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So, anyone playing League of Legends?

May 22, 2010
Airstrip One
Just because I'm not stating things in black and white for your pleasure doesn't mean I'm rambling. If you can't understand that single logic chain, then I've got better things to do than spell it out for you word-for-word.


Jun 5, 2011
Not trying to put salt on the wound, but there's a lot of weird stuff in this story. So you started blue I imagine, did you use smite on it? Since it sounds like you were purple side, you probably shouldn't have. Then you go to red, which is warded and you start doing it. Nunu comes, he gets spotted and you kill him. Warwick has great sustain, you should've done red right there, if you didn't it meant you were very low on hp and had to base.

So you base and rush to red, right? Nunu would have a 25-30 second delay to getting to your red compared to you, that's enough time to solo it. In fact, by this point even if you smited blue your smite would probably be up for red. A smite + 20 second advantage should be enough to get red before Nunu comes. I also don't really understand how he could possibly kill you. He had to get consume lvl 1 and blood boil lvl 2 for the speed and trolling boost. No iceball means you can kite him pretty well.

You probably should've started red, that red buff on you would deter all early aggression from Nunu.


Jan 28, 2006
Twilight Zone
I've been steadily improving my K/D with Vayne. Good champ, imho. She steam rolls once she has a few items.

However, I can't get over a certain behavior I frequently see. If your team is down by 10 kills, why are you chasing them off into the jungle, dying one at a time, over and over?! Drives me wild when I see this. "We just need to win a group fight" Fucking morons!

At this stage, it's like a game of chess. You only have a chance if you capitalize on their mistakes (being too greedy), but fail miserably when you think your under fed, probably uncoordinated, team is going to win against a fed, coordinated team in a team fight. HAh!


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Meh, after marathon t0 Silver 1 got 4 losses in a row, wondering why im not in Silver 2 yet. Herp derp after derp lol. Maybe the next loss.
Last game our Wukong shut the game down during loading to never even start the game. Had to top vs Garen as Skarner with pretty good results. Push him out of lane then go gank mid and steal their blue. Even got his turret, had 3 kills and more cs.
Pretty impressive concidering I never play Skarner in lane. But we still lost 4vs5. 2 mega tanks with Vayne and Brand behind. Cant touch em. :(

Jim Cojones

Nov 2, 2008
Przenajswietsza Rzeczpospolita
Next thing you know, you'll be claiming that the attitude of the players has no effect on the team attitude and that's it difficult to grab someone on Skype for a casual game or two when you have some free time.
Why would they do that? Training together for allstars wouldn't give them anything considering that at best they could maybe win a single match against Asians and only the first place was worth some prize. And that prize wasn't all that worth for most of players if you take into account that Russians couldn't care less about 3rd spot in LCS, being sure there is very little chance they won't get into EU finals.
May 22, 2010
Airstrip One
Next thing you know, you'll be claiming that the attitude of the players has no effect on the team attitude and that's it difficult to grab someone on Skype for a casual game or two when you have some free time.
Why would they do that? Training together for allstars wouldn't give them anything considering that at best they could maybe win a single match against Asians and only the first place was worth some prize. And that prize wasn't all that worth for most of players if you take into account that Russians couldn't care less about 3rd spot in LCS, being sure there is very little chance they won't get into EU finals.
And that exact attitude is why things happened the way they did. The EU players could take a best of 3 from any of the Asian teams, something which they have done for their respective teams in the international tournaments (not sure about Fnatic though). Are you saying that there is no motivation in recieving the honour of winning such an event, or in the publicity and fame? Because I'm pretty sure they were stoked over the 1v1 matches, and I don't know if they got anything from that.
Dec 19, 2007
Tell me about Jax. He's so fucking annoying, seemingly coming back from no matter how behind or just snowballing out of control if he's ahead I decided to pick him up. As a top laner he seems safe and moderately able to 1v1. As a jungle I always considered him crap but I don't know, he probably snowballs there too? What do you actually build on him from the jungle? Is it just the old Hextech Triforce + Randuins, or what?

I have lost so many games to Jax alone I want to understand this champion.

