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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
DamnedRegistrations said:
Except you can buy IP boosts with money, which amounts to the same thing. It just caps the amount you can buy based on how much you're playing.

Yeah, but you still need to keep playing the game (and hopefully learning) to get a benefit from it, and if you're a worthless noob it will still take you the same amount of time as a more suitable player, because the IP boost only comes into effect if you've won the match.


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
Grunker said:
I don't think many would consider him a particularly strong champ

Most of the pros seem to disagree with that statement as for late :D

True. Nice to see that he's finding his niche. Only 6300 IP champion I've bought so far and I bought him on a whim after trying him a few times when he was on rotation, without having any real idea of how to play him (or frankly speaking, how to play the game in general). Slowly starting to learn the ropes and he offers some very fun gameplay. Saplings are a wonderfully trollish tool.


Dec 4, 2010
Grunker said:
The wink was very intentional, here's what I mean:

HotShotGG is an asshole, pure and simple. He represents the 'bad athlete' almost to a stereotype. I recognize that he is an insanely strong player, but I dislike him.

Dyrus is a very nice guy, very level-headed and down to earth. Problem is, around 50% of what he says is lost in the constant fog he seems to be in (dat weed?) so you can't always tell the insightful comments from the 'imma dyrus and imma wasted' ones.

WickD's problem is that (because of his youth?) can't seem to have a two-way discussion. When WickD has a 'debate' he doesn't listen or answer the other part. That annoys me.

That said, all of them are good players and offer some good insights. I just have a personal dislike towards them :)

Ugh seriously HotshotGG is the poster child of the LoL community. It's almost like he isn't just an asshole but makes other little faggots think they need to be like him.


Oct 12, 2006
Speaking of fun, playing support has always been a bore, something you get stuck with if your last pick, a dreadful chore, but ever since I got Sona it's actually pretty fun! Her kit is amazing, she can heal, fasten, buff and debuff and her ult is on par with Amumus, truly game changing.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Berekän said:
DamnedRegistrations said:
Except you can buy IP boosts with money, which amounts to the same thing. It just caps the amount you can buy based on how much you're playing.

Yeah, but you still need to keep playing the game (and hopefully learning) to get a benefit from it, and if you're a worthless noob it will still take you the same amount of time as a more suitable player, because the IP boost only comes into effect if you've won the match.

Not the same amount of time. Wins barely grant you any more IP over losses unless you have a boost. IP wise you're better off losing 10 hours of games than winning 6 hours. And even a terrible player will win close to half his matches in ranked, because of how ranking works, and before then you can play against bots ffs.

And you can learn the game a lot faster when you can try any hero you want to figure out how to counter the bullshit they just raped you with, instead of waiting for them to be rotated free or to earn the points. And a player not spending cash is going to have to spend IP they'd be using on runes to do that. 6150 IP worth of runes is a pretty significant advantage, and makes those IP boosts all the easier to get because now you're fighting people with worse character selection (against a hero they've probably never played, especially since the latest patch) and fewer, weaker runes.

I'm not saying it's an overwhelming advantage, it's pretty fair and you're thrown in pretty damned equal footing with the guys with a 24/7 IP boost just by buying the game. But pretending it's no advantage at all, or that F2P players aren't initially pretty screwed before they've worked up the points to buy a half dozen heroes and some runes, isn't very honest. I'm willing to put up with the disadvantage of not spending money precisely because it's what they offered all along, honestly.

Anyways, question for the moneyfags that have played both: I'm pretty interested in picking up either Anivia or Brand as a serious option I think I'd play a lot. Brand is obviously a lot pricier, but I hear lots of people mention him and nobody mentions the ice bird, though the abilities seem pretty good from what I've read. Which should I go for? Is one of them significantly better, harder to play, gets shut down easily by particular heroes, anything like that? I've already got Veigar and Ryze for mages, but Veigar always feels lackluster in the early game and Ryze feels weak during team fights.

