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So, anyone playing League of Legends?



Jun 18, 2010
WholesaleGenocide said:
He's VERY hard to last hit with if you don't have attack speed quints and reds, however. I don't recommend doing it without those.

This one confuses me a bit. When you lasthit you very rarely attack at full speed. If you want to have an easier time lasthitting, armor penetration/extra damage will help you more, since it gives you more leeway concerning now many HP a minion can have when you lasthit. I won't deny attack speed is good on WW -- it is quite decent to get his passive stacked -- but it won't help much with your lasthitting.


Aug 17, 2008
Ulminati said:
WholesaleGenocide said:
He's VERY hard to last hit with if you don't have attack speed quints and reds, however. I don't recommend doing it without those.

This one confuses me a bit. When you lasthit you very rarely attack at full speed. If you want to have an easier time lasthitting, armor penetration/extra damage will help you more, since it gives you more leeway concerning now many HP a minion can have when you lasthit. I won't deny attack speed is good on WW -- it is quite decent to get his passive stacked -- but it won't help much with your lasthitting.

Play lanewick and then tell me why attack speed is important. His last hitting is hillariously difficult without AS, and the only high ELO lanewick player I can think of (FYA Umashi -- ~2000ish elo WW player) runs AS reds/quints for exactly that reason. It's also good for counterpushing because WW can't push worth shit and usually doesn't rush Wit's end.

Edit: Normally I agree about armor pen/flat AD, but not for lanewick. His attack animation is shit.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
We had a pretty derpy game today.

Our team was solo lane Shen (me), Sivir (reject) + Soraka (jim), Swehn (cheddar) mid and a random retard playing jungle trynd vs Xerath, (ad) Sion + Ashe, Janna + Renekton.

The enemy had no jungler, but actually neither did we. Trynd's 'ganks' were all about going to my lane from the turret's direction, pinging the enemy like mad and stealing my CS and xp. He also kept doing fuck all, clearing the enemy jungle while there were 2 turrets he could have pushed because the whole enemy team was pushing top.

After trynd got killed like 5 times and cheddar was feeding xerath like a bawss, trynd wanted to surrender. We didn't, so he just went afk...

... that's when the silly part started.

Trynd going afk p much turned the game for us. Eventually, we won it, taking the baron twice and raping them like mad, even though we lacked 1 dude and were losing 10:20 in kills when trynd left.

Probably the most hilarious part of that game was that I finished with the best stats in game (17/5/9, Ashe also had 17 kills, but 9 deaths) with a cleverly retarded build I was testing (rushing stark's fervor), and by the end of the game, I could rush into Ashe and Sion, kill Ashe and run away alive. Enemy 'WITHOUT SHEN IT WOULD BE SURRENDER' /all messages included.



Jan 10, 2010
Considering Shen is being buffed next week (or the patch after), Riot thinks so.


Dec 4, 2010
shen prob isnt underpowered hes just kinda useless. his only real utility is his ult and now and then his taunt does shit.
the problem is you can just ignore his ass in every teamfight so his role as a tank kinda blows.

at least thats my impression. more his kit then anything
Dec 31, 2009
Fuck this game man. I wanted to end the day with a ranked win and what happens.. First I firstpick GP for top; then second d00d picks amumu jungling, all good here...

Then third tard picks Shyvana. YAY! He does of course start counterjungling early on (in addition to amumu that is...), leaving the (incredibly shitty) Caitlyn down bot in free feed mode (with Vayne being the feed one). This Shyvana also is opinionated; around 20 minutes in when the score is hovering around 4/14 in our disfavour, she wants to force a teamfight... In the middle of the map... With the enemy turrets still up. She pings me like mad up top GP COME DOWN YOU SO BAD. I wisely ignore her, since this way I can threaten their turret and either get a turret takedown or force them to send a d00d up top. This also happens; we don't have to engage on these odds.

