So I go jungle with Malphite and my tactic for new jungle is, smiteless blue, smite wight, wolfs, smite red get lvl 3 start ganking. I ask my team mates for smiteless blue and I get mocked by them, all manner of verbal abuse especially from top and mid players how you dont need to go smiteless anymore, that im a wood 5, noob etc. But they do help me so despite first 7 min of non stop mocking I decide not to troll or quit.
The game goes badly, our top yasuo feeds their yasuo, mid feeds well everyone, bot is useless and only with me ganking do anyone manage to get any kills. Whats even worse their jungle Allistar looks as a op jungler champ since everytime he ganks someone dies in my team, then again noone in my team bought a single ward in the game and still think its a great idea to push lines despite that got you killed several times in the same way.
I actually play a decent game, died only three times in 50 min, saved bunch of asses, gifted kills, warded, overall a decent game, yet as we start loosing my team started blaming me for the lose and started heavy verbal abuse.
I go on lol nexus and see they are premade team, I start insulting them and start call them all sort of things. We lose, I quickly leave stat screen and a bit later get a message that I was reported for verbal abuse and that I shouldn't do it again.
I dont recall when the last time I was so fucking angry, you play a good game, your team sucks, they throw shit at you and you get reported.
Also I was wandering is going smiteless at start really so useless despite low cd on smite or are those guys just morons.