If he kicks you you run towards him and toss him behind you, spray glue behind you. By walk away though I meant ult(+ghost if their jungler is around, fuck them) away. I always build mercs on him anyway as CC-less teams are nearly extinct at my goldwrap GRUNKERs, fuck buying tabi and armor when he probably gets brutalizer anyway.
Speaking of which enemy jungle nasus managed to ruin my 80% win rate with nami by making my 11th ranked game with her lost. Cait+leona just pushed bot, he ganks us from our jungle 3 fucking times before I hit 6, once successfully and continues doing so relentlessly. He succeeds at least three times eventually. Our bad ez blamed me when he fed a derpy kill to varus earlier when I was oom and both of them were low hp (although frankly shen pinged to gank and went away as we were essentially all-inning each other, because "lol they have wards" how about chase him away so our bot can b and heal you idiot?). Didn't matter because top zed fed jax first blood, OP 9pots+fort elixir start doesn't mean you can all-in him as a fucking assassin at level 2 r00fles. He should wait until level 3 if not 4 at least to build up his burst or fucking something. Dumbfucks playing FotMs, the bane of solo QQ.
Oh somehow when shen is jungling and red is fucking bot he's never in our part of the bot jungle and nasus just roams freely inside. "lol pink ward it", I don't even have a fucking philo yet or my ult and I'm warding 3 places at the same time and he still fucking ganks us, how the fuck am I supposed to afford pink wards. Whats so fucking hard about babysitting bot if he's doing the same? Especially when red is bot for our team and he has no excuse not to be farming there? Useless moron.
At the very least that was my only lost game out of the qualifiers to Gold IV, nami really carried me there. I first picked Morgana mid in the first one, they pick OP shen and vlad mid. Vlad didn't get even one kill the entire game, his 40 cs advantage helped him oh so much when he's useless. Also their jungler was shaco who ganked successfully once during the entire game, r00fles!
Last game they had OP tf, he didn't gank bot with his ult even once, in fact he ganked with his ult just once before laning was over and they still went 1 for 1 and he got no kill the whole game. They had top darius who lost to nasus. He managed to kill me once (me playing mf) getting his first kill and proceeded to just KS his carries while they had 0 kills. He was smart enough to buy randuin's, but good luck when our carries our fed, our nasus is farmed and fed and our jungle volibear is fed.
Gold IV qualifiers waaay easier than getting from Silver II to Silver I or to Gold V. Goldwrap GRUNKERs has me seeing more bads than in Silver II, elo hell indeed.