Then it happens again... Some entanglement/poking happens mid, all tards run into the battle near the opponents turret (the score has become even more lopsided during this time btw) and they start fighting and, predictably, dying. GP WHERE WERE YOU?!?! FFS. I'd like to point out that there was no *point* in this teamfight, since the enemy were just camping along their turret; my tardteam would lose nothing from simply camping at ours. Anyways we lose that game handily; altho our tard Shyvana actually manages to get positive stats... I think it is because of Shyvanas retarded dmg output, so she generally manages to get to whoever she's diving, also because her team joins in with her.

Second game. This can't be *that* bad can it?

Think again. Instalock Tryndamere. Then: Russian text from Trynd. Russian text from tard #2. Russian text from tard #5. I think... Oh gawd. Should I dodge? I'll lose some elos but hey... I convince myself that I am just being prejudiced; nice Russian people exist, right? There is no racial hatred of good in them?

Well. Trynd goes top, then #2 says jungle, shaco or noct and all of us scream "noct!" and we make him do that; myself, I'm thninking I need a carryish hero to get out of this shit, so I pick kogmaw. All is well, and tard #3 picks soraka, a nice pick.

At this point it is worth pointing out that the enemy team did indeed pick kassadin as a first pick. I tell the last tard: Take a mid dude that can handle kassadin. Tard #5 picks....

Wait for it...

Make a guess...


I'm liek, dual facepalming so hard I don't even consider the fact that I can still leave. Anyways, after some chattering in Russian tard #1 says that I should go mid with kog. That sounds reasonable to me given the circumstances. I do well enough; pretty much end up feeding him as much as I kill him. Kog is really weak in a sololane vs the enemy xin zhao jungler, but it's liek, OK. Also mr Nocturne is telling us that we don't have a tank, and I'm like, you are an off tank right... I see that he builds for an infinity edge so I'm guessing not. In the end we die because we don't have any type of good cc and no type of tank so they have the sense to dive us and rape us.

I have an elo now. It's 1176.
Dec 31, 2009
Also the numero uno thing tards do is rushing into battle without knowing how many they are vs how many enemies there are. This is even worse when some of the enemies are out of sight; for example, if you have seen 4 d00ds in the enemy jungle 5 seconds ago, a surprisingly small amount of people understand that this means when they dive for that enemy hero in said jungle, THOSE FUCKERS WILL BE CLOSE AND KILL YOU. This makes lol players slighly less intelligent than crows, as crows can intuitively understand numbers up to five. Also most chimpanzees have the ability to learn from *other* chimpanzees mistakes, something lol players doesn't; for when one of your teammates have been raped in the enemy jungle, a surprising amount of players have no reservations whatsoever about diving into it to try to kill that single d00d in there...

(The test goes like this: Imagine one person going into a house; animals stay away, since they know theres someone there. If two people go into a house, and then one leave, most dumb animals will assume the house is empty, since people go in then people go out amirite? Crows are smarter though; they will keep count. If 4 people go into a house and 3 goes out, they know that there are still people inside. This has a limit of 5 however; if 6 people go into a house and 5 goes out, they assume it is empty. In any case, this still leaves them more intelligent than most lol players)
Aug 5, 2009
herostratus said:
Also the numero uno thing tards do is rushing into battle without knowing how many they are vs how many enemies there are. This is even worse when some of the enemies are out of sight; for example, if you have seen 4 d00ds in the enemy jungle 5 seconds ago, a surprisingly small amount of people understand that this means when they dive for that enemy hero in said jungle, THOSE FUCKERS WILL BE CLOSE AND KILL YOU. This makes lol players slighly less intelligent than crows, as crows can intuitively understand numbers up to five. Also most chimpanzees have the ability to learn from *other* chimpanzees mistakes, something lol players doesn't; for when one of your teammates have been raped in the enemy jungle, a surprising amount of players have no reservations whatsoever about diving into it to try to kill that single d00d in there...

(The test goes like this: Imagine one person going into a house; animals stay away, since they know theres someone there. If two people go into a house, and then one leave, most dumb animals will assume the house is empty, since people go in then people go out amirite? Crows are smarter though; they will keep count. If 4 people go into a house and 3 goes out, they know that there are still people inside. This has a limit of 5 however; if 6 people go into a house and 5 goes out, they assume it is empty. In any case, this still leaves them more intelligent than most lol players)

You're giving them too much credit. If they're trying to tail someone, and that person suddenly vanishes into a pass, and never exits, and there is one patch of grass what does that tell you?

