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Tamriel Rebuilt keeps chugging along


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
FPS Optimizer has been obsolete for years.

It works fine and does what i need it to do (increases the FOV and allows me to use a custom resolution), which is all that matters. It isn't like Bethesda is updating Morrowind as a live service or whatever and user made patches need to keep up with the updates :-P.
It has been incorporated into MGE XE and I say it for your own good. The less external utilities you use, the more stable your install is. Take it from someone who modded religiously and unhealthily for years.


Oct 23, 2017
Using retail Morrowind in TYOOL 2020 is really dumb unless you care about muh gfx. Use OpenMW, install the landmass mods like Province Cyrodiil, Skyrim Home of the Nords and TR with the unofficial patches and you'll have a blast. This isn't Skyrim, you don't need to install a hundred mods to turn it into slightly less irredeemable trash.

OpenMW is far more stable, runs better and is nearly functionally identical to retail and the only reason people don't universally recommend it is because MGXE and some of the script extender functionality hasn't been ported over yet.
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Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Using retail Morrowind in TYOOL 2020 is really dumb unless you care about muh gfx. Use OpenMW, install the landmass mods like Province Cyrodiil, Skyrim Home of the Nords and TR with the unofficial patches and you'll have a blast. This isn't Skyrim, you don't need to install a hundred mods to turn it into slightly less irredeemable trash.

OpenMW is far more stable, runs better and is nearly functionally identical to retail and the only reason people don't universally recommend it is because MGXE and some of the script extender functionality hasn't been ported over yet.
he doesn't like openmw because he'd rather install 300 various unstable hacks


Oct 19, 2018
some of the script extender functionality hasn't been ported over yet.

lua is a pretty big deal in terms of how much it can achieve with no performance impact due to how lightweight everything is. so far the only comparable addition to OpenMW is that guy who made the climbing mod.


Apr 9, 2013
Is it possible to play Morrowind Rebuilt and finish everything the main game has? I would like a modpack or something since I don't have a lot of time and the will to spend a day or 2 modding, this one seems to be changing a lot of things so figured this could work as a modpack-like if I can play the base content and not worry about the extra content.

Or is Rebirth better for that?


Is it possible to play Morrowind Rebuilt and finish everything the main game has? I would like a modpack or something since I don't have a lot of time and the will to spend a day or 2 modding, this one seems to be changing a lot of things so figured this could work as a modpack-like if I can play the base content and not worry about the extra content.

Or is Rebirth better for that?

Its very easy to install rebirth

Farewell young Prince into the night

Is it possible to play Morrowind Rebuilt and finish everything the main game has? I would like a modpack or something since I don't have a lot of time and the will to spend a day or 2 modding, this one seems to be changing a lot of things so figured this could work as a modpack-like if I can play the base content and not worry about the extra content.

Or is Rebirth better for that?

I'm not entirely sure if I understand your question, but yes you can complete all the vanilla quests/content on Vvardenfell (the island) even with Tamriel Rebuilt (mainland) installed.

However, if you're only going to stay on the island, there is no reason to install Tamriel Rebuilt. As far as I'm aware, Tamriel Rebuilt touches vanilla content in a VERY minimal way (aka, there might be a few additional boat paths from the island to the mainland).

You can use Morrowind Rebirth provided you want a major overhaul of the original content, namely landscape/building-layout/item-rebalancing. Personally I feel like a lot of the Rebirth changes are unnecessary and alter the original spirit of the game, but it's still the best "one-stop" overhaul for the base game if vanilla Morrowind is stale/boring to you.


Apr 9, 2013
Sorry, I wanted a mod that overhauls all the graphics stuff, textures and models and npc faces and maybe add some QoL stuff without spending a lot of time on it. Since it said rebuilt I thought it will try and change most things or something.

Thank you very much.


Oct 19, 2018
Sorry, I wanted a mod that overhauls all the graphics stuff, textures and models and npc faces and maybe add some QoL stuff without spending a lot of time on it. Since it said rebuilt I thought it will try and change most things or something.

Thank you very much.

it's amazing what you can learn if you bother to do things like read mod descriptions or use google


Nov 8, 2012
Sorry, I wanted a mod that overhauls all the graphics stuff, textures and models and npc faces and maybe add some QoL stuff without spending a lot of time on it. Since it said rebuilt I thought it will try and change most things or something.

Thank you very much.
Go to the Nexus and seek for Morrowind graphics overhauls, some of those overhauls are retarded with tons of mismatched textures and bimbos walking around but some just take the original textures and scale them better for higher resolutions.


Oct 23, 2017
Rebirth is fucking garbage but I'm always fond of people ruining their playthroughs with overhaul mods recommended by redditors.


Oct 19, 2018

The music is great. The Port Telvannis theme fits very well with it being such a magical city and has a bit of a whimsical feel to it. The Necrom theme is probably the best piece of music there, and really sets the tone if it triggers as you first approach the city. You immediately appreciate the religious importance of the city and feel uneasy in its wide, open but unpopulated streets. Vanilla Morrowind probably would have benefited from having a zone/location-triggered soundtrack, although the looping soundtrack has its own appeal and lets you hear everything the game has to offer even if you're mainly hanging around a single region.

