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So, anyone playing League of Legends?

Dec 19, 2007
Got gold promotion series, first game I just ignore somebody who says jungle and pick Zac (he derped as support so much into dark areas of the map it almost cost us the game so I know I was right), I'm worried TP Ryze is going to ruin everything and I can't gank top because our Zed keeps pushing without wards against khafix, everybody is pushing in fact and my first successful gank was Ryze I think. Zed dies of course, I got busy real fast with all the shit happening and couldn't wait there just to save his silly ass, anyway other lanes fed becomes priority along with drake (all but one of which we got I think), our Ziggs goes 17/5/12 somehow taking every kill. It was a real close game too, we lost two inhibs and a tower after some epic derping (fucking khazix I'm trying to peel him but he does his thing too fast and then moves on), but their Ez decides he needs our blue which I warded, so I just slingshot on to him, flash ult after his teenage boy stuff and Ziggs kill steals him too, then they decide to fight nowhere near their tower and I finally succeed in peeling Khafix off MF and that's game.

I found out Volibear is a terrifying opponent for Zac, he won't die either but his passive lets him kill you while you sadly watch your team abandon your bloblets to their grisly fate. I knew that I shouldn't fight him of course, but what I didn't know is how much damage he does and he just kept running at me in teamfights and killing me and also displacing me from dealing my AOE. Not sure if it was a correct decision to build damage, which I dealt a lot but I also died a lot. Prob. should have got Randuins or Warmogs instead of Rylais and keep guise unupgraded.


Jun 18, 2010
FFS Riot. Slutty Ashe voiceover on the test server and they're adding in in-game quests for sejuani/ashe/lissandra like the one for rengar/khazix.


Jun 18, 2010
Yep. Even in ranked. Khazix needs to be level 16 and Rengar must have his trophy thingie - plus the must be on opposing teams. After a random length of time, their quest will trigger. It's announced like the quests in the tutorial with UI popups and all. Once one of them manages to kill the other, the quest completes and they get a bonus. Khazix gets a 4th evolution point. Rengars special item is upgraded to the head of khazix - giving extra bonuses.

There are UI icons and triggers in the PBE for Ashe/sejuani, Ashe/lissandra and lissandra/sejuani quests now.


Jul 4, 2011
Shit, does the quest even trigger like the tutorial stuff? I did not know that. That's retarded.


Dec 31, 2007
Copenhagen, Denmark
It triggers like quests in Dominion.

This seems weird tho'. At least Khazix and Rengar are slightly similar gameplay-wise (or were meant to be anyway), whereas this is a fight between tank/jungler, AD carry and AP carry.
What are the rewards anyway? They don't have the unique stuff that Khazix and Rengar have. Lower cooldowns? Increased freezing?

Not that I'm completely opposed to the idea, but it seems messed up to have it in ranked play too.
And on that note, does anyone know of any video footage of professional play (tournaments, LCS etc) where that event has happened? Would be interesting to watch.
Dec 19, 2007
My team screwed me over in the jungle so I couldn't gank early, then Ryze went to feed Fizz something like 0/5 and I could never gank the damn fish because Ryze wouldn't do anything to help make it happen, same with Shen, when I ganked him I had to flash to Darius because Shen retreated away from me for no reason and then Darius would pop my passive and kill Shen because Shen is an useless champion that does no fucking damage whatsoever. Only bot were winning, then they said something about split pushing and no matter what I said or did 4 guys would just wander around the map getting killed. Ever buy a stack of wards as a jungler only to see your team still getting caught anyway?

Shouldn't have been mid one second after he screwed me over and died the first time, should have gone directly to gank top and then bot and let mid fall if it will, also shoudln't have bought aegis and instead bully shen into buying it because nobody did any damage. How the hell did Darius kill our ADC over and over, I mean I tried to peel for her best I could but apparently just walking over to the carry works when you're against shen ryze sona and it's MF who you're walking over to. Fucking OK.

