Operative DPS doesn't suck, Lethality never sucked to begin with and Concealment does easy 4K DPS in current endgame gear on par with Marauders or Snipers etc and better than Sorcs. It's just that so many backpeddling clickers in this game can't handle it because it requires slightly more work than standing still and spamming force lightning.I hear Operative sucks as DPS. He's a glorious healer, though.
Rage quit 5 mins in due to listening to dialogue
No, birthright stuff has long since become entirely useless. Storyfag confuses this with legacy-bound weapons. use orange (modable) weapons and buy the barrel/mod/enhancement for it from the planet vendors.I can redeem a Birthright Weapon - is it worthwhile to redeem a Lv 34 Auto Cannon out of it?
No, birthright stuff has long since become entirely useless. Storyfag confuses this with legacy-bound weapons. use orange (modable) weapons and buy the barrel/mod/enhancement for it from the planet vendors.I can redeem a Birthright Weapon - is it worthwhile to redeem a Lv 34 Auto Cannon out of it?
So how is TOR these days? Did they lower the overall difficulty to cater the casual crowd?
Oh I remember Esselles and Black Talon from back then, when i was farming... something, a slottable item I think. Ski
pping dialogue considerable lowered the time and effort needed.
So how is TOR these days? Did they lower the overall difficulty to cater the casual crowd? Back when I was in desperate need for some KOTOR 3 light, I ragequit after bringing several chars to late 40, because you couldn't survive just on drops and quest rewards alone and your healing companions just couldn't keep up. After repeating several boss fights at least 7 times i feared for my remaining sanity.
I was willing to give it a second chance shortly after it became f2p, but reduced inventory and other dick moves towards free players didn't give me any reason to stay.
Playing STO/NWO is really refreshing after that, you can solo the story without much trouble, then decide whether to stay for the potato farming or not.
In my experience, they did exactly the opposite. When I first played 2 years ago, I managed to kill the Sith Inquisitor's nemesis myself. This time, even though my new Sith Inquisitor had higher level since they added the expansion when I was gone, I had to ask someone for help.
I can't help but feel that even though I've played neither game, you guys would get a lot more out of wasting your time with The Secret World than this piece of shit.
I can't help but feel that even though I've played neither game, you guys would get a lot more out of wasting your time with The Secret World than this piece of shit.
Yeah, you have to buy TSW before you can play it.