As for the second video, just no. No. This feels like a mod and a bad one at that. The vast majority of TR content fits into the vanilla game and at times arguably feels like an upgrade, with the enhanced sense of scale and upgrades to scripting in the Construction Set courtesy of Tribunal, allowing for more complex quests. This just looks like hokey crap and the voice acting reminds me of the amateurish dogshit found in community mods like Project AHO, where the voice actor in question is trying too hard to sound like a wacky Telvanni mage. The vanilla game has very little voice acting and not once in my years of playing it has that ever bothered me. I don't know if this is being done to appeal to new players (Skyrim fans/redditors), to satisfy someone's ego or to mold the game into something it was never meant to be, but it seems incredible silly to me. That's without even getting into the content of the video itself, which comes off more as a parody of what people think Telvanni mages are supposed to be like rather than anything which fits in with the base game. Yes, Mistress Therana is basically senile and absurdly eccentric. No, this does not extend to any of the other Telvanni Masters or indeed any other Telvanni found in the game. Their eccentricity is basically limited to wanting to be left alone with their research or to engage in petty squabbles, not setting up silly dungeons where they try to fool people into thinking that they're a magical crystal.

What is this, the fucking Wizard of Oz?


Wow man that second video wtf are they thinking? Shit is awful.


Jul 10, 2014
The saddest thing about it are the Jewtube comments:

Chris Hawk
3 weeks ago
This is an astonishing concept, I love it. You'll probably never run out of fantastic storylines! PS. BEST VOICE ACTOR EVER

Magnus Gamba 3 days ago
Man, looking forward to this! The voice acting sounds seemless compared to vanilla mw - very professional work.

MAJ-12 MEDIA 3 weeks ago
Fantastic design, I'm glad to be apart of it!

rigby frost 3 weeks ago
This looks like so much fun I can’t wait to play :)



Aug 4, 2007
How can anyone stand that loud music in the background all the time?
And as far as VO'ing is concerned that was not too bad for an amateur and better than some professional, older games.
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Bad Sector

Mar 25, 2012
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Yeah and it isn't like Morrowind has great voice acting in the first place. Outside of a couple of notable voices (e.g. the dunmer voices) even for its time its voice acting is average at best.


Aug 4, 2007
I liked the female Khajiit voice.
And I also liked that MW had just the right amount of VO'ing; only greetings and combat taunts. As such the mod overdoes it.


Jul 30, 2007
Flowery Land
And I also liked that MW had just the right amount of VO'ing; only greetings and combat taunts. As such the mod overdoes it.

Tribunal and Bloodmoon (moreso the second) added a few NPCs that play their first line as voice, though that's done by overwriting greetings for them. Dagoth Ur and Vivec also have some dialog when you are in their area, though Vivec's are unused for some reason (Bethesda coding?).

Morrowind's engine doesn't really support a character telling you to approach through any other way than voice acting (whereas in any isometric game this can be done as a big dialog sequence), so its needed for the scene. If the scene is needed or not is another question.


Jan 12, 2019

A new monthly update giving us the status of the mod.


Tamriel Rebuilt is an ambitious, 20-year-old modding project for TES III: Morrowind that adds the mainland of the province to the game. We develop the mod as a series of fully realized expansions complete with thousands of interiors and NPCs and hundreds of quests. Currently, about 40% of the province’s mainland has been released to players and our next updates will bring that closer to 50%.

In September, we filled you in on how the assets and art department has been doing since July; this time, we’ll do the same with mod implementation – i.e., our exterior worldspaces, interior locations, NPCs and quests.

Once again, huge progress was made in these past months, especially on our upcoming Dominions of Dust and Embers of Empire expansions! In brief:

  • After a major crunch-time effort by many of our quest developers, nearly all of the innumerable questlines for both the Dominions of Dust and Embers of Empire expansions were completed! Mind you, many of these still need to be thoroughly playtested and reviewed, which may take a few months yet, but that progress is ongoing.
  • The exterior worldspace for our Hlan Oek expansion – the next one right after Dominions and Embers – is now nearly finalized, as are all required interiors for the newly revamped town of Hlan Oek. This meant that dialogue and NPC addition for this area could begin and is, indeed, already making good progress.
  • The first new exteriors for the revamped Sundered Scar region, planned to be an Embers-like expansion just to the east of Old Ebonheart, have started development and are looking mighty fine.
  • All critical exteriors for the Narsis expansion are now finished, including the grand metropolis of Narsis itself, Morrowind’s second biggest city. Dozens upon dozens of its new interiors have recently been completed, too, with many more coming in the next months.
  • Exteriors progress in our Kragenmoor/Othreleth Woods expansion, the last remaining bit of southwestern Morrowind, is picking up as our exterior developers figure out the final look for this dense mushroom woodland.
For a (much) more detailed breakdown, read on! This time, let’s walk through the various expansions on our roadmap one by one. When visiting the below links to our claims browser, beware of spoilers and keep in mind that the text and images on the linked pages often do not represent the current or finalized state of the respective claims.


May 5, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
So these modders are making about the same progress on this mod as Bethesda are on their latest TES game then?.

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