Hello everyone,
My name is Dan Tudge and I’m the director of Sword Coast Legends and president of n-Space. We’re all very happy to be finally be sharing SCL with the world and are very thankful that you have chosen to be a part of its creation. We've already seen a lot of questions on the boards here and while there is much we can’t talk about I’m going to do my best to answer what I can:
Will there be a Mac version of this game? Boom! Right out of the gate something I cannot talk about! We’re not talking about additional SKUs right now.
Will there be micro-transactions, or content locked behind a price tag? I can understand the concern around micro-transactions and assure you that SCL is a fully featured RPG that is not “locked behind micro-transactions.” Much like the table-top, we do plan on continuing to create adventures for both DMs and players long after launch. We have a lot of stories to tell, characters to meet and places to visit, but we cannot create them all before launch. We are going to keep creating content as long as you keep playing!
How long is the single player campaign? While we’re not talking about the campaign in detail right now but I can tell you this: It’s not going to be short! A great RPG isn’t something you finish over a weekend and SCL certainly won’t be finished in a weekend either.
What exactly is the Design Council? Access to special forums that will help us, the developers, make decisions that mold and shape SCL.
What exactly is early access? (Roughly how long is it?) We actually can’t say just how long early access will be just yet, however we can say that you’ll get ample time to adventure prior to launch.
Will there be an alpha or beta test? We’re not talking about alpha or beta testing right now.
Can you explain more about how DM mode works and the DM toolset? The DM can fully customize the player experience, significantly altering an adventure by changing encounters, placing traps, spawning monsters, creating quest NPCs, generating secret areas, locking doors - all in real-time. There are also offline campaign tools that enable DMs to build campaigns for their players - more about that later.
Are any localizations planned? We understand that there are a lot of RPGs players that love to play in a language other than English and we are evaluating additional localized versions right now – more details to come.
Are there any plans for the game on SteamOS/Linux? We’re not talking about additional skus right now.
Will there be Romances in the game? A hallmark of a great RPGs is the meaningful companions you meet along the way and how they react the choices you make in your story. These companions become your “friends”, ones you remember long after playing the game - characters like Minsc and Jaheira from the Baldur’s Gate series or Alistair and Morrigan from Dragon Age: Origins. In SCL we’re creating companions that stand tall within that legacy. Will you be able to romance them? You’ll have to wait and see. J
Will Sword Coast Legends be separate canon from the novels? We’re working in tight coordination with Wizards of the Coast and have created an original story for SCL, one that is tightly woven into Forgotten Realms lore.
How do you coordinate with Wizards on lore/content? For two years we've worked very closely with the D&D team at Wizards of the Coast to ensure players get a true “D&D experience.” I would also mention that we’re all fans of tabletop D&D (and the Forgotten Realms) here. Many of the Sword Coast Legends team plays D&D several times a week and have done so for years. In fact, several of our story ideas have come from our personal campaigns!
Can you tell us more details about the Belaphoss Statue? Right now I can tell you that it looks awesome and will be shipped to your house closer to launch.
Will the camera be able to rotate, move and zoom in and out? Absolutely, and in single player you’ll be able to pause with the spacebar and issue tactics old school!
How will movement be handled in the game? You will move around the game with your mouse using point and click.
Will the single player campaign be playable coop? More details on that later!
Any idea exactly what the tome of knowledge is? Reading the Tome of Knowledge will give players additional points to spend on their character’s ability scores and class features (spells and abilities).
You’re a big part of SCL now so please keep your questions, comments and feedback coming!
Dan Tudge
Director, Sword Coast Legends