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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


Jul 4, 2011
Ugh. Why would you pick Quinn?


Dec 31, 2007
Copenhagen, Denmark
Heh, funny to read this thread when I've just watched scarra spending around 20 minutes bitching about Quinn on his stream.
Wonderful synergistic comments such as "Quinn is better mid than adc" and "Heimerdinger is better than Quinn".
Going over her kit in detail and explaining what's wrong with it.
Good stuff.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Well I probably fell to Silver II or will do so if I lose my next game. Roxor has nothing to fear as I am now way below him in our league again, 5 game losing streak too good. Granted I fucked up one of those.

Last game was a particular example of time wasting. Our first pick bans amumu (or malphite), the enemy goes with elise, kayle and malphite (or amumu), then our first pick bans nidalee and diana. Guess what he picked next? Lux. Enemy team picks shen, blitz, ahri, riven and varus. I can't go top nasus as riven will go top while shen will go jungle if I do, also yorick was before me and he picked that. So we have thresh, mf (me), lux, yorick and jungle zac. Game lost before the loading screen even appeared.

My support is thresh, I told him to get taric or leona because out of experience I know they work against blitz. Last pick switches with first pick for lux, duo queue. FUCK. Either way glorious first pick cannot into playing against blitz. He says it's his gold qualification match, I told him bluntly later in the game (but politely) he doesn't really deserve gold (game was totally lost at that point as his friend lux fed mid, giving FB to riven who snowballed and just kept getting dived by ahri and that riven). He replies that he was better than me, yes I didn't get grabbed even fucking once in lane, I farmed and harassed without getting grabbed which requires some mental abbility. But he kept walking into blitz's line of grab. So I tell him he kept getting grabbed, "my job is to protect the adc" he says, how the fuck do you protect the adc by walking into grabs? Especially when the adc is in no danger of getting grabbed because he stands behind fucking miniosn or out of his range the whole game? At least he shut up after I pointed that out realizing his stupidity. Maybe they'll learn something out of this and not lose games for more teams.

Signs that the game should have been dodged (which I would if I wasn't one or two games away from getting demoted):
- first pick bans the counters of what he wants to pick, diana and nidalee. I could agree with diana if he didn't waste a ban on nid and banned someone who forces the game to play around him instead (blitz/shen).
- our picks have little in the way of teamfighting, only thresh and lux can initiate with hard CC. Nobody can CC/peel decently at all when the enemy team has ahri and riven.
- team captain first picks mid and lux, gets counterpicked. Now, first picking lux and going support if you get counterpicked would work and be fairly safe IF HE BANNED FUCKING BLITZ.
- duo queuers who can't ban and pick properly

In hindsight I should have gotten leona and let last pick get us adc as you can't trust randoms to know who to pick against blitz (hint: someone who can instantly CC the enemy carry if he gets grabbed and is tanky, like leona or taric). Then again if you let randoms play adc against blitz they will keep getting grabbed even as fucking ezreal, it's a lose-lose *sigh*. At the very least we would have better odds and I guess it was too much to expect they'll listen to me when I tell them taric/leona is best against blitz. Either way lux lost this as she couldn't really do shit against ahri and a jungler like riven who was damn good.


Oct 12, 2006
You know, if you want to lose less dont spend so much time focusing on other peoples mistakes. You wont play with them again so even if your bitching would improve their play, which it wont, it doesnt help you win your next game. You are the only constant factor, what did you do wrong? How can you prevent from doing it again? That's the only thing you should worry about.
Im pretty sure you fucked up more than once during those 5 games, but owning up to one is better than none I suppose.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Well to be honest I don't focus much on their mistakes until after the game and I rarely bitch, that usually end up in pointless flaming anyway. If there's something that's fixable and we can salvage the situation I point it out. Like "please buy sightstone it gets us free wards" or "please focus their carry, don't chase garen". Raging in team chat achieves little. That and focusing on what I did wrong is obvious. I fucked up major time in one game, played meh in one (but not enough to fuck up the game) and did all I could in 3 but still lost.

The other issue is that if someone doesn't tell them why picking X against Y is bad they'll just keep repeating those mistakes and you would be surprised but I actually do see *some* of the people I played with later in solo queue. Since half of the people in ranked mindlessly copy what others are doing without understanding why they do what they do, if you let one bad keep making the same mistakes newbies will mimic him and become bads themselves.

That and it's an old habit, I worked as a tutor.