The enemy team were all golds around 1600 lolking score, some pretty near 1700, ours were too 'cept Sona who's in silver something like me. So what do you learn to get to be a gold level mid player, apparently only that if you keep feeding Fizz kills it's enough to buy Tears of Goddess and tell in chat it's "gay".
May 22, 2010
Airstrip One
Not really.

At least in Blood Bowl the rest of your surviving players aren't flaming you from the sidelines or intentionally doing double skull/double skull rerolls.
Dec 19, 2007
Next game I find out Nautilus is a better jungler than talon, who would have thought. Why these promotion games are always so awful?

That reworked spirit golem item is perfect for him. I also find that aspeed quints, marks and the +4 from masteries makes his clearing just fine.

Nocturne is still a good jungler, so you got a fed khafix because our cho derps well I can just counter-murder him in teamfights. I'm not sure if my attack speed rune page was so good on him, sure he hits fast but idk if he's any better for it.
Dec 19, 2007
Fucking good thing too I got to the BETTER LEAGUE where guys pick nasus vs. renekton, pick master yi jungle just so that I am not allowed to jungle but fucking support, so fuck them too I'm playing GP support and even while it's going actually great and I dealt more damage than that asshole yi we can't kill nexus towers 5v one Zac instead he nearly aces us and wins the game, and we were full health too. What the fuck. Every gold v game I have played has been fucking awful, just like games were in magical bronze league.


It's final I'm not going to support anyone I'm going to pick Pantheon or something and see if they dodge. Hey good thing I warded the entire enemy jungle, then our team can lose in three different places at the same time, but man, they sure saw it coming, good thing this vision gives our champs security to go farm 200 gold just so the rest of the team can basically go fuck themselves.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
So I bought nami and started playing ranked again. Got forced into jungling in my first game, at least vi wasn't banned but our shitty teamcomp had me worried (well sure we had OP elise and OP kha'zix mid) of it being too bursty and not enough dpsy when they had brolaf and hecarim.

I decided to just farm the jungle unless any of the idiots actually pushed out lane. I do red and notice that olaf pushed mid against kha'zix (elise and him were supposed to switch eventually). Ganked him, FB for kha'zix and olaf starts raging in all chat :smug:

Enemy bot goes all-in when I'm doing golems, I come in to cockblock them and dravennn gets a double :smug:

Game went way too good, not even one of my ganks was a failure and I managed to get ahead in cs of the enemy hecarim who didn't get even get one successful gank. Also the idiots focused me and not our fed adc or assassin. Olaf raged all game, blamed MF for feeding when he fed kha'zix first blood and didn't have a postive k/d despite all his kills.

Next game I got to ban, I banned amumu/shen/elise. Ended up with them first picking malphite when they banned kayle, so I picked singed. Malphite was now forced into the forest and since kayle was banned the only counter to singed they could think of was teemo. He got two kills during random mid/jungle derping by both teams and was ahead by 50 cs. I still went one for one when he tried to shoot me under my tower. I died only once more in the game, then I got OP rilay's and went on a rampage. Yeah good luck winning when your team is ap yi mid and teemo top, we have ww, singed and annie. Only twitch could carry them but he fed our ez.

Solo QQ still full of retards even after the russians got their server.

Jim Cojones

Nov 2, 2008
Przenajswietsza Rzeczpospolita
Fucking good thing too I got to the BETTER LEAGUE where guys pick nasus vs. renekton, pick master yi jungle just so that I am not allowed to jungle but fucking support, so fuck them too I'm playing GP support and even while it's going actually great and I dealt more damage than that asshole yi we can't kill nexus towers 5v one Zac instead he nearly aces us and wins the game, and we were full health too. What the fuck. Every gold v game I have played has been fucking awful, just like games were in magical bronze league.
Leagues are there only for show. Whether you are in silver I or gold V doesn't have any impact on matchmaking.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Gold qualification series lost.

