Fuck this game man. I wanted to end the day with a ranked win and what happens.. First I firstpick GP for top; then second d00d picks amumu jungling, all good here...
Then third tard picks Shyvana. YAY! He does of course start counterjungling early on (in addition to amumu that is...), leaving the (incredibly shitty) Caitlyn down bot in free feed mode (with Vayne being the feed one). This Shyvana also is opinionated; around 20 minutes in when the score is hovering around 4/14 in our disfavour, she wants to force a teamfight... In the middle of the map... With the enemy turrets still up. She pings me like mad up top GP COME DOWN YOU SO BAD. I wisely ignore her, since this way I can threaten their turret and either get a turret takedown or force them to send a d00d up top. This also happens; we don't have to engage on these odds.
Then it happens again... Some entanglement/poking happens mid, all tards run into the battle near the opponents turret (the score has become even more lopsided during this time btw) and they start fighting and, predictably, dying. GP WHERE WERE YOU?!?! FFS. I'd like to point out that there was no *point* in this teamfight, since the enemy were just camping along their turret; my tardteam would lose nothing from simply camping at ours. Anyways we lose that game handily; altho our tard Shyvana actually manages to get positive stats... I think it is because of Shyvanas retarded dmg output, so she generally manages to get to whoever she's diving, also because her team joins in with her.
Second game. This can't be *that* bad can it?
Think again. Instalock Tryndamere. Then: Russian text from Trynd. Russian text from tard #2. Russian text from tard #5. I think... Oh gawd. Should I dodge? I'll lose some elos but hey... I convince myself that I am just being prejudiced; nice Russian people exist, right? There is no racial hatred of good in them?
Well. Trynd goes top, then #2 says jungle, shaco or noct and all of us scream "noct!" and we make him do that; myself, I'm thninking I need a carryish hero to get out of this shit, so I pick kogmaw. All is well, and tard #3 picks soraka, a nice pick.
At this point it is worth pointing out that the enemy team did indeed pick kassadin as a first pick. I tell the last tard: Take a mid dude that can handle kassadin. Tard #5 picks....
Wait for it...
Make a guess...
I'm liek, dual facepalming so hard I don't even consider the fact that I can still leave. Anyways, after some chattering in Russian tard #1 says that I should go mid with kog. That sounds reasonable to me given the circumstances. I do well enough; pretty much end up feeding him as much as I kill him. Kog is really weak in a sololane vs the enemy xin zhao jungler, but it's liek, OK. Also mr Nocturne is telling us that we don't have a tank, and I'm like, you are an off tank right... I see that he builds for an infinity edge so I'm guessing not. In the end we die because we don't have any type of good cc and no type of tank so they have the sense to dive us and rape us.
I have an elo now. It's 1176.