Shit, didn't know commandos was made on the motherland. Good memories.
Shit, didn't know commandos was made on the motherland. Good memories.
You should be a bit more careful with the word retard if didnt even get the point of his video. First of all, he was never talking about racial, but cultural diversity, so most of your complains are void. If you look at Gothic or Witcher or Dark Souls and can honestly say that they do not differ fundamentally from typical western rpgs from USA, then i dont know what to say.
But lets look at his other points, and how people here interpreted them:
First of all, he didnt claim that all white people automatically make white peoples games. He said that the industry has a tendency of self reference, and he even used the very same argumentation as you (industry forms habits of selfrepeating because they want a save return of their investment) And his fucking main point was not about racial/cultural/sexual diversity IN the games, as he clearly stated in 1:56. He was talking about people from different cultural backgrounds having a different mindset, simply leading to a different artistic vision in their projects (which is true). He never said that race/culture/gender is the SOLE reason for diversity in games, but it most certainly is one factor of it. Also, he never said he wants to forcibly change the outcome by implenting meaningless diversity in games, he says that the skin colour of the main protagonist is simply part of the self repeating circle, and was pretty ironically stating that he simply grew bored of it. He simply says we should, at some points, break through the circle, as it wont happen in itself, and NOT EXCLUDING other cultural influences would be one way to go.
Good that you mentioned the japanese videogame market, and i agree with you that it is even more incestoid than the western video game market, mainly because of the very same reason he and you stated. Like you, i either disagree with him or he just expressed himself poorly in this regard. He stated that "japanese game creators always had a unique sensibility to game development", which is simply not true in that general sense. But i think what he meant to say is that those games are unique to the western audience in the sense that if you played western rpgs all your life, and you switch to jrpgs, you can clearly sense fundamental differences in game designs right away. You are exposed to diversity, and therefor experience (subjective) uniqueness. Also, the example he picked out to get his point across was Bloodborne, a game that mixes both japanese videogame culture and THEIR external perception on the western one. And even with the jrpg genre being one big circlejerk, you cannot deny that if you play both western rpgs, and jrpgs, your overall gaming experience will be more diverse than if you just play one of those.
All i can say is that some of you guys need to keep calm in those kinda discussions. You hear some SJW triggerwords and all the sudden you start salivating like some fucking pavlovs dog, barking on and on, eager to scare the big bad SJW off. It doesnt lead to a fruitful discussion, it doesnt make you look smart or superior or anything. All it does is displaying your insecurities.
"Gaming is not inclusive enough" (his entire thesis)
"You see, I'm a straight cis white male with a lump of coal where my heart should be and as such I care nothing for anyone's representation or comfort level."
"Even I, soulless husk and avatar of white privilege that I am."
"Now at this point, given the subject matter you may expect me to discuss how I wish that it had some people of color in it. Or how I wish they had taken it easy on the cleavage and hooker corpses. Well I do, and I do." (regarding Witcher III, not realizing that these are some of the things that make it stand out as great and unique instead of blank porridge designed by focus group and a "diverse team", which would not make it seem "Polish" anymore)
"One of the two main points I want to make in this video: Diversity is an Asset, this is the argument that I only rarely see made." (lol) "Most appeals for more inclusivity in gaming tend to be built on the concept of fairness, that we should stop excluding marginalized groups because doing so is unfair to them."
"When I look at all the people that have, one way or another, been elbowed out of gaming" (how does that happen, is someone waiting at the Checkout informing them that they may not buy these games?) "I see something like an undiscovered countries worth of talent right here within our own borders. A country full of people that would make and play games, and would make and play games in greater numbers" (lol) "if we didn't keep throwing obstacles in their path."
"I always wonder, over the years how many FromSofts worth of talent have we driven off by us constantly asking them to see their tits. How many CDProjekts worth of creativity have we driven off by behaviour that's racist or homophobic or generally abusive."
"There's no shortage of games about stubbly, growly voices straight white guys shooting and stabbing things." (like the ones you just brought up?)
