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Decline Tacticular Cancer is down.


Jan 6, 2012
What happened? I know it wasn't receiving updates in years (which is another question I'm curious about) but now the whole site is down.

Burning Bridges

Enviado de meu SM-G3502T usando Tapatalk
Apr 21, 2006
Tampon Bay
I think the problem is mainly that Trash couldn't find native English speakers to write decent content.

Tacticular Cancer was at one point invited to gaming conventions in the USA with free accomodation. So Trash asked for help and some jerk volunteered, handed in a word document that was pure garbage and spelling mistakes. So he had to write the article himself causing 10 times the work. We persuaded many others to write something and usually they just took the free game keys and procrastinated.

A few others wrote 1 good article and then did procrastinate.

I got fed up with my attempts to write content in good English and for Trash to pass me my keys. Never dreamed though that it would end on a T-Online page :lol:

Also tcancer was a giant security black hole, I could tell you stories .. :lol:
Repressed Homosexual
Mar 29, 2010
Ottawa, Can.
Why take time to write a painstaking review about a strategy game with complex mechanics nowadays, when you can scream like a retard on YouTube and put a click bait title to get literally a million times as many hits?

a cut of domestic sheep prime

We're still basically using Rex's design after over a decade and a half. No https, not responsive.

Who cares about content writers? You're writing on a platform that's destined to be ignored by search engines soon.


May 16, 2008
Codex 2012 Torment: Tides of Numenera Codex USB, 2014


Mar 10, 2011
What happened? I know it wasn't receiving updates in years (which is another question I'm curious about) but now the whole site is down.

Whisky held it as a news aggregate in addition to content spot, but when he was gone no one was willing to continue the news part (can't blame them). After that, the already sparse content became more obviously sparse until it dwindled to nothing. It's long been since moved to the RPG news area. For example, the Gollop interview, multiple 'strategy' game reviews go there now, etc.


Nov 20, 2012
My guess is the Codex's end will be different... swift and traumatic, drowned under a fetid tide of Safav Hamon polls rather than left to wither away from neglect.

a cut of domestic sheep prime

My guess is that DU will give/sell Infinitron the site, then someone will make an FPS sequel to Baldur's Gate and Infi will try to capitalize on it, but it will all blow up in his face when dozens of games journalists are told of the site's history and expose it as a former neo nazi hotbed.

Infi will have, of course, have already long since purged all wrongthink by this point, but the internet never forgets and in the end he will ragequit and SHUT IT DOWN forever.


chasing a bee
Jun 30, 2005
baby arm fantasy island
Makes one wonder if that slow death could happen to the Codex one day.
Easily. At one point in the murky past, DU and me were the only Codex staff members not dead. Sort of swirling around the outer edge of the toilet bowl, simultaneously dreading and looking forward to the flush. Gradually we convinced some foreigners, perverts, and other assorted creeps to do our work for us. The Circle of Life thus continued while the Decline found new ways to blossom.

I would totally be down to read a fanfic novel covering the History of the Codex. Preferably a mix of epic myths, scandalous lies, and just enough truth to keep the sense of pathetic hopelessness intact.

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