Undead Phoenix
Just because I'm not stating things in black and white for your pleasure doesn't mean I'm rambling. If you can't understand that single logic chain, then I've got better things to do than spell it out for you word-for-word.
Not trying to put salt on the wound, but there's a lot of weird stuff in this story. So you started blue I imagine, did you use smite on it? Since it sounds like you were purple side, you probably shouldn't have. Then you go to red, which is warded and you start doing it. Nunu comes, he gets spotted and you kill him. Warwick has great sustain, you should've done red right there, if you didn't it meant you were very low on hp and had to base.ARGH! I QUIT FOREVER!
Why would they do that? Training together for allstars wouldn't give them anything considering that at best they could maybe win a single match against Asians and only the first place was worth some prize. And that prize wasn't all that worth for most of players if you take into account that Russians couldn't care less about 3rd spot in LCS, being sure there is very little chance they won't get into EU finals.Next thing you know, you'll be claiming that the attitude of the players has no effect on the team attitude and that's it difficult to grab someone on Skype for a casual game or two when you have some free time.
And that exact attitude is why things happened the way they did. The EU players could take a best of 3 from any of the Asian teams, something which they have done for their respective teams in the international tournaments (not sure about Fnatic though). Are you saying that there is no motivation in recieving the honour of winning such an event, or in the publicity and fame? Because I'm pretty sure they were stoked over the 1v1 matches, and I don't know if they got anything from that.Why would they do that? Training together for allstars wouldn't give them anything considering that at best they could maybe win a single match against Asians and only the first place was worth some prize. And that prize wasn't all that worth for most of players if you take into account that Russians couldn't care less about 3rd spot in LCS, being sure there is very little chance they won't get into EU finals.Next thing you know, you'll be claiming that the attitude of the players has no effect on the team attitude and that's it difficult to grab someone on Skype for a casual game or two when you have some free time.
Few days ago I had the worst game of my life its like my worst LoL related nightmare come to reality. We had Lee Sin solo top, Shaco jungle, me as Kog adc, Lux mid and Diana jungle, see something strange here? So two seconds before locking champions selection the last player takes Diana as jungler while we already have a jungler and proceed to spend rest of the game either intentionally feeding or spamming chat with random bullshit. That lasted for 1 hour despite we were loosing by 15 kills at 20 minute mark, and 30+ kills difference at 50 minute mark. My team refused to surrender despite the score, playing one player short and enemy team mocking us and toying with us for majority of the game, only thing useful in our team were minions who managed to destroy few turrets.
Then we won.
I still dont know how it happened, we four attacked those overfed pricks and somehow managed to kill all but one while only me dying. The rest rushed their base and won the day. I ended with 4/12 as carry, which is my worst score as one and I won the game, talk about the most unfair win ever.
I still dont know how it happened, we four attacked those overfed pricks and somehow managed to kill all but one while only me dying. The rest rushed their base and won the day. I ended with 4/12 as carry, which is my worst score as one and I won the game, talk about the most unfair win ever.
I still dont know how it happened, we four attacked those overfed pricks and somehow managed to kill all but one while only me dying. The rest rushed their base and won the day. I ended with 4/12 as carry, which is my worst score as one and I won the game, talk about the most unfair win ever.
If the enemy team was 30 kills ahead and hadn't sealed the deal by the 1hr mark, they are bad and they should feel bad.
Riot knows about it and they do nothing. Like, at all. Every Diamond 1 - Challenger faces Bronze, Silver players everyday. 9am or 9pm. It doesn't matter.
Well.. to make everything worse, the BR Riot's "boss", the executive manager, is no longer working for Riot. So basically, player's issues won't be their priority for now. Anyway, let's see for how long this will actually bother every high level player...
I would like to point out one more observation (in case someone thinks the problem is due to lack of players): I have experiencied during the rush hour (which is about 7-9 pm here in Brazil) when you are searching for a queue, if you are Diamond 1, sometimes you find a queue full of diamond. If someone dodges, in just 60 seconds you find another queue, now full of 4 bronzes V. So in a lapse of only 60 seconds due to dodge, you can either find a queue full of diamonds or full of unrankeds/bronze V.