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So, anyone playing League of Legends?

Dec 19, 2007
Layndry's is okay on Zac and I often build it on Lux because I rush early pen on her for the passive and it often doesn't matter what defense she has anyways.

Tell me about Riven. Is she still good? What happens when she faces Elise/Nidalee/Joyce/Teemo/Kayle/Yorick?

Fucking league of ranged they should make a jungle where the monsters kite and shoot you so it would be complete.


Jun 5, 2011
A lot of lanes are skill matchups, Riven vs Nidalee is one of these. If you've ever seen the crazy shit that Best Riven NA does, you'll see how good Riven still is despite her recent nerfs.


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
It's not even good on Cassio. Her damage is way too high, you cast twin fangs twice and most of the target will be low enough for %damage to become minuscule. In theory, it's OK for poking with Q but Void Staff would be much better anyway.

The premise of % damage based on current health instead of max and dealt over time just doesn't make much sense for casters. It is only useful as the only damage oriented item for someone like Sejuani.

P. much, seems much more like an item for tanky casters that don't build many other damage items than for more pure damage casters. I really should try it on Nautilus, ought to work well with his kit.
Dec 19, 2007
What the fuck Singed is so troll, sure this was a blind pick 4v5 game but at first their jungle helped me feed Rengar some 4 kills, he had half my farm tho but now I know even in his current state Rengar isn't the paperbag I thought, anyway I still keep pushing and eventually start killing him if he doesn't run away with his stealth, then both Lee and Rengar start needing Veigar to help them, in the end I just run into 5 guys and run randomly around almost killing Vayne whom Ezreal finishes off and they can't even do anything about it. Yeah I think I may have to finally learn Singed.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
The whine continues. I think the biggest thing that guy in that 3 hour WW guide does right is to ignore the whining from the teammates.
Begging for blue when being 0/2 or 3, whining about not being able to hold the lane 1vs1, blaming me cause they didnt buy a ward top..etc. All junglers fault that they fail.
Im not giving you the blue so you can kamikaze and give it to the other team. You wanted solo lane, hold that solo lane. Dont blame me cause you fail. Im gonna start putting people on ignore soon.

I can say that Frenchie guys build is good, does way more damage early than mine although mine is more focused on tankyness and mana regen. I dont even need Smite or potions with my build at start. But his build pretty much buffs every stat a champ has. Pretty cool.
Dec 31, 2009


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
What the fuck Singed is so troll, sure this was a blind pick 4v5 game but at first their jungle helped me feed Rengar some 4 kills, he had half my farm tho but now I know even in his current state Rengar isn't the paperbag I thought, anyway I still keep pushing and eventually start killing him if he doesn't run away with his stealth, then both Lee and Rengar start needing Veigar to help them, in the end I just run into 5 guys and run randomly around almost killing Vayne whom Ezreal finishes off and they can't even do anything about it. Yeah I think I may have to finally learn Singed.

Bro the proper way to play singed is:

1) Play safe until catalyst, odds are the enemy top lane has better early game than you.
2) Start being a dick in lane once you have catalyst. Push with poison and fling the other guy into it and your minions. If somehow catalyst isn't enough to get you ahead in trades go buy giants belt. If somehow you are laning against vlad or another cunt that can harass you freely buy revolver.
3) If you have enough HP and the enemy doesn't - activate troll mode with R+ghost, go all-in, dive if you have to. Ignite him and fling him into poison.
4) Laning is over. Now you do one of two things, split push if your team scattered to get more gold, if you have ult+ghost available they'll probably never kill you (get wards to see them before they do though), especially if you have rilay's your core OP item.
5a) If you can't split push because your team wants to push together or take drake/baron derp somewhere near them. A teamfight will start sooner or later, either wait for someone to initiate, a dumbfuck to go out of position or if you have OP Rilay's (or are just ridiculously fed) just activate troll mode with R+ghost and dive their carry. Fling him in your team's direction and run past the enemy team in the opposite direction to your team if they try to gangrape you (they will, they always do). If their carry is somehow not dead yet he soon will be, either way they will either split up with one or more people chasing you (with their carry that's 2 or more people you essentially took out of the fight). Just run only coming back if they stop chasing you to fling and poison them more. If they are not attacking you stay close to their carries, glue them or fling them while trolling them with poison. Once their carries are dead help mop-up their bruisers by gluing and flinging them around.
5b) If they initiate and dive your carries peel those asshole off first but don't waste troll mode on them yet. Watch as they become useless due to your disruptive glue, fling and hopefully rilay's slow triggering poison. Once you are certain that their bruisers will die without killing your carries activate troll mode and go after their adc.
6) Repeat 4 and 5a or 5b until you hear "victory!". If somehow you die without (nearly) murdering their carry in a fight and the team loses it buy either randuin's or abyssal. Probably randuin's as short of malz ulting you there's no way they can stop you from running around or away when you have Rilay's. Unless you run oom, but with R and catalyst that shouldn't be possible.

