The lore is mostly lame and written in a pretty childish style, but since it's not tied in any way to the gameplay I don't care too much. Some champions have a coolness factor going on though that makes me play them, such as Nautilus, Viktor, Xerath, Zed etc. Especially say Nautilus, while being obviously Bioshock-inspired feels pretty cool to play, his reverbing deep voice, the things he says and his nice hefty animation makes him somehow more fun to play even while if you read his lore you're just thinking "Who writes this stuff?".
So I want to play Swain but I feel like my standard APmid pages aren't working for me, now maybe I just need to get better at last shots (probably) but then again I figure since he's using a lot of AA's both to lasthit and harass and he's got his damage amplification thing, how about run AD quints? Also I have 12/11/7 masteries, that's damage, defense and the mana. I have to see if I will run armor seals or mana regen seals, sure he has his passive but his spells cost a bunch.
I think I'm getting the hang of this support thing. Buy obsessive amounts of wards, maybe items too if you get a lot of assists, don't die because the risks you can take are never worth anything anyway, you're not Garen or something. Even though it's no fun having almost nothing I note having most of the map visible tends to afford slightly more winning than having 5 wards on the map.
Still have no idea what to do when you have Nunu and they have Cuntlyn, like I have tried every support against her but none of them work, if you take leona she just uses cunt abilities and shoots you, if you take taric I guess you at least have a heal, if you have Nunu you can just watch how Tristanas health is going away and yours too whenever you get too close, that is behind your tower. Say you take healgoat, of course they will pick some Leona or something and your carry gets 100-0'ed. Good thing calling for jungle never works, YOU'RE SUPPORT FAGGOT.
So I get to team up with some guys, friend's friends, smurfs from EUW who are there "because the level of play is higher". So why does it seem to me they all kinda suck? Why do you want to switch kurwa to merde if you're not going to get high up there anyways?