Jun 18, 2010
He says it's his gold qualification match, I told him bluntly later in the game (but politely) he doesn't really deserve gold (game was totally lost at that point as his friend lux fed mid, giving FB to riven who snowballed and just kept getting dived by ahri and that riven). He replies that he was better than me, yes I didn't get grabbed even fucking once in lane, I farmed and harassed without getting grabbed which requires some mental abbility. But he kept walking into blitz's line of grab. So I tell him he kept getting grabbed, "my job is to protect the adc" he says, how the fuck do you protect the adc by walking into grabs? Especially when the adc is in no danger of getting grabbed because he stands behind fucking miniosn or out of his range the whole game? At least he shut up after I pointed that out realizing his stupidity. Maybe they'll learn something out of this and not lose games for more teams.

Well to be honest I don't focus much on their mistakes until after the game and I rarely bitch

I don't focus much on their mistakes until after the game and I rarely bitch

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
The problem with giving people advice in ranku is that they usually respond with butthurt, no matter how polite is the remark.

Mid gets ganged and dies for the third time -> "dude, get wards" -> "OH YEAH? FUCK YOU FOCUS ON YOUR OWN SHIT" *a summoner has disconnected*.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
That was about 2 minutes before they killed our nexus and it was one game out of a dozen or two dozen where I did that. Either way if you lose fights you need to think why are you losing them, if you are the reason improve and stop making your mistakes, if others are making them point them out just don't be a dick about it. Thresh was an exception as he managed to irritate me, mostly because he said he was in gold qualifiers in a /q he failed to send properly and was whining that his team was at fault.

EDIT: Well if he feeds and dc's you are arguably in a better position playing 4v5 without him than not :troll:


Oct 12, 2006
Youre just wasting time and effort pointing other peoples mistakes out, that could be spent on improving yourself. Imagine if you posted that lenghty a post about every thing you did wrong and how you dealt with that instead, not only would it help yourself but others reading it too. Allthough I doubt you would have enough material, because you don't see what you are doing wrong. The more mistakes you realize you are doing the better you become. Thats why you see the high level streamers pointing out their own mistakes more regularly than they bitch about others.

EDI: I played a game and my team mates were bad :x


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
I do see my own mistakes, I just don't post about them. Well I did post that I should have went support myself given the situation and our composition as relying on your teamamtes to pick someone to initiate, tank and peel when you have no one is asking for a defeat in tinfoil elo. The issue is considering how that game played out (due to the picks and bans of our captain) my mistake was not the one that sealed the deal. I played the best I could with MF in that game, the only mistake which I made and I didn't mention was letting varus take a few AAs on me when thresh+zac caught blitz alone at river. I though I could get away but his ult came off CD, should have stayed in lane and only followed him if he did. At that point though we had 0/5 lux mid with ahri/riven snowballing off her and thresh (varus had one kill where him and me went one for one in a gank but we killed blitz as well).

EDIT: Saved from being demoted because draven+blitz (me) op. Also they had karma+cait bot and trynd mid with their jungle elise being afk/dc'd all game. Elo hell indeed, at least not for me this time.


Oct 12, 2006
Well if you only made one mistake, or two, during 5 games you are better than most diamond players.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
During five I made more. Nobody plays perfectly anyway, but there is a huge difference in how much missing a regular spell or a couple of minions makes you lose a game and how much engaging at the bad time, bad dives, wasting your ult and other things make you. The issue here is that none of the ones I made apart from those in one game were all that game-changing or key factors in our defeat. Doesn't mean I shouldn't work on that which I screwed up in the other games even if they did not cause us to lose.


Jun 11, 2007
Festung Breslau
Grab the Codex by the pussy
Everyone makes mistakes, but usually they aren't worth posting about - e.g. "I over-committed because I wasn't paying attention to the minimap.". Sure, small mistakes like that stack upon themselves and are eventually the cause of lost lanes and lost games, but they aren't interesting.
Also, nobody here bitches about someone who lost his lane by giving his opponent 1 kill and 20 more cs. We're bitching about teammates that singehandedly lost the game when they fed 12 kills in 15 min. because they never bought any wards but still keep pushing like hell. Or other retarded things that shouldn't happen above Bronze IV.


Jun 18, 2010
If noone bitched about strangers making a mistake in a game, this thread would be 5 pages long :roll:


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
No, it would be 5 pages long if no one would go "ffs Riot" every time the patch notes are released and nobody would bitch about bad teams or teammates. Complaining about things (for good reasons) is a key part of the Codex Hivemind. :obviously:


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Heh, funny to read this thread when I've just watched scarra spending around 20 minutes bitching about Quinn on his stream.
Wonderful synergistic comments such as "Quinn is better mid than adc" and "Heimerdinger is better than Quinn".
Going over her kit in detail and explaining what's wrong with it.
Good stuff.
The point isn't even if she's good or bad on paper, the point is that I do better with her than other adcs in my current skill level environment. It doesn't matter if Heimerdinger is a bad champion, for example. If you can climb the ladder playing him, you should.

