The Brotherhood
You can email any bug stuff to as well!
Hey man, a few oddities with resolution handling. For win10 multi-monitor setup with no DPI scaling (aka scaling is 100%), the game launched in the lowest possible resolution rather than desktop/native. No problem, but FYI. Also the options of "Fullscreen, Windowed, Borderless" seem to a bit off. The Fullscreen option behaves like borderless while Borderless behaves like fullscreen. When set to fullscreen, you can move the mouse to a secondary monitor and interact with it without the game minimizing, while setting the game to borderless and doing the same causes the game to minimize.
The amount of options are good so far, but a few suggestions: give us some granularity in the bloom options between ON/OFF, like OFF/25/50/75/FULL or something. Also, please consider an option to lock the cursor to the game window for those of us playing borderless with multiple monitors. It's easy to pan the mouse out of the game window.
Ill pass that on to Nic and see what we can do! Thanks man - really appreciate it!