Yes let's pick yi teemo leesin lol you can suck dick with your alistar support we want to lose, yeah of course teemo loses lane to garen, lee loses jungle to udyr and yi loses to malzahar. SHOULDN'T LOOK AT SHIT ON THE INTERNET WHEN YOU NEED TO DETERMINE IF EVERYBODY PICKS CRAP AND YOU NEED TO DODGE ASSHOLE
Dec 31, 2009
You don't jungle jax, he's scaling off levels and items quite hard. You toplane him.

You build either BotrK or triforce for offense, and then if you are really pwning you build the one you don't have as well. If you're just doing moderately well you build warmongos armor, or randuins if they are really AD-heavy. Stay away from hextech, its worse than both BotrK and triforce.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Yeah jungling jax is a waste, his ganks are meh, he's not much of an initiator (his E is supposed to be used to duel people/for survivability in a teamfight) and he needs farm badly.

BotRK or Trinity is pretty much what you should get as a major first item, I prefer trinity though because phage+zeal make sticking to targets easier and that's vital on a melee with no CC apart from his E (which should be used to mitigate damage first and foremost). Both give him serious dps and without dps jax is useless.

Once you have the dps you should build survivability so you don't melt in teamfights. Ult and E gives you a bit but the facts are jax is not an initiator unless you're so fed you can pentakill people alone. OP Warmogs is always a valid choice (I would argue it's core on him), randuins is good as well if you need armor and it turns you into an even bigger adc's nightmare. For mres MoM is the wise choice and if it's not enough get Spirit Shroud, with warmogs and your ult that should be enough to stop anything but a very fed magic dpser.

If you need more dps two items to consider are nashor's and rageblade. Rageblade's new passive will guarantee to make people rage and the old passive synergizes with jax's passive, nashor's is quite good since your dps does scale with both AS and AP and the CDR helps.

Hextech Gunblade is a luxury item, luxury as in "I'm stomping and have no clue what to fucking build as I got all the better ones that I need already". The spellvamp is decent though due to the Ult's passive and W being single-target. But the sign of a noob jax is rushing hextech gunblade.

The problem with jax is though that while he is quite the duelist he gets bullied easily and his early game does suck. He's not a pusher, he has no built-in sustain, he can't harass unless he's snowballing (you either go all-in or don't because you will run oom if you try to trade early on or you will get out-sustained, both equal losing the lane/feeding), his E is useless against burst (also it doesn't dodge Nasus' Q for example). So simply he gets counterpicked easily which usually means he feeds and does nothing else despite his snowballing potential.

The proper way to play jax is to farm as much as possible, get dps, try to roam and 1v1 people you can duel (adc, enemy top, their jungler, assuming they didn't get fed or outfarmed you ridiculously) and never jump in first into a fight before you outscale their entire team combined. He needs gold, gold and gold, but once he gets enough (which is a lot) there's simply no stopping the rape-train as he can probably solo kill 3 enemies if not more alone while you all focus him. Assuming he's playing and building smart.
Dec 19, 2007
The problem is just that there's no option to leave the game early when some people AFK like how it works in DotA2.

Lol I just had a game where I level 2 Xin ganked for our Darius (success of course FU Garen our demacian brotherhood is over) and as the game went on and everything was going to shit, our blue ez sucked, taric didn't like wards, I got murdered wherever I went by Warwick and whatnot and no amount of pinging could get TF to move his ass just "sry didn't see", also Akali is so depressing to gank when she builds tanky and you didn't buy a pink but bah.

Anyway what happens is that they have 0 ability to kite Darius. Like Akali can stealth and throw her silly kamas but pinks, Garen is Garen, Warwick can only run away fast if one of us is low health, Blitz doesn't know what he wants to do but it's not pull Darius, Caitlyn always has to deal with TF first. Like kill 5 guys before baron, then when you're low after it, kill 5 guys again. What the fuck :lol:


Jan 15, 2010
Codex 2012 Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Dead State Project: Eternity Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
Few days ago I had the worst game of my life its like my worst LoL related nightmare come to reality. We had Lee Sin solo top, Shaco jungle, me as Kog adc, Lux mid and Diana jungle, see something strange here? So two seconds before locking champions selection the last player takes Diana as jungler while we already have a jungler and proceed to spend rest of the game either intentionally feeding or spamming chat with random bullshit. That lasted for 1 hour despite we were loosing by 15 kills at 20 minute mark, and 30+ kills difference at 50 minute mark. My team refused to surrender despite the score, playing one player short and enemy team mocking us and toying with us for majority of the game, only thing useful in our team were minions who managed to destroy few turrets.

