Play a game as Twitch, arguing starts instantly when you pick heal some "Pro ahri pfft I'm a huge faggot" dude starts bitching and at the start of the game calls me noob when I pick fort pot opening. Well I call him a huge faggot of course. FB'd Draven who started something else and picked a fight with me, fuck your shitty moustache, Kayle support doesn't find Sightstone important but whatever she's still doing more than their Taric. Ahri feeds Elise of course and they 4v2 force our winning lane into reset, also the worst Xin I have seen ever feeds Teemo, yes start Doran Blade vs. Teemo that's gonna help you so much.
Game still won, Hecarim jungle managed to combat the growing retardation and we flame Ahri until she shuts up, then she starts sucking our dick and I ignore her in disgust. Twitch is amazing, I SFRIKE FROM FE FSHADOWS
Well next game somebody calls support, unusual but K, I play Twitch again, they have nasus so I take Cleanse. They also pick Xin and Khafix. Not looking to be very fun for me. Well support Soraka, I say nothing because against MF Lulu it's kinda OK. Well useless fucking healgoat hides behind my back, doesn't ward the bushes and I'm playing the good ol' 2v1 where 2 guys are shooting me. Then their mid and jungle roam to finish our shittiness off and everybody fucks everything up. Fucking soraka, delete her plz. so we don't have these ultra-passive pussies thinking they can play support.
Next game, I Lux mid, another Soraka, Draven Leona rumble over our bot like expected, also I die level 1 to Yi because apparently he can autoattack from range (what the fuck I got him snared and I'm at range and he just AA's me like it's nothing), he's far too good at dodging my skillshots and every Q to minions hits me of course even while there's 7 minions but whatever, I at least learned to pick different runes vs. Yi. Had I not fucked up vs. Yi I might have been able to save bot lane from the inevitable Soraka failure so it kinda annoys me, it wasn't completely one-sided and Yi being Yi doesn't do dick even when fed if his team is weak.