Princess Rage

Feb 5, 2012
Castle Rage
Riot is kind of shoving too many champions into Freljord. The amount of retconning happening they're while doing so is pretty ridiculous, and not just for champions outside of Freljord too. Lissandra was never supposed to be Lady Gaga+Elise with ice instead of spiders.



Jun 18, 2010


Jun 11, 2007
Festung Breslau
Grab the Codex by the pussy
You guys might want want to chill out a bit, caring about lore in LoL is sign of madness imho. I mean, this is the game where robots, pirates and spartan guy from 300 can fight three different kind of ninjas and a little girl with teddy bear. It's not meant to be taken seriously.
Dec 19, 2007
You guys might want want to chill out a bit, caring about lore in LoL is sign of madness imho. I mean, this is the game where robots, pirates and spartan guy from 300 can fight three different kind of ninjas and a little girl with teddy bear. It's not meant to be taken seriously.

fucking noob there's 4 ninjas

Anyway this is RPGCodex, decline is decline and should be bitched about endlessly.


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
Lore might not be important for the game itself, since in most cases it does nothing with a few exceptions (Kha'Zix/Rengar event, some banter between champs, hidden passives, etc.) and even then it's just small stuff. Still, it gives some flavor to the game and the champs and it feels like this is what Riot are throwing in the dumpster right now, taking interesting (lore and/or aesthetic wise) champs and making them more generic and less interesting.

At least Trundle seems to get some QoL changes to his kit, so it's not all bad.


Jun 11, 2007
Festung Breslau
Grab the Codex by the pussy
But the lore was always written tongue-in-cheek and was subservient to character concepts. Riot wanted steampunk robot, giant scorpion, living scarecrow, viking, psychotic jester, drunk fatass throwing barrels at enemies, midget yordle that shoots cannon that's as big as her etc. and some poor intern had to write ~3 paragraphs about each of them to give them some backstory, without really caring much about consistency or even common sense.

In other words, I just find it hard to cry decline when somethings wasn't ment to be good in the first place.
Dec 19, 2007
Ahahaha, Singed vs. Gayle Teemo, it's pretty lame of course and the only good things that happen are that rammus goes win other lanes and then rammus veigar gank top for success, still they push tower and I'm low CS, had to buy philo for sustain and gold. Then mid some fight when we were about to kill teemo bluescreen and when I try to re-connect after forever the client crashes. So when I come back I just have money for catalyst and go in some teamfight, just hoping to peel for the carry a bit. Well Gayle, the faggot he and all other gayle players are goes all in for me, I escape with a sliver of health while my team aces them. They continue on this "LET'S KILL SINGED IT'S A BLIND PICK AND THE FAG IS UNDERFARMED" line, it doesn't work, in the end they can't do shit and I spam laugh on their nexus.


Dec 16, 2011
Codex 2012
Maybe they are prepering for some kind of event with the recent lore changes, for example Freljord vs. rest of the world. Or they are cooking new map / new game mode. Or - and that would be the best - the featured film with live actors is in the making. :P

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