Anyone studying literature would get ticks from the mish-mash he creates by confusing setting and story. The two are discussed as very different things because the technical terms used to identify what makes each work are very, very different.
In this case, in a video game, the confusing of the terms makes it difficult for us to discuss the subject because a) if we're discussing story, then we can challenge his points because of C&C, branching and faction-mechanics but b) if we're discussing setting, suddenly it's all about consistency and how the setting is implemented via gameplay in for example having to get non-irratiated water to drink or scavenge to survive and make a life for yourself. If we're talking F3 vs. New Vegas, that is.
I guess in the end even if you accepted his false point that story and setting can be forged together like that, gameplay would still be the main tool for shandifying a game.
In this case, in a video game, the confusing of the terms makes it difficult for us to discuss the subject because a) if we're discussing story, then we can challenge his points because of C&C, branching and faction-mechanics but b) if we're discussing setting, suddenly it's all about consistency and how the setting is implemented via gameplay in for example having to get non-irratiated water to drink or scavenge to survive and make a life for yourself. If we're talking F3 vs. New Vegas, that is.
I guess in the end even if you accepted his false point that story and setting can be forged together like that, gameplay would still be the main tool for shandifying a game.