In before and after 3700 recommendations to pick up Annie.


Oct 12, 2006
Veigar is weak early, he only gets strong when farming up his ap, one of his spells works like Nasus Q only it boost his ap. End game he will have like 800 ap and burst down almost any champ with one combo, but thats it, after that he cant do anything.
Anivia needs a good team of pokers to take advantage of her wall. She has no real burst, her ult is aoe DoT, her cc beyond the wall is only a very difficult skill shot stun that needs to be timed to explode to actually stun.
Id recommend Brand. Good burst and can combo his spells for different results, stuns or mega damage or spread dot.


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
Brand is an easy mode AP caster, just nuke with your spells and you're done.

Now Anivia takes more skill, but you get a more fun to play skill set. There's a lot more of utility to Anivia than there's to Brand, at the expense of nuking power. Unfortunately you need to have capable teammates to make a worthy use of your skills so you're doomed to fail most of the time in Blind Pick/SoloQ.

So grab Xerath Brand if you want to carry your team with nukes or grab Anivia if you want a more versatile skill set to play.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
The best part of playing Veigar is getting some spellvamp at the very end of the match and hanging around the enemy base while the towers go down, nuking people dead when they come near, then healing to full with a few spells before the next chump comes along thinking he'll finish off the 300 Hp you had left when you were fighting just a minute ago.

Either that or dropping an entire team to half health with dark matter from beyond their casting ranges.

Also, I think with Deathfire Grasp, 800 AP probably IS enough to burst down any champ with one combo, unless they have like 6 warmogs or something. 800AP Deathfire is what, 63% of health nuke? + another over 3k from the spellcombo. Even with magic armor, you'd need like 7k health to survive that kinda attack.
Dec 31, 2009
Agree about HSGG, he's a cunt that also plays the most cuntish and shitty hero in the game.

Anyways, I trust you have all heard the news? Dodge seals will be removed starting the 16th. There will be a couple of new seals including spell vamp and gp/10 seals. The latter at least sounds very positive, as it might make it slightly less bawring to play support.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
LOL. Combo killed a Shen with over 4500 hp using Veig. I think even if Veig isn't a great hero for winning, he's a great hero for earning IP, because when you do win, it's late game, so you get that much more benefit. Better to win a long game and lose 2 short games than the other way around. Which makes it kinda odd that people are so much more relectant to quit in LoL than DotA or HoN. I guess it's more about being able to buy cool items than actually winning the match for most people, and even if you're getting stomped on in LoL, you can still be dangerous late game.

I actually feel bad about winning a lot of these matches. I know I'm fucking up all sorts of shit so when we win anyways and I don't even end up with a negative kill/death ratio, I feel like someone on the other team just had a stroke or something.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
@hero, you fag, Nidalee is one of the best designed heroes in LoL.

Wonder how the new seals will turn out. As far as I understand it there will also be some sort of combi MPEN/APEN marks?
May 22, 2010
Airstrip One
Still undecided on the Sivir change. On one hand - she lost what characterised her most and her R was fixed and nerfed at the same time - on the other hand, she's now a huge threat early game in the right hands. Great counter to most AP mid, devastating with a stunning support, and can completely shut down a solo top if you're going for 2-1-2.

Quite underrated.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
She's good, no doubt about it. Her current weakness is her horrible late game compared to other AD carries.


Oct 12, 2006
Grunker said:
@hero, you fag, Nidalee is one of the best designed heroes in LoL.

Wonder how the new seals will turn out. As far as I understand it there will also be some sort of combi MPEN/APEN marks?

Double Penetration on Akali has become a standing joke on the forums already.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009

Don't know if I like the idea hat much yet though. Seems like straight up MPEN would be better.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Got to try out Anivia since she's in the new rotation. The ult is crazy OP but the other skills are pretty meh. Q is too slow, W is useless unless you're in the perfect position (and she has no positioning skill) and E is suicidally short ranged considering your lack of hp or defensive skill.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Played top lane as GP for 50 games or so. Holy fuck that lane is boring as shit. EPIC AGGREZZZZZZION for the first 6-8 levels, then farm fest forevar as neither player can harass each other with all that fucking sustain.


