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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
I would argue it's not core but definitely worth getting on her eventually. Although personally I always got a mallet as a very luxury item on her for the slows.

Also this happened:


I have finally left orianna's outlaws Silver I division leaving Darth Roxor alone and behind in that tinfoil elo league. I am now of clearly superior GRUNKERs :troll:

Who picks kog+nid against mf+thresh anyway? Masochists?


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
And you are the 5th guy from my friendlist who joined Nasus' Gryphons.

It's pretty crowded in it. Not unlike the dead wasteland of orianna's outlaws. Then again you can't fall below gold V so all the bads who got 3 lucky games stay there at the bottom for good. Where as people drop or advance from silver I all the time. Let's see if I can get myself to platinum.
Dec 19, 2007
conglaturation, you have completed this great game and prooved the justice in our culture

Hey you're in nasuscocksuckers too, isn't it amazing, maybe we should duo sometime so we can get our lanes demolished by diamond players because lol fuck duo queue
Dec 19, 2007
I want to play Tryndamere every now and then in normals, he's a funny champion and would be viable in a perfect world, I just now got some Shen player cry that I only back door noob or some such, like sure, it's not so great play but if your opponents basically let you drive through two towers and inhib, then send some nidalee against you who you just murder and then kill nexus who's the biggest noob here? Meh.

Anyway since melee carries don't work I made up a build path that makes sense to me, what do you think :
BoTKR, Tabis/Zerks, Zephyr, Scimitar, Randuins/Mullet, Yomuus/LW

In a reasonably short game I should be having Bork, boots, zephyr, Brutalizer and QSS and/or Giant's Belt, or so I think. I thought since he gets AD and Crit for free you want to itemize for mostly attack speed and anti-kite. Sure it's sad you don't get IE but you only have so many item slots and it wouldn't do anything if you just get kited/killed. I found it pretty funny, fuck you morgana I get to QSS your snare then I'm just chasing you with Yomuu's speed and now you're dead, oh so nidalee wants some too BORKed killed.

I'm not entirely sure about the bork, it's passive doesn't scale with anything you have but it helps against kite and the attack speed is a desirable stat, so you'll have 75 AD less than with a BT but 40% more attack speed, the passive and the active.

I tried clearing with red and blu routes with arpen, aspeed and ad marks & quints, it's relatively same clearing speed no matter what you take, of course RNG doing it's thing, seems that going from blue to red is always a bit (a few seconds) faster because you can go to golems. So if I take armor penetration I'll end up with 44 flat + 8% penetration with ghostblade, that should be enough, I wonder how it compares to the 25% attack speed from runes though. Attack damage is clearly worthless for anything.

Seems like I'm maxing in wrong order, clearly it's better to max Mocking Shout before Spinning Slash since slash doesn't get anything but small damage increases from levels. If you max Mocking Shout second you have a noticeable slow/80 AD debuff at level 13 which seems pretty huge actually, no ADC can do shit to you at that point.


Jun 5, 2011
So it's codexblogs time again.

I had a couple of troll games and was unable to really try Teemo top :D and see how he is when I start a new game as first pick. Everything goes well, no one calls top except I don't want to first pick Teemo at all, he has many counters. So instead I pick Nidalee which I haven't played in a while, maybe I can fool some people into thinking she's mid. Their mid tips his hand allowing our mid to counterpick, that's cool. As for me, they pick Riven top. Hmm, Riven top is an exciting matchup, a real skill lane, who will win? Playing with Nidalee is somehow really exciting because she's just so different, the laning phase is so important with her so I decide to lolking the Riven.


Shit... I didn't expect that. He's Diamond 5 and he mains Riven. MY FIRST DIAMOND LANE OPPONENT WOOO. It gets worse, he duos with his jungler and it's Sejuani. I tell my team about my grim fate and we go from there. It was a pretty interesting lane. I make a lot of good decisions and get a safe lvl 3, some good poke. For some reason he actually went 9 pot 2 wards. Then I fuck up at his turret where we exchange my flash for ignite, but I get his flash a bit after in a failed all-in. We spar a bit more, Amumu comes to help me, but Sejuani has a brilliant counter-gank and I die. Meh, Riven doesn't get the kill and I still get to buy the items that I want. I can say the lane for the most part felt pretty even. I poke him once out of lane, I get the things that I'm aiming for, his actions show he mostly wants to farm and not take me on, he wins most trades with good micro but I do my poking game well too, we're even in cs. A bit later Amumu has a great counter-gank of his own and we get 2 for 1 as they dive me under tower. I get his tower first, he roams 2-3 times and gets 1 kill, I roam once and get a kill.

