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Got gold promotion series, first game I just ignore somebody who says jungle and pick Zac (he derped as support so much into dark areas of the map it almost cost us the game so I know I was right), I'm worried TP Ryze is going to ruin everything and I can't gank top because our Zed keeps pushing without wards against khafix, everybody is pushing in fact and my first successful gank was Ryze I think. Zed dies of course, I got busy real fast with all the shit happening and couldn't wait there just to save his silly ass, anyway other lanes fed becomes priority along with drake (all but one of which we got I think), our Ziggs goes 17/5/12 somehow taking every kill. It was a real close game too, we lost two inhibs and a tower after some epic derping (fucking khazix I'm trying to peel him but he does his thing too fast and then moves on), but their Ez decides he needs our blue which I warded, so I just slingshot on to him, flash ult after his teenage boy stuff and Ziggs kill steals him too, then they decide to fight nowhere near their tower and I finally succeed in peeling Khafix off MF and that's game.
I found out Volibear is a terrifying opponent for Zac, he won't die either but his passive lets him kill you while you sadly watch your team abandon your bloblets to their grisly fate. I knew that I shouldn't fight him of course, but what I didn't know is how much damage he does and he just kept running at me in teamfights and killing me and also displacing me from dealing my AOE. Not sure if it was a correct decision to build damage, which I dealt a lot but I also died a lot. Prob. should have got Randuins or Warmogs instead of Rylais and keep guise unupgraded.
I found out Volibear is a terrifying opponent for Zac, he won't die either but his passive lets him kill you while you sadly watch your team abandon your bloblets to their grisly fate. I knew that I shouldn't fight him of course, but what I didn't know is how much damage he does and he just kept running at me in teamfights and killing me and also displacing me from dealing my AOE. Not sure if it was a correct decision to build damage, which I dealt a lot but I also died a lot. Prob. should have got Randuins or Warmogs instead of Rylais and keep guise unupgraded.