"New character types, new perspectives, new ideas, and the best thing to get them is to bring in new people." (again, you argued and brought up prime examples against that the entire video)
"Which brings me to the second main point I wanted to make, that diversity must be cultivated. If this was the sort of thing that happened on it's own, it would have happened by now. The fact that it hasn't is on us."
"So many of the things that frustrate me in this business, can be linked to its disproportionate whiteness and maleness"
"If the work-force is the same, then the aggregate product will be the same. And if the product is the same, the market strategy will be the same, so the target audience will be the same, so the community will be the same, so the hiring habits will be the same, so the workforce will be the same. And with each iteration, the pattern gets more deeply ingrained. We shouldn't let this closed loop of sameness suffocate the potential of the medium. The way to break it is to listen and change, and the more of us, the better."
he humbly states that this is his interpretation and that it's only how he views itLove how he is using "death of the author" crap in order to preemptively dismiss any claim how his ideas and interpretation might not be compatible with Martin's intention, but then tries to present show's interpretation as objectively wrong and unfaithful to the "spirit" of the books.
He cannot into his own postmodernist academia BS.
I mean, the show isn't bad because its cynical, but because the dialogue and cinematography have gone to shit. He doesn't seem to notice the difference between Arya threatening someone with her sword, and the sand snakes: i.e. a normal scene with some tension, and total xena material.
Danny still looks like a little girl after 6 years on the show, I don't know how is it even possible.
I mean, the show isn't bad because its cynical, but because the dialogue and cinematography have gone to shit. He doesn't seem to notice the difference between Arya threatening someone with her sword, and the sand snakes: i.e. a normal scene with some tension, and total xena material.
No, but I think he has a point in that the cynicism is of the edgy grimdark variety. Especially in the past two seasons, you have a lot of pointless filler scenes of Ramsay torturing various characters, and a lot of deaths that are in there purely for shock value. He does bring up a good point in that you definitely have a "Cult of the Badass" surrounding characters like Daenarys who have lots of really fucking annoying scenes in there to show how incredibly cool they are.
As I've said in the main thread, I think the biggest issue with them is just the general lack of talent in the writing department in characterizing them. There's very much an air of 'Tell, don't show' around them in terms of their badassery. We're told that they are some of the best warriors in Dorne and beloved by the people, and yet they move like pregnant cows in their one fight scene (to the point where Jaime, who's a sub-par fighter without his sword arm at best, is able to keep up with them without too much effort), and they behave like violent, sadistic sociopaths (They decide to reward the smuggler who told them that Jaime and Bronn was in the country...by torturing and murdering him).I mean, the show isn't bad because its cynical, but because the dialogue and cinematography have gone to shit. He doesn't seem to notice the difference between Arya threatening someone with her sword, and the sand snakes: i.e. a normal scene with some tension, and total xena material.
No, but I think he has a point in that the cynicism is of the edgy grimdark variety. Especially in the past two seasons, you have a lot of pointless filler scenes of Ramsay torturing various characters, and a lot of deaths that are in there purely for shock value. He does bring up a good point in that you definitely have a "Cult of the Badass" surrounding characters like Daenarys who have lots of really fucking annoying scenes in there to show how incredibly cool they are.
I also think he's sort of off with his point in a general way. The problem isn't simply that there's a cult of the badass, it's that the badassery is horribly shlocky, patronising, silly, and ultimatively girly. Bron in season one and two was an utter badass, but he had actual realism about him. It's not the badass per se, but the fake badass that's the problem.
This is not my cup of tea. Never has been really. I used to like that guy who does a cartoon version of himself speaking from a platform/plectrum/thingy, ohhhh, what was he called, speeds up his voice so it's a bit high pitched, agh whatever.
J1MThis is not my cup of tea. Never has been really. I used to like that guy who does a cartoon version of himself speaking from a platform/plectrum/thingy, ohhhh, what was he called, speeds up his voice so it's a bit high pitched, agh whatever.
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