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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


Oct 12, 2006
3. If only there was a way to mix the two.
Dec 19, 2007
Well question answered, had a Wukong go 19/something with BotKR, BC, Triforce, Ionian boots, GA and BF Sword. WTF? 12W 0L with Zac, my new record with any champion (previous was Karthus at 10/0 before some fucking trolls ruined it). And the Wukong player bitched at me at how useless Zac is... About the only champion I die next to no times too. Sad that he's absolutely gonna get nerfed, a jungler that simply punishes you for playing aggressively even if you ward probably shouldn't be too strong (Hecarim, Shaco etc). Hell, you can gank even very safe playing laners if your laners are powerful enough. Zac is just crazy, not the best teamfight champion but man does he fuck up the laning phase.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Went into ARAM, it picked draven for me. I never played draven but more or less knew how his kit works. 15 minutes later it goes "double kill, tripple kill, quadra kill, pentakill!". League of Draven indeed. Playing adc against clueless randoms is so fun in aram, good kiting practice. But his Q+W synergy is just so worthless once a fight starts, how are you supposed to grab fucking axes when you get the fiora+jarvan+irelia rape train trying to dive you?

After that the enemy team realized that despite all the ksing ap yi and panth do I'm the one actually carrying this shit and focus me down. Of course our yi, who was disconnected throughout half of the game, said "gg easy" before we even started to hit their nexus. Of course we lost shortly after that.


Well I guess karma is a bitch eh yi? Was fun anyway.


Jul 4, 2011
Draven is a hellish beast in lane, as he can use said axes. Lategame he's pretty meh.
Dec 19, 2007
Enemy team pick Fiora Nidalee Tryndamere + Ali MF. Is this ranked? Why yes it is, Fiora vs. Rumble, Trynda jungle vs. my Xin, Lux Draven Thresh for that nice fuck you melee guys comp. Yeah we still managed to suck but man even I'd have dodged Trynda Fiora. Thresh did the same damage as fucking Fiora and a few correctly executed teamfights are just too much for their weird ass split push or whatever comp. Huh. Even if you are dead set to play a melee carry why play Tryndamere and Fiora, I mean if you just played for example Xin, well damage Xin can still dive because his ult gives him some sweet alone time with someone and he's very hard to kite. I had some funny moments at least where some Tryndafiora would want to duel me when I have just Warden's Mail and it's simply too much.

I have this problem where I have like no top laners I can play if they pick Elise (or Nid Teemo Joyce Yorick whatever), I mean not ones I have any idea of how to play, unless J4 or Xin can be used against them, I'm not sure though. Xin is a pretty mean guy but IDK if he can actually face Elise, J4 has that sweet double gap closer and a ranged poke. How about Olaf or Zed, they have poke too and are basically good champions? I used to like shitcroc too, is he truly viable these days?

About the same is going on for mid too, I can play only like Lux and Zed and the others don't seem to work so well anymore. Well for ranked anyway where I tryhard.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Shticroc is the safest pick top one can imagine, I see him most often. Only irelia doesn't outright lose a lane to him out of top picks, even champions good against melees like malphite and singed have problems because he is a beast early game and nearly impossible to gank. That and he can stay in lane forever.

Elise is just broken top, she's among the top bans for a reason. Personally I have no idea who works against the spider bitch as I saw her banned in all but one game (apart from the one where she dc'd before it loaded) and she jungled in that one. Probably another reason she gets banned so much, she can mid, she can top and she can jungle so you can do fuck all to counterpick her forcing you to pick around her all the fucking time which is hard. Much simpler to just ban her.

Mid is apparently becoming more of a utility mage lane again, part of the reason lux is FotM probably. TF is an annoying fuck that is getting banned a lot, if you can't faceroll your lane with him you merely ult to help your jungler during ganks/counterjungling and get your team fed. Also he can pick off annoying cunts who get away/try to juke their ass away from your team with his ult. Not to mention split push or enter fights even if he's half the map away. His W takes time to get used to it though but properly used you become very annoying. Guy gets no buff apart from 50 more range on AA since his ult nerf nearly 2 years ago which supposedly ruined him and is now OP again because apparently the ult is still fucking useful to gank from mid.

