suit. An actual english translation is up:



[Passive] Iceborn
After a brief cooldown, Lissandra's next ability costs no mana. Hitting an enemy with movement impairing abilities reduces Iceborn's cooldown.
[Q] Ice Shard
Lissandra throws a spear of ice that shatters on contact with the first enemy struck, dealing damage and slowing their movement speed for a short duration. Enemies behind the struck target also take damage.
[W] Ring of Frost
Lissandra freezes the area around her, dealing damage to nearby enemies and rooting them for a short duration.
[E] Glacial Path
Lissandra casts a slow-moving, long-range ice claw in a line, dealing damage to all enemies in its path. Re-activating Glacial Path teleports Lissandra to the claw's current location.
[R] Frozen Tomb
On enemy cast: Lissandra freezes an enemy champion, damaging and stunning them briefly. Dark Ice emanates from the target, dealing damage and slowing nearby enemies.
On self-cast: Lissandra encases herself in ice, rooting herself in place briefly and becoming untargetable and invulnerable. Dark Ice emanates from Lissandra, dealing damage and slowing nearby enemies.



Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Lux's AA range is shit, her AS is shit and her AA animation is even less responsive than morgana's. You get two AAs off if you are lucky, even if you snare him. That's it. People honestly overestimate how big of an advantage having a ranged AA is against fizz. It allows you to last hit better but means nearly nothing after the first 2 or three levels when you can poke him with them with impunity.

BTW his dash has the same range as Lux's AA, 550. Like I said either the troll-pole or the dash WILL hit her. Snare+passive proc+2 autos assuming you land Q is the best case scenario for lux. If fizz fucks up a trade he loses some HP but can't be bursted down, if he doesn't he murders her or forces her to blow flash and go base. The pressure is on lux not to fuck up. All fizz has to care about is not getting ganked, which BTW lux also has to deal with even if the lane is pushed by fizz (which it shouldn't due to lux's E being used either for farming or zoning).

A relatively safe pick it is not when you need to play absolutely perfectly not to feed and there is the risk he goes roam and gets kills from that snowballing. Fizz has a bigger margin for error here when it comes to not feeding. It can go wrong for lux in many ways she wastes Q, she responds too late to flash+ult by fizz, she gets dived, ganked from their jungle or just plainly ganked from bush. On the other hand fizz needs to just be careful not to use both gap-closers/escapes if the enemy jungler is nearby. If fizz wouldn't have problems with farming in this matchup it would be an easy lane for him, that's his only major problem in such a lane.

EDIT: Holy shit that CC on lisandra. And a gapcloser. And a mana conservation passive. Possibly incredibly broken, unless she gets released ridiculously underpowered. Then she'll get buffed and be broken in the future.

How do they plan on balancing that kit?


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Oh man. I am trying to buy every new champ they release but since the runepage bundle sale I am short on IP. Might just skip Zac (I hate jungling and mainly support/mid) and just get this chick. Though I doubt I'll like her better than Anivia!

...and I still have to buy Diana, my new love. Too many champions!

I am not sure where Hellraiser's coming from, EUW's #1 Challenger player, world's best Fizz, has trouble laning vs Lux. The problem is that she can farm all day from safe range and there's dick you can do about it. And unlike, say, Karthus, she isn't easily dove.


Jun 18, 2010
EDIT: Holy shit that CC on lisandra. And a gapcloser. And a mana conservation passive. Possibly incredibly broken, unless she gets released ridiculously underpowered. Then she'll get buffed and be broken in the future.

Step 1: Liandri's Torment
Step 2: ???


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
EDIT: Holy shit that CC on lisandra. And a gapcloser. And a mana conservation passive. Possibly incredibly broken, unless she gets released ridiculously underpowered. Then she'll get buffed and be broken in the future.

How do they plan on balancing that kit?

Low damage = no burst of carries. Claw is slow so gapcloser i awkward. Seems OK to me.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
I am not sure where Hellraiser's coming from, EUW's #1 Challenger player, world's best Fizz, has trouble laning vs Lux. The problem is that she can farm all day from safe range and there's dick you can do about it. And unlike, say, Karthus, she isn't easily dove.

Ok I can see your first point but how is Karthus is easy to dive and lux not? Diving karthus is retarded if he has full hp. You eat slow from his wall while he dances around you with lawnmower mode on. If he dies he still kills you. Even if there's two of you he can still kill you both post-mortem. It's not worth it unless he's low at low health.

Lux can snare you under tower if she gets lucky, she can't kill you if she's dead though. And fucking fizz dives like a boss. Plus you should be diving 2v1 with your jungler around in the first place. It doesn't matter how much HP she has as she will melt right away unless she stacks health.


Jun 11, 2007
Festung Breslau
Grab the Codex by the pussy
Lux's AA range is shit, her AS is shit and her AA animation is even less responsive than morgana's. You get two AAs off if you are lucky, even if you snare him. That's it. People honestly overestimate how big of an advantage having a ranged AA is against fizz. It allows you to last hit better but means nearly nothing after the first 2 or three levels when you can poke him with them with impunity.
That's why Lux isn't adc, usually all you need is 1 aa to proc her passive or 1 aa for quick harass while she's in creep wave. Creeps really hurt at low levels so good luck diving there to trade her her and getting better deal.

BTW his dash has the same range as Lux's AA, 550. Like I said either the troll-pole or the dash WILL hit her. Snare+passive proc+2 autos assuming you land Q is the best case scenario for lux. If fizz fucks up a trade he loses some HP but can't be bursted down, if he doesn't he murders her or forces her to blow flash and go base. The pressure is on lux not to fuck up. All fizz has to care about is not getting ganked, which BTW lux also has to deal with even if the lane is pushed by fizz (which it shouldn't due to lux's E being used either for farming or zoning).
Yes, but if you dash straight at Lux, you gonna get Q in the face. Then, if Lux has ult and ignite you gonna die. If not, she will escape.

A relatively safe pick it is not when you need to play absolutely perfectly not to feed and there is the risk he goes roam and gets kills from that snowballing. Fizz has a bigger margin for error here when it comes to not feeding. It can go wrong for lux in many ways she wastes Q, she responds too late to flash+ult by fizz, she gets dived, ganked from their jungle or just plainly ganked from bush. On the other hand fizz needs to just be careful not to use both gap-closers/escapes if the enemy jungler is nearby. If fizz wouldn't have problems with farming in this matchup it would be an easy lane for him, that's his only major problem in such a lane.
You're sounding like Fizz can instagib Lux with 1 skill from lvl 1. This is simply not true. Also, if Fizz fucks up and eats full combo he will die too - Lux has plenty of damage as well. So you can't act like you own the lane from first second.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Fizz can instagib almost anyone at level2 if he gets there first, starts red pot, uses hybrid pen runes and 30/0/0 masteries.
And diving Karthus is a lot safer for Fizz than diving Lux. One of the great parts of being Fizz is dealing tons of damage while they are under their tower. This can't be done with Lux. In fact, she'll never let you get close. This doesn't happen with Karthus nearly as much.

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