Then we won.

I still dont know how it happened, we four attacked those overfed pricks and somehow managed to kill all but one while only me dying. The rest rushed their base and won the day. I ended with 4/12 as carry, which is my worst score as one and I won the game, talk about the most unfair win ever.


Dumbfuck Repressed Homosexual The Real Fanboy
Nov 24, 2012
Rio de Janeiro, Cidade Desespero
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera
Few days ago I had the worst game of my life its like my worst LoL related nightmare come to reality. We had Lee Sin solo top, Shaco jungle, me as Kog adc, Lux mid and Diana jungle, see something strange here? So two seconds before locking champions selection the last player takes Diana as jungler while we already have a jungler and proceed to spend rest of the game either intentionally feeding or spamming chat with random bullshit. That lasted for 1 hour despite we were loosing by 15 kills at 20 minute mark, and 30+ kills difference at 50 minute mark. My team refused to surrender despite the score, playing one player short and enemy team mocking us and toying with us for majority of the game, only thing useful in our team were minions who managed to destroy few turrets.

Then we won.

I still dont know how it happened, we four attacked those overfed pricks and somehow managed to kill all but one while only me dying. The rest rushed their base and won the day. I ended with 4/12 as carry, which is my worst score as one and I won the game, talk about the most unfair win ever.



Jun 5, 2011
Shaco jungle op. (I bet)

Apparently Shaco is really strong late game. He's one of those champions that's really good early, then mid with his core items, then kinda sucks when everyone has 4-5 items and again is awesome late late game.


Jun 18, 2010
I still dont know how it happened, we four attacked those overfed pricks and somehow managed to kill all but one while only me dying. The rest rushed their base and won the day. I ended with 4/12 as carry, which is my worst score as one and I won the game, talk about the most unfair win ever.

If the enemy team was 30 kills ahead and hadn't sealed the deal by the 1hr mark, they are bad and they should feel bad.


Jan 15, 2010
Codex 2012 Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Dead State Project: Eternity Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
I still dont know how it happened, we four attacked those overfed pricks and somehow managed to kill all but one while only me dying. The rest rushed their base and won the day. I ended with 4/12 as carry, which is my worst score as one and I won the game, talk about the most unfair win ever.

If the enemy team was 30 kills ahead and hadn't sealed the deal by the 1hr mark, they are bad and they should feel bad.

Well I told them near the end of the game if they lose to us they should all uninstall and stop playing LoL.

Jim Cojones

Nov 2, 2008
Przenajswietsza Rzeczpospolita
It's bugged.

Riot knows about it and they do nothing. Like, at all. Every Diamond 1 - Challenger faces Bronze, Silver players everyday. 9am or 9pm. It doesn't matter.

Well.. to make everything worse, the BR Riot's "boss", the executive manager, is no longer working for Riot. So basically, player's issues won't be their priority for now. Anyway, let's see for how long this will actually bother every high level player...

I would like to point out one more observation (in case someone thinks the problem is due to lack of players): I have experiencied during the rush hour (which is about 7-9 pm here in Brazil) when you are searching for a queue, if you are Diamond 1, sometimes you find a queue full of diamond. If someone dodges, in just 60 seconds you find another queue, now full of 4 bronzes V. So in a lapse of only 60 seconds due to dodge, you can either find a queue full of diamonds or full of unrankeds/bronze V.


Jun 18, 2010
The real question is how the diamond players LP are affected. If they get 0 on a win (and they should) but -100 if half their team is trolling and they somehow lose, then it's gotta suck to be cheated out of a proper game.

I guess the solution for them is to requeue after a dodge.

Or transfer back to NA to the merriment of all! :troll:


Dec 31, 2007
Copenhagen, Denmark
Well, according to that picture, the Plat II Ahri got +40 LP for winning against Bronze Vs.
I guess the MMR is viewed as 0 after dodges for purposes of getting teammates and getting LP after the game?
Dec 19, 2007
Holy shit team rankeds are so much harder than solo Q when you have a team of obstinate Finnish bastards. Making calls is impossible because everybody has their own idea about what to do. Even champion selection is so freaking random because nobody cares about the team.


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
I think you're in the wrong team

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