Either way we just had two splendid games on EUNE, by we I mean the fine gentleman of codexia and our associates. Sir Roxor proved that he hates nu-karma so much he had to KS her with the lazor when I could kill her with singed. Never underestimate the wrath of a gentleman outraged by the act of defiling a once proud woman of hindu origin into popamole worthy of low class rabble.
Scholars can also now finally confirm that singed indeed doesn't mind being ulted by skarner and can indeed pick up a tripple kill despite that and being outnumbered 4v2. In fact the sciences now know that if skarner ults singed as he flings him they both get thrown back behind singed's original position. A most amazing discovery that will benefit codexian society engaged in the fascinating competition within the League of Legends.

Scholars can also now finally confirm that singed indeed doesn't mind being ulted by skarner and can indeed pick up a tripple kill despite that and being outnumbered 4v2. In fact the sciences now know that if skarner ults singed as he flings him they both get thrown back behind singed's original position. A most amazing discovery that will benefit codexian society engaged in the fascinating competition within the League of Legends.