The EyeToy cameras weren't meant/built for accurately tracking objects through 3D space, they were more of a gimmick used for pretending to hit objects on the screen during the days of PlayStation 2, as you said they cost like nothing and aren't precise, as such they jitter extremely, which is very noticeable on it both trying to track your head through space and your controllers jittering and shaking around. Even the Kinect or KinectV2 isn't "good enough" for such a task, since it's limited to 30FPS.
Actually they were. Even in PS2 days they could track movement in 3D. Again it doesn't matter if something was build for something or not. You can just load youtube and see that it works currently correctly if set up correctly. PS4 tracking issues are mostly due to shitty algorythm used. PSEYE cameras also capture @ 120hz not 60hz or 30hz. I will either way testing it myself soon as i already have one PSeye so i need another one and borrow two moves from friend so i will have both controllers and 3d head positioning.
You're not having the "full VR experience" as it is right now you're just using it as a 3DOF display kit to look around in 3D space from a fixed perspective, being able to turn your head left/right and up/down, basically what the Development Kit 1 from Oculus already did (albeit at a lower resolution). That's impressive enough as it is, but if you want a fluid experience being able to track your head movement in real time and moving through a space, as well as being able to accurately point and shoot something using controllers resembling a gun or similar you absolutely need 90+FPS
Sorry but you are talking bollocks here. Secondly PSVR is 120hz not 90hz. So from pure hz perspective it is above VIVE or OCULUS.
Third your idea of VR is just empty PR. VR is basically ability to look around with 3D in virtual world. Dildo controlers you mention are nice and do enable new types of games but like i said before they are gimmicks that will went away with time same way motion controls in Wii did. And no you don't need 90fps. I tried playing at various framerates from below 30 to 120 and when you hit about 40-50fps everything becomes fluid enough to have good gameplay.
Your whole "you are not getting full vr" is just what you believe vr is. Most of normal games you play do not need room scale nor 3d head positioning and guess what they won't need that in future too because it is absolutely useless feature same as room scale. It is fine for arcade centers when you go with group of people though.
, since it should feel natural and every bit of lag impedes that and tells your Proprioception senses that something is wrong. And as it is now, you don't know what you're missing, since even the Positional Tracking provided by the Development Kit 2 was a huge step forward in how impressive the technology was. Being able to lean in on objects and inspect them in detail, picking something up and looking around/under it or similar as you would do in real life is an entirely different experience, even in very simplistic demos, you'll probably be surprised what a difference it makes:
Ain't buying it. IT just new controls nothing more nothing less. Maybe if you are new into computers or gaming it would be amazing but not for me.
For me what matter are games. Not some indie crap about fiddling with cup of cofe. Those kind of games are exact same crap motion controllers managed to get when they were invented. Where are they now ? Nowhere. Because those were shit games that fun went away with interest in new controllers.
As it is right now, you're likely using VR in an entirely different way from the majority of users that are doing VR and are e.g. mainly playing titles like these designed with it in mind for which you don't have the proper hardware:
Sorry but i am not retarded to play some crappy indie hold a coffe games which is what 99% of VR games currently are.
I want to play games like ELITE where i am in fucking ship flying around.
, since it should feel natural and every bit of lag impedes that and tells your Proprioception senses that something is wrong. And as it is now, you don't know what you're missing, since even the Positional Tracking provided by the Development Kit 2 was a huge step forward in how impressive the technology was. Being able to lean in on objects and inspect them in detail, picking something up and looking around/under it or similar as you would do in real life is an entirely different experience, even in very simplistic demos, you'll probably be surprised what a difference it makes:
Ain't buying it. IT just new controls nothing more nothing less. Maybe if you are new into computers or gaming it would be amazing but not for me.
For me what matter are games. Not some indie crap about fiddling with cup of cofe. Those kind of games are exact same crap motion controllers managed to get when they were invented. Where are they now ? Nowhere. Because those were shit games that fun went away with interest in new controllers.
On other hand Porn in VR when i can stroke or spank some bitch as could be something that could be worthwhile with those controllers.
VorpX is just a Workaround/Hack injecting itself into the rendering pipeline that doesn't always work right, requires a lot of fiddling with settings and depth perception and doesn't provide actual 3D (e.g. with two separate views rendered) for all games and will also require fiddling around with things like controls or UI. Just try some game that has an actual VR version and a VorpX hack and you should be able to tell the difference in both quality and user experience.
So ? Why does it matter how something works. Does it make games 3D ? yes. Does it give you headtracking ? yes. (with positional). And no VorpX DOES give you two separate images. Hell it works based on SteamVR in first place so if it didn't have two separate images it wouldn't work at all with headsets. Maybe you should pay 40$ and try for yourself first before speaking about it.
I guarantee you that Dragon's Dogma in it will blow you away much more so than any coffe cup simulator
GTA5 in VR is better than almost any crap you can show me because unlike those games this is actual game and not some retarded cup simulator.
Yes VorpX is a bit messy but again once it works it works and you play 100+h of something.
Btw. if you're still looking for things to do, there's a Nintendo Virtual Boy Emulator if you want to see what they referred to as "Virtual Reality" back in the day and how stupid some of the people comparing the two are:
I don't see a reason to even look at it. History of VR doesn't interest me. What interest me is what i can play today in Vr.
And there are also Wii (DolphinVR) and some other Emulators for playing those games in VR, since they have full control of the rendering pipeline it usually also ends up looking better than some of the injection hacks for PC:
Oh fuck i forgot about Dolphin. Need to check it. Still it isn't any different from VorpX. There are different methods to get 3D working and vorpX provide them all according to what game could do. Best one is geometry type which basically is best 3D you can get and frankly from games tested in Steam store none of them could hold candle to Dragon's Dogma with geometry type 3D.