To them it says they need to hurry and catch up, and the best route is right past that innocent foliage.


Oct 12, 2006
Just had the closest dominion match ever/possible. Went from 10-200 disadvantage to win with 1-0.


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009



Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
Spectator function working now? Excellent. Also, Maokai is a very fun jungler, perhaps not the best or fastest, but very fun and definitely viable with decent ganks.


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
Not yet, just in the Public Beta server, but that means we'll hopefully get it in the next patch.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Started playing this again. Lost a few games being retarded and not knowing what any of the heroes were, but won the last two.


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009


After a long time without playing Xerath, as I found him quite underpowered, I saw that high ELO's chose him more often than I thought, so I say "Fuck it, I'm giving him another chance". Success promptly followed, that nasty Karthus had me on stitches until I first recalled and I bought two Doran's Rings, after which I started to dominate my lane, surviving Udyr ganks and stomping over Karthus face.

But that wouldn't last long, since you could taste the :decline: in our team from the very start. Gangplank and Skarner started to spam the chat with their Russian moonspeak. Oh shit! I heard the legends about those abominable russkies, but it couldn't that bad, could it?

Turns out, I was fucking wrong, they kept feeding and doing the most retarded things "HUURRR DURRR THERE ARE ONLY 4 OF THEM!!! I CAN SOLO THEM!!", and sadly this didn't happen only once, at one time Gangplank comes running to baron, the enemy team with the buff already applied and getting away from there, AND HE FUCKING CHARGES AT THEM ALL ALONE. "I wanted to steal!! LULZ!!"

And that was the FUCKING LONGEST LATEGAME I'VE EVER PLAYED. Seriously. I managed to survive a lot and overcome their attacks when they wiped our entire team. When we took advantage, killed 3 of them in their base with 4 of us still alive, instead of destroying something they would fucking run away, which made the game look like a tennis match.

What finally won it was Xerath's insane nukes in a teamfight, If I landed all my hits correctly I could kill almost all the enemy team, except the tank. After a lot of pushing back & forth, we managed to kill them in a TF and finally destroy the enemy nexus (which had lost all it's towers looooong before

Worst of all? I had LoLReplay closed at the moment of this match. :(


EDIT: Oh, and Gangplank had 852 victories... wtf?


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
I'd like to say that you can get better at things if you practice long enough. But not so in League of Legends.

Stop, I know what you are thinking. But let me speak!

In League of Legends, most people don't get any better. Ever. They might have 1000+ wins but their ELO is like 1100. Why is this? Is this because practice doesn't make you better? Strictly speaking, no. Practice, even in LoL, does make you better.

The problem is that they don't practice. You'd think EVERY game is practice, but it's not. It's only practice if you know you need to improve, or are aware that you are making mistakes. If, however, you attribute every single loss to other people's mistakes and every single win to your own "skill", you simply won't see any reason or area to improve in, and will never, ever get any better.

And that's how Gangplank had 700+ wins.

I see this all the time. My Elo is very low; 1455 right now. But every single game I played to get to this modest Elo there will always be one or more people who are "that guy". That guy who points out every player's mistake. That guy who rages at them all game long. That guy who thinks he can do no wrong and everything is someone else's fault. It never occurs to him that his own game might be lacking. All he sees is the mistakes in others- mistakes we are all prone to make, just less often with more skill. That guy will always say he got a noob team when really, he was the noob, and will always be stuck in his Elo with no improvement or reprieve in sight.

Maybe my Elo is low, but getting to it, I have noticed a ton of things I am doing wrong in myself: my last-hitting is awful. My judgment calls can be lacking in the heat of the moment. Sometimes I don't ignore people quickly enough (very important in solo queue). Other times I spend too much time typing to explain a mistake I did, only to get jumped on in that moment. There's a thousand things I know I am doing wrong, such as always volunteering to play Support. (But hey, my winrates with Soraka and Janna don't lie!)

