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Still Wakes the Deep - narrative horror game from The Chinese Room set on an oil rig off the coast of Scotland

Vatnik Wumao
Jan 29, 2019
I'd imagine there's also a lot of practical concerns that deal with women being stranded on a rig in the middle of the ocean with a bunch of men for weeks on end.
You could use that scenario for a side quest in your vampire game.


Aug 8, 2015
Beyond the anti-English stuff and the diabeetus is the real monster, there's probably some subtext about how terrible oil is, but I wasn't paying that close attention to the stream, there's also a lot of shitting on fathers in the game. As I said though, it's all very limpdicked and it doesn't put a lot of effort into the propaganda, just as the developers didn't put effort into turning the premise into a game, and how the plot is very pointless, empty of even bad passions.

Meh. Sounds like you're reaching for something but what you say doesn't hold any water.

Didn't watch Color Out of Space, too nigger heavy to an extent not even Nicolas Cage could make up for it.

The black guy was definitely shoved in and didn't contribute to the story in any way, just made the whole movie less coherent. It was a terrible Lovecraft story adaptation but a decent Nic Cage movie (yes, "Nic Cage movie" is a genre). The director is a fan of Cage's movie Vampire's Kiss and he asked him to mimic that performance. The result was hilarious. It's also a pretty fucked up movie, mostly the part where the body of mother and son fuses together. That was very disturbing and sad and it surprised me they went there. So it's woke because there's a black guy and a woman on a rig?

There's also no malign intelligence on the part of the troon plant that sprouted when they dug too deep and too greedy in the game, one of the things that contribute to the game ending up pointless.

I wouldn't be so sure. The way Muir was patrolling the dock and preventing people from leaving makes me believe it made infected people work for its benefit, kinda like bugs infected with parasites. The way it was growing and reaching toward the sky didn't just reminded me of plants but I could imagine it acted like some sort of antenna, ready to send signals who knows where or maybe just to spread its influence further. It was also warping the space around it. But it's just speculation, I like the fact they left things unexplained.
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Be Kind Rewind

Zionist Agent
Mar 14, 2021
Sounds like you're reaching for something but what you say doesn't hold any water.
Holds more water than that shitty oil rig. What is woke and progressive now will be conservative in the future. In the rare case they let you play as a straight man there are few horror games where you aren't a shitty husband and father, if you're allowed to have a family at all. It was novel and more sincere back when Silent Hill 2 did it, inverting the hero father plot of the first Silent Hill and turning the daughter rescue story into a literal guilt trip. Audiences are just used to it now and expect to play some retarded asshole or loser, whereas in the past horror stories in general were occasions for the heroic in man to shine. Asshole husband/father wasn't the default, it is now, and in the future it'll probably be coming to terms with your son cutting off his dick and claiming to be a woman, and then people will go apeshit when you call that woke, because that will be the new normal.

As for the diabetuus it was just an outlandish plot point, cosmic horrors are not the worst thing, it's diabeetus that will claim your friends. It's like a skit from a horror parody or one of the later Final Destination flicks, might be some pet social cause for one of the devs or someone higher up on the corporate chain, might (it isn't but it'd be funny if it was) be a reference to what Brimley got up to other than playing Blair in The Thing.

Doesn't matter really, detracts from the horror. I mean, imagine if Blair had said they couldn't lock him in all alone in the shed because of diabeetus, and then later on in the film he died from diabeetus in there, it'd be distracting.

And yes, woke is about inserting niggers and ugly women into games where they don't belong, not saying this is peak woke, but it is what it is.

Anyway, the only reason I watched the stream and am in this thread in the first place is because I'm starved for good horror games, it's like game developers all forgot about the fundamentals of the genre at some point and just stopped making them. As grating as the ideology is it doesn't matter much in this case since it's not ruining some great game to begin with, it's more of a spooky themed roller-coaster ride with QTE:s.


Aug 8, 2015
None of that stuff bothered me and I don't see how there's any kind of agenda behind it (except maybe for inserting token characters).

The game was obviously heavily inspired by The Thing but I thought at least the oil rig setting was unique.

Now I found out there was an Amazon TV show that came out a year ago with the exact same premise.
The show takes place on an oil rig stationed off the Scottish coast on the North Sea where they wake up something ancient by drilling into the ground for oil. The thing starts effecting crew members psychologically while the rig slowly breaks apart...
Sounds familiar?

If someone showed me this trailer and told me it's an adaptation of the game I'd honestly believe them 100% (and vice versa).

It features the cast from Game of Thrones but according to reviews it's not great. There are just 6 episodes so I might watch it just to compare them and because I'm in the mood for more of this.

But the game had to be in production for long time, so who ripped of who? Just a coincidence?
Well there was also a 2022 book with a similar premise:


Looks like they used AI art for the cover lol.
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Sep 10, 2014
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
They really just can't help themselves, can they?
Late to the party, but just lol. I watched someone play this, talkative guy, and when he reached this part, he just went quiet as a mouse. Hurrying it a long as fast as possible, no comment or anything. Watched about for an hour, and the inclusion of this is so dumb and unnecessary, because it's not mentioned again (as far as I know). They just had to make a Scottish guy in the 70s going "ewww bigots", import third world NOW!


Sep 10, 2014
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Looks like they used AI art for the cover lol.
I have read 3 books in that series, and it's great, and damn brutal. However, the monster is different from the game, but it is oil related, since it's actually the oil. Think The Blob, instead of turning into Lovecraftian monsters.


On Annihilation, the movie with an all female team. I don't remember fully, but I think it was a female team, because they tried to mix and match what would work in the "zone". They tried all men, mixed, and so on, and a female team was up next. Nothing worked so far, everyone got "taken" by the zone, or corrupted in some way. Think it's more clear in the book. They also got mindwiped and shit before going in.

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