His video on Bioware / EA felt really well put together..
I hadn't seen any other videos besides that.. Fast forward today just watched his video on "diversity"
I love his "If we haven't become diverse on our own by now.. we never will - time to give it a little push" theory.
Di-Did.. Did you just imply it's up to white people to fix the mess? Way to botch your virtue signal retard.
"Now, I'm just a mean ol white man with a heart-o-coal an an and mah white privileges.. I don't care nuttin bout this diversity stuff, I want things to be diverse for the free market of ideas.... BUT CHANGE WITCHER 3 TO HAVE LESS TITS AND WHITE PEOPLE!! GRR"
This whole video is a mess.
It seems like the more feminist you get.. the more strawmans you need to erect and the more retarded you become.
Stick to the EA shareholder reports holy fuck.
Love how his comment section blew up on him.. and I guess this is his second diversity video..?
INB4 - TUN: Cuckoldry & Me
I hadn't seen any other videos besides that.. Fast forward today just watched his video on "diversity"
I love his "If we haven't become diverse on our own by now.. we never will - time to give it a little push" theory.
Di-Did.. Did you just imply it's up to white people to fix the mess? Way to botch your virtue signal retard.
"Now, I'm just a mean ol white man with a heart-o-coal an an and mah white privileges.. I don't care nuttin bout this diversity stuff, I want things to be diverse for the free market of ideas.... BUT CHANGE WITCHER 3 TO HAVE LESS TITS AND WHITE PEOPLE!! GRR"
This whole video is a mess.
It seems like the more feminist you get.. the more strawmans you need to erect and the more retarded you become.
Stick to the EA shareholder reports holy fuck.
Love how his comment section blew up on him.. and I guess this is his second diversity video..?
INB4 - TUN: Cuckoldry & Me