If an even lane is a lane where neither gets an advantage then it was an even lane. There was a lot of action, plays and counter plays but no decision. I didn't exactly carry my team but contain Riven for as long as possible, not ideal when you're Nidalee but it was good. While Riven was not really doing anything, my team was cleaning house with our Vayne leading the way. Come late-game, Riven had some really good plays that gave her team the opportunity to win, she split pushed much better than me and was then able to force 5 v 4 engagements as I was 5-10 seconds behind. But at that point it's so much about your team as your lane opponent, my team wasn't the smartest when it came to engagements, and didn't ward to see Riven roaming, I didn't even have a slot free for wards!

We won like 6 straight teamfights and I peeled well for Vayne, +2 teamwork, as fucking Nidalee! GG
Dec 19, 2007
All right, now that I tested these builds out some it seems that PD + BD deals a lot more damage than Bork + Zephyr. Zephyr still seems a decent item on Tryndamere though, he likes all the stats more or less.

I love this champion though, my normals elo is so low I have these dianas and volibears and what not thinking they can actually take Tryndamere on alone. Ezreal without Iceborns trying to be cool, wrong move buddy you're so fucking dead and so is that faggot who came to help you and so are two towers and an inhib.

A hilarious champion if nothing else.
Dec 19, 2007
Trolol. Premades 4?

Baron 15 everybody TP to baron. Also drakes. I was amused.

Almost penta'ed their team alone in the final minutes but Tryndamere's ult doesn't protect him from the fountain where fag lee sin was hiding :(


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
I didn't ban malphite, enemy team picked him. Our top picks irelia despite saying he should pick a magic damage one.

So what do you guys think will the irelia's feeding spree be? 0/3? 0/4?

Find out as soon as this disaster ends.

EDIT: Their lee sin was a troll, he forced malphite to jungle with flash+ignite. Irelia went 1 for 1 in lane more or less because of that. They had no ganks for like 12 minutes :lol: Gold is so horrible, leavers, people with shitty internet and more trolls than in bronze or low tin-foil league.
Dec 19, 2007
Protip of the day : never gank a level 6 Darius because you can be fucking sure your laner is so scared of him you end up dueling Darius. What's the best use for Garen Q, well FUCKING RUNNING AWAY OF COURSE


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Whenever I have to support in a Normal game I go 6 Giant's Belts -> Warmogs Soraka. Don't think I've lost one with that build yet.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
We have premades bot, guy first picks support zyra with ignite. Guys who wanted adc says he goes mid, he picks yi. I think, fuck this I'll pick singed top and if I get counterpicked I dodge since you . They pick panth and gp I die to gp eventually (made a bad call when we were both low hp and I could have went to base safely) but my defensive build worked and my death was after like 13 team deaths so gg anyway. Yi mid feeds panth like 6 kills before 15 minutes. "omg noob premade I can only play adc" he says. Premade bot was also feeding but to a far lesser extent, why go premade bot and not ban blitz if you are the captain and don't know how to fucking lane against him? Ez once walked into the middle of their team alone.

Yes, always dodge a yi indeed.
May 22, 2010
Airstrip One
I don't always play support Darius, but when I do, I make sure to flash-hook to pull their Crowstorming Fiddlesticks off my AD Carry to save him on 100hp.

And then recieve no teamwork commendations.


Oct 12, 2006
They reduced the W duration from 6 to 4. Which doesnt seem like much, but damagewise it was huge, like -200 damage at lvl 1.


Jun 18, 2010
Poor Shyvana. S3 was not kind to her. :(

What's her main problem now really? OP cleaver is shit on her? She can't stack belts? Or is it just that everyone and their grandmother is an assassin with a built in flash while her ganks are as awful as they always were?
They reduced the W duration from 6 to 4. Which doesnt seem like much, but damagewise it was huge, like -200 damage at lvl 1.

They also removed her bonus resistences in dragon form, so she can't tank anymore.

If they undid her nerfs to R, made W ignore unit collision and gave Q a short-range dash on AA when active, she could be viable again. At the moment there's no reason whatsoever not to pick hecarim instead.

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