First game: they have duo mid for first few minutes allowing me to get FB by ganking mid. We still lose because we have nearly 0 teamfighting ability, our akali mid rushes wota and mejais while being 4/4 and diving like a retard whole game. Leona>thresh, bot fed. Only elise tried doing something. Can't carry out of the jungle unless you play amumu or malphite (and get lucky in the latter case).
Second game: I go morgana mid, dominate the enemy kassadin, he gets a lucky kill off elise when she was counterjungling but I killed him after they got her. Top was won, mid was won. Bot fed because leona was playing too aggressively initiating dumb fights and blaming everyone around.
Thirdgame: Firstpick mid, ap yi with an attitude "check my lolking baddie" etc. Dodged that, series over. If you want first pick mid get morgana, elise or even fucking zed or kha'zix, not god damn yi. Also felt bad about picking support when 3rd pick wanted it (probably for duo).
Dec 19, 2007
:lol: I feel for you bro. If bot is lost the game is lost because you'll have no ward coverage nor sustained dps unless maybe if you play Karthus.

While it's usually best to not gank for fail lanes, you can't really abandon bot to their own shittiness, what I recommend to do is try to win mid and 4-man brute force bot to win. Anyway you can carry from the jungle just like you can from anywhere else, you know how it goes, no matter what you play or do some teams are just too heavy.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
At the very least buying nami is paying off. Outside of one totally lost game due to 4 man ganks because our clueless mid stays mid when their mid kat/nid is bot for 3 minutes straight, yes securing objectives and getting 2 towers means a lot when their mid and adc are getting fucking fed, even if the lane was somehow lost (usually because of roaming mids) we managed to do a lot better in teamfights and win. Fish lady too good, far better than picking sona or healgoat to babysit your retarded adc. Although granted the average adc in solo QQ is far more skilled than the average mid or top.

Also I saw cho carry at least two games today. Another case of a champion that even if he fucks up and loses a lane he's easy to carry because of all that CC, tankyness and burst. I also keep seeing lanewick, not just against cho. Guess he's soon to be FotM it seems, like nid mid is.

Got qualified for another promotion series after two games. Fuck first picking support, I just get morgana and ignore the butthurt idiots who think that I'll get countered. Morons keep picking assasins against me anyway, somebody picked kha'zix. I don't know why I even started cloth and health/mana pots against him, I was the one bullying him not the other way around. Zac tried to gank me a few times, not even when he ulted me did I have to use flash to get away. End score was 5/0/9 before they /ff'd. The insect tried roaming but I was just behind him to ruin it all game :smug:
Dec 19, 2007
Let's talk about gangbang support. His E can be huge value to a team that has a lot of autoattackers and melee champs, I picked him into Hecarim MF Fiora KSdin (yeah what the hell do you pick into fiora anyway). I could see that merely the MS boost was huge help at every teamfight, also his high HP, ability to remove disables and ability to slow just with AA's and his Q would seem to make him a decent bodyguard. CDR benefits him greatly and he can get really annoying on lane. Bonus about picking GP support is that it might get somebody to dodge, thus maybe letting you play your main.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
GP and MF sounds like a very annoying lane to deal with. The usual MF lane bullying would be ramped up to 11. Reminds me of the annoying poke lanes like cait+zyra or cait+nid where they essentially chase you out of lane or make you feed them. Very annoying to deal with if your jungler never tries to gank.
Dec 19, 2007
Oh they picked Shen, mb now is the time to practice my toplaf since I am once again not allowed to be jungle but some fucking sejuani is.

Oh it's shin support and now I'm playing against Cho, win lane early, mid game can't do anything to him because he has HP and nothing you can do about HP, sustain, massive damage and the best CC in all the land. Pff yeah maybe I agree with those guys who complain to me about playing OP champion in all chat when I cho mid.

Just so unreal, I'm so much ahead but he has massive free HP which I can't burn through while his combo is half my HP. Should you buy BOTKR first against him or something, I don't fucking know what can you do about that shit.


Oct 30, 2008
If you ever feel like you're stomping, and you also happen to be Leona, a really fun troll item is Iceborns.

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