To be fair, I haven't played any other ADCs, so I don't know. Maybe I'm just a natural. My Tristana winrate is 75% but I don't consider 4 games a good sample size; on the other hand I have 27 Quinn games, so 60% is a lot more consistent. The KDA with Quinn is much worse than with Anivia or Nami, though. (3.3 VS 7.0) - it is difficult to die with Anivia/Nami.

I watched a 3 hour video by a French guy on how to play Warwick to a level that allowed him to go from Silver to Diamond in 3 weeks. Here's what he had to say:

A) Chat is 100% useless; use it only to joke or write buff timers and rarely, in the odd case your team will listen, call baron or grouping.
B) Never ever point out anyone's mistake ever.
C) Never gank a losing lane, ever. Let losers die over and over rather than resetting their gold value to the enemy.
D) Ignore any flaming with the ignore button.
E) Let idiots die. Always. Never save someone if there is a 1% chance it will give a doublekill to the enemy or if it will kill you.

It might sound counter-intuitive but it worked for him. But what I want you to take away from this is A & B. What is telling them mistakes going to do? Do you really think they'll stop making mistakes and listen? That might happen 1% of the time but it's just a waste of time; don't bother saying anything. Let them die and ignore their mistakes - focus 100% your own play.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
The thing is though I can play morgana and win 72,7% of the time. That doesn't mean I get to play morgana every game. I can do consistently good in all lanes, apart from supporting (not my fault somebody picks cait against zyra+tristana and as much as I want to stun trist the burst nearly kills cait before I notice she got hit by zyra) as that depends on the person playing the adc (you support him not the other way around). Out of the last 7 games I won one. I laned only once, as mf. I supported three time and jungled 3 times.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Well the one thing I should do is not bother grabbing any adc as blitz if they have ali, unless we get a gank. Cait had no flash and ali blew exhaust earlier, I had half hp and trist was full. I grab cait under our tower(!), power fist her ass and exhaust her. Ali intervenes to CC me but he fails in his headbutt pushing me away (only stuns me with Q). She still gets away with barely any healths at all and kills me with a lucky Q getting first blood after I flash and run away to safety behind my tower. I know trist did everything she could to kill the bitch, but cait still got away.

God damn it, it is totally impossible to do a good grab as blitz if they pick taric, leona or ali even if you grab the adc pull her/him under your tower. Blitz is simply too squishy for his own good early game. Should just stop playing him altogether as obviously I fail with him nearly as much as with maokai (although it's hard to carry with maokai). Gotta buy fish lady and just babysit, at least nobody will bitch I'm not grabbing them enough with blitz when grabs end with only the enemy carry getting fed and not mine.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
I dunno man, people don't like seeing fish woman at lower elo tiers. I often get people complaining about Nami's low winrate- nevermind I'm stable at 60% at 100 games with a massive KDA. Just gotta play her anyway and let the in-game results do the talking.

Wait, you're Silver I/II right? It should be fine there, people have started to hear that she's played with great success in Asia and are more accepting.

But... fish lady is... well. You'll fail. Over and over again, until you get a feel for her Q and R. And that will take time. I would rather suggest Lulu and Thresh for easier, yet still challenging and not boring and extremely potent/useful supports.

Also I just had a fun game trying out Graves: they had a Zed who kept ulting me over and over to kill me, but I just stood there and shot him to death because I had that Scimitar. Even after three tries he still kept ulting me with that junk that I'd always QSS away. zz

I'd still ban Zed though; he does shit-loads of damage even without the ult; any decent Zed will kill you if he wants to and have the potential to get away.
Dec 19, 2007
Why the fuck are people dead set to lose when I pick Karthus? OMG NOOB I MID 4 MID

1v2 bot with Karthus against MF Taric. K. Got some farm and didn't feed, bought Philo Kage's Ruby Sight RoA, then later sold the GP stuff and bought standard Karthus items 'cept couldn't afford Zhonyas. It was even winnable, we didn't have ADC but we had some teamfighting powers and good damage, but our trolls were deadset to losing and started griefing OMG ME MID MID MID MID

Fucking mid, why does it appeal to retards so much.

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