^ Roguey is refering to the generally huge HP and stat increase on 4E "solo" monsters.
Less successful is still successful.
When you have as strong as brand D&D, breaking even on the core product and having no spin-offs whatsoever is not succesful. I know you are bullheaded, but claiming 4th ed was successful is absurd. It's easily the most catastrophic error Wizards have commited.
Less successful is still successful.
When you have as strong as brand D&D, breaking even on the core product and having no spin-offs whatsoever is not succesful. I know you are bullheaded, but claiming 4th ed was successful is absurd. It's easily the most catastrophic error Wizards have commited.
Less successful is still successful.
When you have as strong as brand D&D, breaking even on the core product and having no spin-offs whatsoever is not succesful. I know you are bullheaded, but claiming 4th ed was successful is absurd. It's easily the most catastrophic error Wizards have commited.
4e was outselling Pathfinder until Mid-2011 if ICv2 is to be trusted. And even after Wizard's had essentially dropped all support and ceased publishing new books for 4e it still managed to stay in the top 5.
From Dragon Age: Origins to Divinity: Original Sin, the d20-based RPG has been a mainstay in gaming whose flame will hopefully never extinguish. Sword Coast Legends, the upcoming RPG from n-Space and Digital Extremes with a partnership with Wizards of the Coast, plans to continue the tradition of the genre and modernize it by adding a Dungeon Master mode, a mode where one player can guide and challenge a team of players in real-time. It reminds me of a time when I would take out my aggression on poor fools by spawning ogres and cutting their character's feet off for rolling critical failures. Such fun!
In the thirty-minute hands-off demo shown behind closed doors at GDC 2015, I observed a party of four characters comprised of three fixed characters and a created character of your choice (from six classes and five races) move through the city sewers beneath the city of Luskan, which fans of The Forgotten Realms will recognize. The group consisting of a fighter, rogue, cleric, and wizard delved through the dungeon, picking up potions at a nearby alchemy table and scouring for loot like a +2 Longsword from a corpse, all while being controlled in third-person by a single player.
Pursuing an Ashen Priest, a necromancer responsible for destroying The Order of the Burning Dawn, the party had to first deal with the Dead Rats gang. Fighting off scouts and thugs in the sewers isn't too difficult, so long as each of your party members remains true to their role. The fighter tanks and controls threat, the cleric provides defense and minor healing, the wizard can blast groups with fireballs and lightning, and the rogue can deal quick damage and unlock chests and hidden doors. Based on the fifth edition ruleset for Dungeons & Dragons, combat doesn't seem as brutal as Original Sin but also not as automatic as a pure action game, relying on player tactics and positioning. At any time, players can pause or un-pause combat for a more careful approach and use up to ten abilities on a hotkey bar.
Dialogue choices will play a major role in how other NPCs react to your party. At one point in the demo, your party meets an informant in a tavern and which dialogue choices you pick for the Irish-voiced character, Tam Olefsson, can affect his overall attitude. That said, the informant seems to be a part of a major questline so we'll see if it really matters in the long run. Where you can influence the story more is in choosing whether to save a character, like Sir Banagar, a knight who is sent to capture your party earlier in the game. If you do, he will appear later in the story and can be recruited as an AI-controlled ally against the hordes of undead and one giant zombie ogre. Outside from that, you'll hear plenty of well-placed banter between your party members in the downtime while traversing between battles.
In Dungeon Master mode, one chosen player directs an experience much like the role of the same name in a formal pen-and-paper Dungeons & Dragons setting. Before play, the dungeon master can choose the relative dungeon size, theme, tile set, overall complexity, and general encounters, and then view the randomly generated dungeon as the other players run through in real-time. The Dungeon Master can use certain amounts of Threat to increase the difficulty of dungeons, adding ambushes, traps, and locks. Of course, the DM can also make battles easier by removing enemies too, though the best DMs don't try to wipe the party greedily or make the game too breezy. DMs will be rated by the community, so we'll see what kind of DMs people prefer.
From Dragon Age: Origins to Divinity: Original Sin, the d20-based RPG has been a mainstay in gaming whose flame will hopefully never extinguish.
But neither was a D&D game so why even mention d20? And how can the DM mode "modernize" the genre if we had it in NWN and NWN2?Both of those were RPG Codex GOTY's.![]()
Presumably it's because SCL's systems will have about as much in common with D&D's as those games did.But neither was a D&D game so why even mention d20?
But neither was a D&D game so why even mention d20? And how can the DM mode "modernize" the genre if we had it in NWN and NWN2?Both of those were RPG Codex GOTY's.![]()
Presumably it's because SCL's systems will have about as much in common with D&D's as those games did.But neither was a D&D game so why even mention d20?
When you have as strong as brand D&D, breaking even on the core product and having no spin-offs whatsoever is not succesful. I know you are bullheaded, but claiming 4th ed was successful is absurd. It's easily the most catastrophic error Wizards have commited.
Less successful is still successful.
When you have as strong as brand D&D, breaking even on the core product and having no spin-offs whatsoever is not succesful. I know you are bullheaded, but claiming 4th ed was successful is absurd. It's easily the most catastrophic error Wizards have commited.
I know of many games which do not allow pale females. Which is a hit or miss.. sadly white females are being clumped into the tan/ sun kissed skin tones..I often quit games due to not liking my character at all..Story can be great and all, but if I am not visually happy *shrugs* just a me thing![]()
Often is there is a pale white skintone.. it's tied to the B****y eye brows with hard arch.. or heavily caked on gothic make up. I understand the typical gamer is a male who finds the angry B a turn on..and a large percentage of female gamers also find the appeal of a tough B find that empowering and an outlet... I guess I am expressing a different interest for gamers who like playing the innocent idealist . Kind hearted healer types.
I guess my big fear is the faces will a have that top b brow arch, I hope Harlot is right and there will be a range of skin tones. The milky white being one of them ♥
You seem so angry. Chill, bro.That sure was a lot of words to basically say: yeah you're right it's D&D in name only.
I don't give a shit whether you like or dislike D&D. What you seem to have been missing from the outset is that I've solely discussed whether the game will be related to/be a faithful adaption of D&D. What you think about D&D or creatures with 50 million HP is completely irrelevant to that point.
When your reply to a post saying "this probably has shit to do with D&D" is "well I hate D&D anyway lol" I am tempted to write QED and let it rest.
It's like what I was saying all along. You flip-flopping at a stage where the game looks more and more like it's going to be shit. It boggles the mind.If this game turns out to be decent, which is still a possibility, I predict a lot of Codexers will shun it simply because of the faux-D&D trappings and claims of hardcore-ness.
Shannow said:Just don't love it like you seem to do
Shannow said:wouldn't discount a game on the mere fact that it didn't implement rules faithfully.
And I now add this addendum.GM MODE IN A NUTSHELL
Players: Moar orcs pl0x!
GM: Okay.
Players: Oh noes! We dying! Hep! Hep!
GM: Summon Drizzt.
Hey! WAR was actually pretty good and had way nicer community than most other MMOs. (Though I hardly did any PvE there so my experience is limited to RvR.)Also it bugs me forver why nobody made good and modern crpg based on Games Workshop Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay [im not counting mmo crap]