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So, anyone playing League of Legends?

Dec 19, 2007
Lol it's really on SR? First match urgots vs. gangplanks :D

So 5 Heimers beat 5 Ezreals completely one-sidedly, can't deal with turret spam and L spam. When we were at their second tower with my friend some 5 ezreal ultimates were fired our way, all missed and a bunch of ezreals died in their gank attempt.
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Dec 19, 2007
Okay so one for all is a breeding ground of butthurt. "Why you no like my character!"

Like a Zed main wants us to play Zed, so we lose to multi-Lux pretty horribly, ofc. the zed player goes mid (also loses) and proceeds to tell us how much we suck. Ok?

Or a Ziggs player, apparently, go mid, well everyone's including his Ziggs loses to our fatty squad, only I voted Gragas and for some reason the tiebreaker always gives the champion I wanted. Butthurt commences, noobs in team! What the hell like Ziggs is so confusing to play if you never even touched him, and then your Ziggs squad gets blown every which way with a bunch of beer cans. BTW I like Gragas E more now, better AOE damage makes me happy.

I don't get why people insist on these really lame ideas like multi-zed or multi-vayne. The all-darius was really stupid too but at least the chain pulls were entertaining. Like why would we want five incredibly lame characters (I admit multi-gragas wasn't as funny as I hoped)? We want shit like all Shaco, all Noct, Singed, whatever, not this all Lux crap where you just autowin and definitely not some shitty all Jax which is both bad and boring. Why not all anivia so we can make a maze together?

Or all Malzahar, oh my god the amount of aids, who can even survive that?

All Blitz made me so confused, where is my character going oh god I'm a ping pong ball


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
I played 2 games yesterday, Lux vs Cait and Wukong vs Zac. Both went over epic 50 minutes, lol. Lazzrooors everywhere.


Jun 5, 2011
Now that the new patch win rates are up, guess who's back on top?

With 57% win rate?

(ok it's only 1 day)


The King himself is back. Go 0/27/3 armor reds/yellows/quints(optional) and start with the OP Targon and twice as much armor as the other support. Rush Ninja Tabis and then the armor item of your choice Frozen Heart/Iceborn/Randuins. The secret is that armor not only makes Taric more manly, but increases his attack damage by a lot. Ignore him at your peril.

I have personally witnessed Taric and a Caitlyn that was maybe half an item ahead get a triple kill in a 2v3 ambush by their fed jungler (we all know how Caitlyn is the queen of 2v3 skirmishes). The Targon should get nerfed but it will only delay the fabulousness, it can never stop it.

In other news, Janna fell back down to earth, global passives OP.
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Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
I dived taric with my fed Quinn yesterday, NEVER AGAIN.

In other news beating FotM Nasus and Riven with Quinn is funny. So many people just learned that yes, blind does make you miss your Q nasus. Bird form, atack when you can Q nasus, fly away once blind is over, repeat once Q comes off CD. Oh look, nasus is dead.


Also top garen versus Quinn, lolololol.
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Jul 16, 2007
Uggh, so anyone that has been here long enough knows how much hand wringing I can do about runes and masteries. Anyone have any mastery setups they feel are particularly good in this new season?


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
I just buff the champs a bit. Tanky champs get more AP and damage while squishy get some damage and defense. 21/0/9 on tanks like Mao, Warwick, Malphite with both AP and AD bonuses and mana regen in utility while in rune setup they get some armor/MR and attack speed.
I saw this setup in that 3 hour long Warwick video and it works pretty good for most of my junglers. I build em tanky but they deal crapload of damage early/mid game. Especially Warwick or Malph with their steroids.

Otherwise just build what the pros build if it fits in your playstyle or experiment. Like my Crit Blitz, theres no better satisfaction than ripping half of someones health bar with a single Power fist at lv2. trololo

Jim Cojones

Nov 2, 2008
Przenajswietsza Rzeczpospolita
Riot wants to make changes to vision so everybody has to participate in warding, the result is that everybody stops buying wards and thinks that trinkets are enough, and often forgetting about trinkets later in the game. I would be surprised if it wouldn't be the millionth time things end exactly opposite of what the designers of this game expected. Or if it wouldn't be one of ten similar cases related just to the latest patch.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Lol, so true. Noticed yesterday where I typed like 5 times per game to tell the team to use their trinkets. And buying real wards is a big no-no it seems.


Jun 5, 2011
Yeah, the amount of throws in games now is crazy.

