Heh, funny to read this thread when I've just watched scarra spending around 20 minutes bitching about Quinn on his stream.
Wonderful synergistic comments such as "Quinn is better mid than adc" and "Heimerdinger is better than Quinn".
Going over her kit in detail and explaining what's wrong with it.
Good stuff.
The point isn't even if she's good or bad on paper, the point is that I do better with her than other adcs
in my current skill level environment. It doesn't matter if Heimerdinger is a bad champion, for example. If you can climb the ladder playing him, you should.
To be fair, I haven't played any other ADCs, so I don't know. Maybe I'm just a natural. My Tristana winrate is 75% but I don't consider 4 games a good sample size; on the other hand I have 27 Quinn games, so 60% is a lot more consistent. The KDA with Quinn is
much worse than with Anivia or Nami, though. (3.3 VS 7.0) - it is difficult to die with Anivia/Nami.
I watched a 3 hour video by a French guy on how to play Warwick to a level that allowed him to go from Silver to Diamond in 3 weeks. Here's what he had to say:
A) Chat is 100% useless; use it only to joke or write buff timers and rarely, in the odd case your team will listen, call baron or grouping.
B) Never ever point out anyone's mistake ever.
C) Never gank a losing lane, ever. Let losers die over and over rather than resetting their gold value to the enemy.
D) Ignore any flaming with the ignore button.
E) Let idiots die. Always. Never save someone if there is a 1% chance it will give a doublekill to the enemy or if it will kill you.
It might sound counter-intuitive but it worked for him. But what I want you to take away from this is A & B. What is telling them mistakes going to do? Do you really think they'll stop making mistakes and listen? That might happen 1% of the time but it's just a waste of time; don't bother saying anything. Let them die and ignore their mistakes - focus 100% your own play.