Demnogonis Saastuttaja
Oh? When I played the Tracks of Grind it had teamkillers and everything anybody said was complaining.
Even Abyssal is situational.
We're also not saying actives. Some auras are good because they provide some gameplay or strategy. A mana Manip could be good (if balanced etc) buying it in a lane with a hungry ADC. Absyssal Scepter requires specific synergies to use, or requires discomfort in a mage's positioning (or changes your own positioning to use it). These are good examples.
+Defensive stats to everyone near by? There's nothing to do, no strategy to rally around, no decisions in any term. I might not have clarified this in my off-the-cuff explanation earlier, but there's no nuance to Aegis (and WotA, to an extent) outside of gold/efficiency ones.
Hurr durr, way to miss my point grunker.
Oh and where did I say that?
Why challenge Morello's point then use Abyssal Scepter as an example if you knew Morello thought it was a good item and not included in the ones he were criticizing? That makes no sense.
Can you tell me where I can watch Korean games, ideally with English commentary?Oh dear Odin, the games in Korea make LCS look like shit.
What do you mean, that's just the wolves and wraiths and such.
I thought that too, but if you notice only the 3 smaller camps spawn later. The big ones also give the same exp if you combine the exp from the small lizards. It's really just a change against early counter jungling, and Nunu specifically. I personally don't think Nunu's worth a ban at all if you're a competent jungler, but meh, anything that gets him off the ban list so I can support with him again.Jungle changes seems rough, camps spawning at 2.05 p. much means you can't except any help from your laners. Then again, this might make the jungle more manly again.
Bulwark gone. No armor on Aegis.![]()
You know who completely disappeared from the meta? Miss Fortune. I had a hard time understanding why my MF wasn't winning anymore but Chaox was able to articulate it. MF isn't as good as she once was because no one stacks armor reduction anymore. When she was played, you had Xin or Jarvan every other game, Renekton, Nasus and everyone bought Black Cleavers. I recently played Taric - MF and forgot what a good lane it still is. And beyond the laning phase, Taric has his own auras and armor reduction to help MF land a killer ult. Taric is really underrated these days, but I see a comeback. With Draven nerfed, and with so many weak laners these days, Vayne, Tristana, Caitlyn, it's about time the kill lanes made a comeback. And I mean real kill lanes, not a Nami that sometimes lands her bubbles, but a Taric or Leona that zone the enemy out hard and never miss their initiates.Rise of Taric once again
MF isn't as good as she once was because no one stacks armor reduction anymore. When she was played, you had Xin or Jarvan every other game, Renekton, Nasus and everyone bought Black Cleavers. I recently played Taric - MF and forgot what a good lane it still is. And beyond the laning phase, Taric has his own auras and armor reduction to help MF land a killer ult. Taric is really underrated these days, but I see a comeback. With Draven nerfed, and with so many weak laners these days, Vayne, Tristana, Caitlyn, it's about time the kill lanes made a comeback. And I mean real kill lanes, not a Nami that sometimes lands her bubbles, but a Taric or Leona that zone the enemy out hard and never miss their initiates.Rise of Taric once again
Context: We wanted to reduce the burden of buying an Aegis / Bulwark every game. By combining Aegis and Locket, we can more clearly push them into their strategic niche of team fight area-effect damage reduction.