Back to mid lane plz
Dec 31, 2009
So what do you think about phreaks GP build in the new champion spotlight? I thought GP was supposed to go atmogs and shit, but the build he shows allows gp to spam the Q like a mothafucka and have the mana regen to back it up


Sep 24, 2008
herostratus said:
So what do you think about phreaks GP build in the new champion spotlight? I thought GP was supposed to go atmogs and shit, but the build he shows allows gp to spam the Q like a mothafucka and have the mana regen to back it up
I find it kind of hilarious that Phreak says he uses Parrrley to farm gold, yet takes it at level one and max it last. It gives more gold with each rank taken, right? Goddamn, I haven't played for month or so, but I'm pretty sure you want to max it as fast as possible (if you are laning), then max E and level up W last.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Just got to try out Amumu for the first time. Team raged at me because apparently someone picked Rammus first and I didn't notice till it was too late, was dicking with my masteries. Ended up laning, but still felt really OP all game long. Probably just because the enemies were terrible though. Is it even worth trying to Jungle with Amumu if you're rank 12 and don't have any tanking runes? Or is it basically too difficult to match lane xp until you have all the stat boosts at level 1?

Also got to play as Sona. It's like playing soul reaper in HoN only your ult is actually good. Takes no skill at all, just hang around next to 2 enemies and at least one ally while spamming QW, R onto a clusterfuck for instant win. I feel like I should be picking up something like Sheen or Lichbane on her though, because of the powerchord thing, but at the same time, you don't want to be a glass cannon support, the auras and heals are too important to let yourself get bursted down.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
herostratus said:
So what do you think about phreaks GP build in the new champion spotlight? I thought GP was supposed to go atmogs and shit, but the build he shows allows gp to spam the Q like a mothafucka and have the mana regen to back it up

I go boots + 3 pots (maybe health regen + pot) into philo stone, into level 1 boots (if I haven't gotten them yet) usually into Wriggle's, level 2 boots (Mercury's usually), Warmog's, Atma's and then whatever we need. More damage? Tri force. More tankyness? Force of Nature or similar.

With the upcoming atmog's nerf, however, I will probably change that build.


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
So, the next char to be released was included in the latest patch (which only Kwanzanians have atm) and it promptly was extracted and leaked to the interwebz.

Here's a description of his skills

Aaaand here's the model for him

Personally, I'm not a fan of the looks (a fucking pole with a hand on his shoulder? Really?) but that passive looks... interesting...

Also, 2 AoE CC spells, one shield and another AoE damage spell. Looks really interesting.


Oct 12, 2006
Youve been fooled, thats a community fan made champ, not the real deal.

EDIT: Wierd seems legit now, but I saw it on youtube from a guy who had a bunch of other fanmade champions this morning and just assumed it was another one and that the community was being trolled.
Dec 31, 2009

Riftwalk cooldown increased to 7/6/5 from 6/5/4

Good, good. Let the butthurt flow through you. Butthurt is always good amiri.....

Monkey's Agility no longer grants Dodge

WHAT?!? That's it!?! No buff to compensate!!

Perseverance removed, replaced with Strength of Spirit - increases health regen per 5 seconds by 0.4/0.7/1% of maximum mana

Warmog's Armor

Passive health gain cap reduced to 350 from 450
Passive health regeneration per 5 reduced to 10 from 15
Health gain per kill or assist reduced to 35 from 45, minion kill reduced to 3.5 from 4.5
Health regeneration per 5 gain per kill or assist reduced to 1 from 1.5, minion kill reduced to .1 from .15

Dunno if it will kill atmogs or not, will see.

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