I'd imagine those stuck in 700-1200 that believe they "belong higher" just never stop blaming others instead of ever examining their own play, and improving it. If you belong higher, get there. Carry the bads and the trash and the ragers. After all, the enemy team is just as bad as yours.

Edit: A piece of advice if you play on NA server: If you notice in champion select that your team has Brazilians, DODGE AT ONCE. You CAN'T win with Brazilians. I don't know what it is, but they just don't have what it takes. They should do things Brazilians ought to do, such as play soccer and dance Samba and not play this game.


Aug 17, 2008
What's your name on the NA server?

I agree completely about the BR's, they're ALL THE SAME. They all have 250+ pings, play dumb shit, and only know how to say shit like "fukin nub". I'm 1491 elo right now after 100ish ranke, mostly of alistar,gp, sion, and lanewick. Haven't gotten to play Sion in forever though -- otherwise I'd be even higher, since I've got 15 wins 5 losses with him atm. Started playing him right before he was FOTM.

1455 elo is pretty good, though. According to http://www.dmh.se/elo.php?region=na only 16% of players are 1400-1499, and it really drops off after that.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
I agree with you Jasede. The moment I started to improve wasn't when I arrive at the 500 game mark or something. It was after Dreamhack when me and some pals got together and said to each other: "how do you play this game?" We started following the competitive scene, we though about our game everytime we played.

We also adjusted our attitude. Went from 'what is our team doing wrong' to 'what am I doing wrong'.

Almost instantly we got a lot better.

It also explains why our resident "beginners" - herostratus, roxor, reject, jaedar (beginners compared to me for example) play much better than I did when I had only played the amount of games they have.

So yeah. I do think however that this is true in most games. I was crap at StarCraft even though I'd played it a ton, until I started playing StarCraft II and the ladder-system actually gave me the ambition to try to improve my game. Now I'm only semi-crap at it.


Dec 4, 2010
Its def true that you need to look at yourself and that you get yourself into 'Elo hell'
I do however believe that Elo hell exists. I dont mean getting into it (I def got myself into it) but getting out is easier said then done.

People tend to say: But thier team must be just as bad!
Thats true but the point is i want OUT of elo hell. Not to stay in it due to a 50% win chance (And chance is the word here)

Not everybody can carry the majority of games. Some people play different styles better then others. If your style happens to be support or anything that relies on you having a non downs syndrome team then you are screwed.

My best 2 champs are irelia and kennen. (And lux but sadly shes kinda worthless in ranked)
Kennen NEEDS a team that can take advantage of 3 stuns in a team fight and that realizes they shouldnt overcommit without seeing him ulting. When your team are a bunch of idiots that insist on hitting the enemy ammumu while ashe is standing right next to him then tough shit. You lose.
You CAN carry with irelia (and i have done it a few times) but she takes a long time to get going. Often the game is decided by then.

I'm not arguing what you say and its def true that we (I) need to look at our own mistakes but elo hell fucking exists. 99% of idiots that say they are there because of bad teams are idiots. But when you do start to improve it is HELL getting out of what you got yourself into.

Having said that i think I'm VERY slowly rising in elo. Could have just had some lucky games though. Last hitting and getting good cs by 15-20 mins is def my shortcoming. im working on it though


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
I don't believe you get yourself into ELO hell. I came into ELO Hell at the end of season one and two months after I had a rating of 1568 when the pre-season started.


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
Yeah, completely agree with you Jasede, nice insightful post. I've been doing this since I started playing the game again and I think I'm constantly improving because I'm always looking at something I could do better. If in one game I get stomped by a particular champ, I'll look and find out why did I get stomped by that champ so that won't happen me again.

Might be the competitive nature of the game, but it's one of the few games I've been constantly looking for info and tips to become better. I never thought I would enjoy watching a stream of a game but as I grew better the livestreams appealed more to me.

In the end, you just need to have an open mind and accept criticism, I noticed this too with my friends, I was already high level when they started playing, so I would help them all the time, tell them their mistakes... and their leap in skill has been really high.

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