I'm starting to dig Dota2 as well, some carries like Weaver are fun. But then on my last pub game I politely ask to play Phantom Assassin, and everyone insta locks carries. I go Bane to support a Phantom Lancer, who at 40 minutes, manages to have boots of teleportation and a chain mail. We lost. I also have problems not knowing my limits, typical stuff that every noob goes through in LoL. I know what it takes to get out of this "elo hell" in Dota2, spam Drow every game, dominate early game despite my teammate's best efforts to fuck up my early farming. Or play Nature's Prophet, farm and split for 40 minutes, get yelled at by my team for 40 minutes and win 60% of the time, you can't play Weaver with these shitters.
On my last game with him I have this Elder Titan support that insists on ksing me 100% of the time since he's melee and started with 2 gloves of strength of course, doesn't harass once either. Then he leaves the lane when Sniper got enough levels and leaves me alone to "farm" and since I couldn't even afford the most basic hp regen, I'm fucked. No surprise, Elder Titan did not carry that game and we lost. Going through 6 months of just completely separating yourself from your teammates and carrying irregardless of what they say, trying to learn exactly what your power level and limits are at every moment, trying to learn every matchup, I've done it all already and doesn't seem worth just for the possibility of playing with cool unique heroes. At the elo I'm at in League the game is already really fun and strategic. The matchmaking sucks too.
In League news, the latest champion I jumped on is Aatrox jungle. It's been really fun searching for ways to play him and inventing a playstyle for him, then recently I learned that lol Europe has been spamming him in the LCS. Watched Diamond and Wicked, learned a bunch. He's not the strongest early, but man it feels great to play a jungler that isn't useless in the early game, and he snowballs pretty well from what I can gather.