Other than that you can always just go Morgana for the ultimate passive tryhard experience. Winning lanes is pathetically easy with her and you can always push and roam to gank bot with your ult. Her kit can carry even the worst bads on EU potato&viking ghetto. Carry getting dived? LOL blackshield. Need to win teamfights? LOL flash+ult(+zhonyas if they actually try to kill you before it stuns). Need to stop a bruiser? LOL snare.

There's also always Anivia, just farm lane all day and win lategame because you can deny towers all day with Q, R, wall and blue. If the enemy is dumb enough to walk into your Q range during laning cube him and spike him. With that free super GA she gets you have to be absolutely braindead to feed with her. You get free gold if they try to dive you or go all-in in lane because OP passive is OP.


In My Safe Space
Jan 1, 2011
Unranked-below bronze elo advice here, pick Jayce or Nidalee to counter the evil spider, cause they have similar kits(by pressing a button you change from melee to ranged and vice versa)+M
I don't like J4 in lane cause his manna costs are too high and after a couple of exchanges his is mannaless and pretty much useless. Jungle J4 though is a beast, the passive from e when combined with a lantern makes him an excellent farmer.

As for middle lane, I prefer tanky mages. Gragas, Cho and hopefully Lissandra. Build a combination of hp and ap and you have a decent damage dealer with cc who can survive for a few seconds in teamfights when the whole enemy team focuses you while your support ults himself+M


Oct 12, 2006
Yorick is the one I've had most problems with as Elise. He pokes just as hard but his poke has sustain. His ghouls also block any skill shots you might want to throw his way.
I also managed to go 0/6 vs an Olaf. :oops: He worked suprisingly well. If you try to poke him he will land an easy axe, run up and smack you in the face with E, land another axe and youre dead. And if you ever get off any harrass and survive he will just heal it back up with his W.


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
Interesting, the few times I've played vs. Olaf as Elise I felt that it was a rather easy match-up since she has stronger poke and has an execute skill that scales with missing hp. Yorick is a bitch though... I got absolutely trounced by a Wukong once as well, but that was more due to derping and going all in, only to be fooled by his clone and him getting first blood by the skin of his teeth.
Dec 19, 2007
So basically the answer is Yorick, he has no counters :D I have never quite done well with him though, perhaps there's a rhythm to the spam or something. I was thinking Olaf too myself, but I am not at all familiar with his lane match-ups other than the general idea that he's dangerous. Does shitcrock work gainst Elise? How about Joyce?

Oh I have forgot I can play Gargas and Cho, I so rarely even play mid. Perhaps I should start learning Iwinia and TF too, seems reasonable. I'm also trying to learn some Ezfail for botlane but I make a lot of mistakes with him because he feels so cheap and powerful, just blink burst fuck you Ezreal got the kills again.

I may start using Trundle more now that he gets some slight buffs along with the character rape, I always thought he's strong but not quite as easy to dominate with as say Nautilus. I tried him against Nasus, I thought that Nasus has to be a terrible jungle duelist and they often take ghost so he can't blink over my turd. I almost murder him level 2 but motherfucker took flash, I still crap all over his jungle at every point and I find the interactions of the various buffs and debuffs of Nasus and Trundle funny, of course he can never touch anything he gets to hug shit pillar. Trundle is one of my favourite jungle fighters since he can fuck over even Lee Sin.


Jun 18, 2010
Got jumped 3v1 in the river 'cause I wanted to place a ward.
Burn skills and summoners and get away with ~300hp after our Nasus jumps in to save me.
Decide to let Nasus die, 'cause fuck that loser.
Realize my ult just came off CD.
Go back in, heal up with ult and collect triple kill with hiten+bladesurge.

Nerf Irelia.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Guess what free week it is? Nami. Fish lady OP. Lots of damage, lots of CC. That E of hers is such a nice kill securing buff. Best part of it is your ad carry can be a clueless idiot and still benefit from all the shit you do, because it requires 0 knowledge of your kit for him to utilize it fully. Just E him when he tries to poke, W him when he takes damage and Q the enemy whenever necessary. Perfect for solo QQ.


