It is impossible to lose a game with Zac, even when you have a bot that totally feeds and you completely lose control of bot side jungle and drake, the gods of luck would have it that you get a Kayle who gets 20 mejai stacks and kills everything. What the heck? And people wonder why I ban Kayle. I would ban Khafix too if I could, is that really an assassin, safe mode farm/poke from fucking range, try to gank bitch leaps back to tower and stealths and gets away. What a fucking faggy champion, another low risk high reward "assassin".
Protip for any Zac players : don't pick him if you need a primary tank initiator and CC source, building him full tank is suboptimal and you'll still die due to lack of tanky steroids, he doesn't mesh well for Irelia Kayle Cait Sona for example (well I was first pick so had I know they'll take that kind of stuff I'd just have picked Nautilus). Anyway I died and died and died, they'd just burst me down (in hindsight that might have been a mistake with their full ad + swain team when I stacked only health and armor). Btw the new spirit of golem item is amazing, having Kindlegem as a component is so much better than Giant's Belt.
I had to make myself a list of champions I play in ranked because I seriously forget I play them and the champion select screen doesn't help me any, I find it confusing to say the least. What do you think? Of course since I have almost every guy I might pick situationally something else but I'd prefer not to play champions I think are bad or I don't know how to play. Also of course some champs can go other lanes too, like say Olaf is still a perfectly fine jungler. Why 25 champions? Completely arbitary. I just find that I'm not getting enough practice with everything I play now.
Top : Yorick Olaf Shitcrock Darius Garen
Mid : Lux Twisted Fate Zed Xerath Cho
Jungle : J4 Nautilus Zac Nasus Trundle
ADC : Graves Ezreal Ashe Kog'Maw Twitch
Suport : Nunu Leona Thresh Taric Lulu
I want to replace Darius and Garen with champions that actually have gap closers, they're just here because I have a lot of games with them. I wonder if Xin is a viable top laner, I don't get to try that stuff so often, he at least has sustain, cc, spammable gap closer and damage, I mean he should work right? I'd play Malphite if he wasn't permabanned. Mb I should learn Rumble and Singed?
I find that Twisted Fate is ridiculously op and probably should be banned if he ever becomes popular again. His ult ganks are so safe too, "Oh shit their top is in bot side bush for some reason let's not do this crap plz. push top".