So it's codexblogs time again.
I had a couple of troll games and was unable to really try Teemo top :D and see how he is when I start a new game as first pick. Everything goes well, no one calls top except I don't want to first pick Teemo at all, he has many counters. So instead I pick Nidalee which I haven't played in a while, maybe I can fool some people into thinking she's mid. Their mid tips his hand allowing our mid to counterpick, that's cool. As for me, they pick Riven top. Hmm, Riven top is an exciting matchup, a real skill lane, who will win? Playing with Nidalee is somehow really exciting because she's just so different, the laning phase is so important with her so I decide to lolking the Riven.
Shit... I didn't expect that. He's Diamond 5 and he mains Riven. MY FIRST DIAMOND LANE OPPONENT WOOO. It gets worse, he duos with his jungler and it's Sejuani. I tell my team about my grim fate and we go from there. It was a pretty interesting lane. I make a lot of good decisions and get a safe lvl 3, some good poke. For some reason he actually went 9 pot 2 wards. Then I fuck up at his turret where we exchange my flash for ignite, but I get his flash a bit after in a failed all-in. We spar a bit more, Amumu comes to help me, but Sejuani has a brilliant counter-gank and I die. Meh, Riven doesn't get the kill and I still get to buy the items that I want. I can say the lane for the most part felt pretty even. I poke him once out of lane, I get the things that I'm aiming for, his actions show he mostly wants to farm and not take me on, he wins most trades with good micro but I do my poking game well too, we're even in cs. A bit later Amumu has a great counter-gank of his own and we get 2 for 1 as they dive me under tower. I get his tower first, he roams 2-3 times and gets 1 kill, I roam once and get a kill.
If an even lane is a lane where neither gets an advantage then it was an even lane. There was a lot of action, plays and counter plays but no decision. I didn't exactly carry my team but contain Riven for as long as possible, not ideal when you're Nidalee but it was good. While Riven was not really doing anything, my team was cleaning house with our Vayne leading the way. Come late-game, Riven had some really good plays that gave her team the opportunity to win, she split pushed much better than me and was then able to force 5 v 4 engagements as I was 5-10 seconds behind. But at that point it's so much about your team as your lane opponent, my team wasn't the smartest when it came to engagements, and didn't ward to see Riven roaming, I didn't even have a slot free for wards!
We won like 6 straight teamfights and I peeled well for Vayne, +2 teamwork, as fucking Nidalee! GG