Next you are going to tell me that Nunu can jungle without runes and masteries too.
I tried Critplank.
In ranked of course
was it you who was foaming about Lissandra?
I tried Critplank.
Cool, he can be real fun
In ranked of course
May you suffer hell's eternal scorn!![]()
was it you who was foaming about Lissandra?
I liked her well enough, thought she was OK. Then they nerfed her hard. Now I dislike her. She can be good, but she needs telecommunication to be used well, I think.
Some pros like her in tournaments. Almost none will touch her in solo queue.
She lost 50 points of damage level 11 and 100 at level 16
Just saw this:
Ugh I really can't be arsed to drill my strong characters again and again
Then you will never ascend. The pros repeat it time after time after time: The number 1 single-most important thing you can do to improve is have a very small selection of champions and play those until you hate the game, and then play them some more. Doesn't matter much which champions it is.
I tried Critplank. In ranked of course, because I just had a huge winning streak with various Demacian heroes...
What do you against Elise? I had 40+ more CS, I bought Shiv as first item due to some guide on RoG, then I shot her a couple of times taking her to mb 60% health, then I forgot jungler exist, after that she bought chain vest and all I could do anymore is run (of course her being Elise she just caught me a lot of times). I started building my IE anyways because I had most CS in the game but I didn't realize they'd just bumrush me ignoring everything else, 60CS Ezreal complains to me about trying to KS with ult and then he thought I must lie when I say it's on CD even though you can clearly see it from the left of the screen. Ok whatever but what do you do against Elise, build Negatron after Shiv or earlier? I think I should have done that, I just foolishly believed I could outdamage her with a 40CS lead.