Jun 11, 2007
Festung Breslau
Grab the Codex by the pussy
So I tried the mermaid because you guys were pimping her like she's the best thing ever... and yup, she's awesome. Strong laner, even stronger in teamfights. And her Q isn't that hard to land, especially for someone who was playing a lot with Cho'gath before. Her only weakness is the /laugh - I'd rate it only as 2/10 lulus.


Jun 18, 2010
Playing with Mystary and Phoenix seems like free win mode. I can actually count on my lanes to not feed (except when Phoenix picks garen) until I hit 6, so I can just go hardcore farm mode with jungle Diana and rape faces at the 7-minute mark.


Jul 19, 2009
Dec 19, 2007
Yeah, her laugh is pathetic, she can't even handle Taric's dirty rape dad laugh.

14W 0L with Zac, last game whe had shitdinger support with 0 wards and I never had vision of anything unless I put the ward there myself, plus suicide Zed, plus fail arrow ashe, plus run run run nidalee. But their Fizz DC'd and we won so clearly the gods of Karma are with me.


Jun 11, 2007
Festung Breslau
Grab the Codex by the pussy
And my curse of afk teammates continues - I played 3 games today and 2 of them were surr@20 because we were playing 4v5. Fortunately, in the third one our mid disconnected only for like 5 minutes and the enemies weren't smart enough to force a baron during that time, so we won that one.

Overall, for about two weeks now, more than 50% (I counted, also includes ranked games) of my games were 4v5. On top of that, some of them were 3v5 - second guy disconnecting when we were still doing fine despite having one less player. I don't know what's going on... at first I raged, then I laughed, now I'm getting sad. Time to quit LoL?


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
So I tried the mermaid because you guys were pimping her like she's the best thing ever... and yup, she's awesome. Strong laner, even stronger in teamfights. And her Q isn't that hard to land, especially for someone who was playing a lot with Cho'gath before. Her only weakness is the /laugh - I'd rate it only as 2/10 lulus.

Bro, after seeing how ridiculous she is if you try to trade with the adc's she's supporting there can really be no other conclusion. Even if your adc is a total dumbfuck and gets caught in what seems like a good all-in trap she can turn the tide (pun not intended) making you win the trade or getting your adc fed. Also that ult is ridiculously disruptive. She's very versatile, if you want a kill lane she can help you bully, if you want your adc not to feed she can babysit his ass all laning and heal him. She has ridiculous peeling, last game we had fucking shaco, derptarded 1/4 top elise and fizz who fed mid on our team. All lanes lost but bot.

Shaco dc'd half of the time turning it into a 4v5 mid to lategame, his ganks were ass as he dived enemy nami alone feeding cait a kill among other things. We still won because I peeled the shit out of garen and lee allowing our mf with boots 1 (because she has passive, why upgrade boots, she'll sell them later, yeah don't ask, I did tell her that passive means jack if she gets hit) to carry us even in 4v5 fights winning them barely and we only had a slight kill advantage.

They also had nami but I was clearly the superior OP fish lady as I got mf fed and won fights for us (she wasted ults to initiate, that shit needs to be used after a fight starts so the enemy bruisers are caught with gapclosers on CD). Only problem I have with her is that I end up playing so aggressively I end up with little mana eventually. So I just start double regen pedants+pot+ward, rush philo and chalice depending what I need more. :M

Obviously though my overall goals are to get sightstone (as it's godlike) and bulwark.


Jun 11, 2007
Festung Breslau
Grab the Codex by the pussy
Yeah, I also love how her ult is great at punishing enemies who wander alone in mid/late game trying to steal your wraiths or buffs. You can flush them with your ult from a far, then throw Q at them and that's usually more than enough time for you teammates to catch up and kill the bastard.

BTW, what skill do you max first? I tired maxing Q and it worked great, I tried maxing W and it was also working well, I guess with good poking adc like Cait or Kog maxing E would also work nicely. Does it depend on situation or is there a best skill order that should be followed?


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
I am a firm believer that solo queue demands maxing heals first, also it is your harass ability but the mana cost goes up. The benefit of Q is a lower CD, the benefit of E is more slow on hit. Maxing E second is best IMO beacuse it allows you carry to kite better (or your bruisers to secure kills).

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