I found one way to go cheap on wards and not go lax on your vision duties, Wriggles Master Yi. I was queuing up late and the opponent jungler was Eve, fuck looks like either Diamond wannabes or a real hard game so I went teleport/smite Master Yi because I didn't feel like tryharding. Half expected my team to dodge but the duos were too strong. I rushed a Wriggles and bought the vision trinket, lanes lost naturally. But you see, when your lanes are losing and all you do is farm, you don't really need a lot of vision. All you need to do is a ward by the wraiths and a ward by your blue and you've got plenty. So I just did that and funnily enough I applied.... pressure. You could feel Eve was feeling the pressure to make plays and she just buckled under the pressure. They got the first two dragons, Eve snowballed naturally and hit her core items faster while Ziggs mid was having a free farm lane, but the hard part was pushing us in.

They never got past our tier 2 turrets, having a Master Yi with a BotRK, Homeguards, Teleport and no fear of dying does that I guess. Before they'd just pink all of my jungle and I would facecheck something and die, here we had wards everywhere and we could pick small skirmishes to our advantage. We just kept fighting and fighting until we slowly pulled through. We got the 3rd dragon and just pushed their towers instantly, teamfought and won. I think the real reason behind our victory was our really good pushing and the fact they had no real duelist, and little hard cc helped but Master Yi felt good in a weird sort of way. It felt good to carry yet another imbalanced normals game where they had 2 diamonds and all we had was a plat and silver 5.

The new season seems to encourage throwing and just games that go on forever. You can't pink everything and slowly choke the enemy, they will keep farming. Champions that scale well with farm or can farm fast do well and those that can push really fast are at a premium, because any victory can be converted into several objectives. He even slices the baron up really quickly. As for the Wriggles? I only got around 700 gold from it and didn't even tax lanes that hard. The item is very bad as you know but it offers enough to Master Yi to potentially make it viable, the ward really shines defensively and the lack of sustain isn't that big of a deal since you're more of an assassin than a sustained damage bruiser.

I'll keep trying to spam teleport Master Yi, half the reason it's fun to see people instantly dodge but if he's freelo I'll sure take his fun playstyle. Fuck trying to be perfect in the first 10 minutes.
Dec 19, 2007
One of the oddest things that started happening is bot lanes going double sweeper and no wards. Guess you didn't like bush control or getting any warning of the jungler coming.

What I love about the new trinkets is that many laners won't start with a real ward now, so ganking them is a breeze. That 60 second shit is absolutely not enough safety for top.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Yeah, I only use the trinket ward as an alternative to facechecking the lane bush while still buying regular wards for river and tribush on top and bot. I have seen plenty of throws because nobody wards and roams into an unwarded jungle only to get a face-full of gangrape in some bush. Usually if you had a good support he'd just place 12 wards over the whole map and there would be no problem, but with stealth wards per player limited to three placed at once you are fucked in SoloQQ. It doesn't help that wards still take up a fucking inventory slot and now even the support is fucked with three item slots (fucking aegis builds out of four base items, why no fucking medallion to merge two FFS). Maybe in six months a quarter of Gold/Silver will learn to ward when not playing support.

Also Jinx is pretty good in SoloQQ but Vayne seems to be a no brainer pick if you want to carry, better all-ins lifesteal quints make it pretty easy to just farm your way into OP scaling. Bot lane seems to be pretty safe for farming now apart from annie support raping you with the bear drop. People who cannot into ADC still pick Caitlin every game. MF seems to have fallen into near obscurity again, saw only one graves so far and one twitch. Sivir is fairly popular.

In other news I managed to carry myself back to Gold over the weekend. Gold V is as bad as I remember it being, doesn't help that there seems to be a plat or diamond player trying to boost his terrible silver or bronze pal in every game. It's not just the lowest guy that is being a problem since he is most likely to fuck up (in theory), or the fact you have to deal with their constant "we go bot" syndrome which means I can't pick support or ADC where it would be preferable. These plat/diamond guys think they're so much fucking better than everyone that they usually first pick mid because "superior mechanics can carry alone", get cocky after an early kill and then throw it by reckless plays and blame the team. SoloQQ never changes.
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Dec 19, 2007
Yep, the plat vs. silver crap makes the games so retarded sometimes.

Seems like there's a lot of unkillable dps tanks running around these days, Shyvana, Olaf, even Hecarim's back... Seems like sustained casters like Ryze would be pretty good as they have the ability to help your team actually kill these motherfuckers with pure damage.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Had a shitty game and a few good ones today. First loss was with 3 guys that had promo games and sucked so bad it made me rage a bit. Ahri that cant hit a charm and whines about getting ganked and ofcourse blames our jungler. Classic. My adc(caitlyn) who I was supporting still cant into autoattacks, watches us several times getting bursted while she waits for cooldowns to refresh. Favorite was ulting Leona that was in her face and dying shortly thereafter. And she was Plat4 I think. Epic.

