Probably not since 1/3 or 3/4 of what I do is support depending on pick order, or somebody just picks jungle before me like what happened during both my gold advancement series, also he's banned every once in a while. I probably should play him instead of J4 or Naut though, at least as long as people still don't understand that normal ward placement doesn't mean you can blow your escapes to try to kill the other laner when you don't know where Zac is. I mean I have seen two shit crocks use *both* dashes in an all-in, dead of course I was just in that corner next to blue buff waiting to see if they do something stupid (a hint : he bought two wards and fort bot, now what is he prob. gonna do against this vladimir? yeah wards pff lol who cares about that), several gap-closing mid laners such as diana, kat etc. just wait basically anywhere such as on the lane just out of vision, your later rank slingshot will reach them, or something fucking silly like cait blowing his net to chase an ezreal, oops wrong move buddy here's some snot in the face.
So in another words it's the level of play showing of course.
Another thing is I believe he's an awful jungle duelist and if people hadn't completely forgotten about jungle counterplay at this level, I'd be having problems. Maybe it's because none of the FOTM junglers are good duellists either. For example why pick Vi vs. Zac he's just gonna gank much earlier and fuck with you when you want to do your Vi things in a teamfight, when if you had taken say Lee Sin you can find Zac, kill him, also gank really well, protect your allies in teamfights and kick Zac away the instant he slingshots in if needed. Well I don't know, nobody seems to be playing Zac so I haven't had the chance to play against him.
How do you do support wins in a row, that's amazing. I'm happy whenever I get a win as support, so rare are those.