And I got to play Gragas after a huge break with him and ofcourse got counterpicked with Fizz but our Rammus did an excelent job and I went roaming too several times that snowballed the game.
4 man gank squad is scary shit.

Also some epic Blitz plays today,so many carries grabbed, dat feeling when you manage to outsmart 2 guys that want your blood and whoop em at the tower.Rolf at comments I got after that fight. Powerfist too good at 40% cdr. 4 guys of the other team bought banshees in that one game,lol.

Only worthy support ban I'd spend is on Tresh. That fucker is very hard to play against and with that shield and lantern is a bitch to kill him and the carry hes protecting. Lots of AAARGH moments when playing against him.
So far my top bans are Lee Singa, Tresh and Zed. Amumu too, and would ban Zac also if he was a more common pick. Noone plays Zac anymore and thats a good thing in my book.


Jun 5, 2011
I've been having some fun trying to bring MF back, she's underrated. I had a few great games with her, one where me and Annie zoned the enemy Jinx + Fiddlesticks (both plat) from lvl 1 and I finished like 12-1-12, or another game where a Rammus camped me hardcore but all I did was press R and win teamfights. What I realized is that MF is somewhat similar to Lucian, high burst, AD caster, low cooldowns but better ult and worse mobility. I've been building Triforce on her. If you land a Q with it, you're looking at 500 damage on 2 targets from 650 range away, it even fixes some of her mobility in teamfights. It's OP when you're ahead but has some trouble when you're behind. Some games went really rough with MF though, I still have some things to figure out before she's a "competitive" pick.

Of course Season 4 and the anti-snowball meta is set to destroy everything we held dear, so it remains unclear how she'll fare in that environment.
Dec 19, 2007
Does Fizz really counter Gragas, seems like he'd just sit on his fishy face and laugh? When Gragas starts one-shotting the waves I would guess Fizz isn't gonna be very happy. BTW the fatty is now a fast jungler since they buffed his E.

So I had to ADC because some whiny brat wouldn't accept anything but Riven top. Lol, Leona Graves vs. Lux Caitlyn, level 2 Lux dies from full health in less than a second. I guess them fancy AP supports don't always work out so well. Anyway, Ghostblade on Graves is such a murder item against these squishy ass teams, I can't be bothered to do any actual calculations but it sure feels effective and it's fun to build because you get to use all those longswords you bought. When I got like Botkr, Zeal and Ghostblade I could 1v1 Rumble, apparently he went raging (blamed the jungler) and sold items for an IE. 16 kills on Graves "wtf build?", trolololo.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Problem isnt really the champ(Fizz) but the player you're up against. If he's good at predicting your plays you'll be wasting those skillshots like theres no tomorrow.
You cant initiate easily cause of his pole jump, and he has a dash and flash, not to mention he'll punish you most of the time by killing you if you fuck up. Best strategy is to play passive and attack him right after he wastes his pole jump on minions. Otherwise dont even try, you'll never kill him. Not to mention trading with him after lv6 is something i would not reccomend. And most annoying harras by dashing into you then uses the pole to get away and avoid damage if you try to combo him. He gets free damage and you lose your cooldowns and half of your healthbar. I just stay at distance, pop some barrels and wait for his pole jump.


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
So, got a few games in yesterday and the day before after a long break. Probably will be a week or so until my next game. My impression was that the jungle feels fairly terrible. Can't hit lvl 3 as early as before, so early game pressure isn't there. Gold starvation is still there and all jungle items are still inferior to the golem spirit. Got to play around a bit with the reworked champs a bit and Sivir felt extremely strong, Heimer a bit better than before and Brolaf like a different champ.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Man the butthurt is strong in some people. We're winning due to my awesome ganks as vi (FB for our nasus, a kill on mid and double on bot with me not dying once), except for cass feeding zyra mid (after her lane was ahead because I ganked it) . She keeps whining about enemy sej being better (who only ganked her mid, because the cass sucks unlike all other laners), then she whines that nasus is farming and splitpushing all the time (which of course got us most of their towers). "OMG nasus just farm for 8000 minutes and do nothing". Then she dies after we push an inhib because everybody went b but cass stays behind despite pings, gets butthurt that we let her die and goes to splitpush for the rest of the game "to farm her Q" nearly losing us the game because we fought all remaining fights as a group of four and because of course cass sucks at splitpushing and gets caught and killed. We still won but fucking hell, that cass won a promotion because everybody else carried her.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
You dont get bursted? I think Riven with her gay shield/stun would whoop you in a milisec. Or just go brushie brushie and poke you from there when you use Q on minions.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Interesting. This is surely something that our suomi toplaner here would love to try.

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